Kimmo Tuominen
Top-seesaw assisted technicolor model and a $m=126$ GeV scalar
We consider a model of strong dynamics able to account for the origin of the electroweak symmetry breaking and heavy quark masses. The model is based on a technicolor sector, augmented with topcolor and top-seesaw mechanism to assist in the generation of heavy quark masses. The low energy effective theory is a particular three Higgs doublet model. The additional feature is the possibility of the existence of composite higher spin states beyond the scalars, which are shown to be essential in this model to provide extra contributions in the higgs decays into two photons. We provide a detailed strategy and analysis how this type of models are to be constrained with the present data.
Top-seesaw assisted technicolor model with 126 GeV Higgs boson
We discuss a model which involves the top quark condensation and the walking technicolor. We focus on the scalar boson in such a model from the viewpoint of the observed scalar boson at the LHC.
Finite temperature phase diagrams of gauge theories
We discuss finite temperature phase diagrams of SU(N) gauge theory with massless fermions as a function of the number of fermion flavors. Inside the conformal window we find a phase boundary separating two different conformal phases. Below the conformal window we find different phase structures depending on if the beta function of the theory has a first or higher order zero at the lower boundary of the conformal window. We also outline how the associated behaviors will help in distinguishing different types of theories using lattice simulations.
Transverse energy from minijets in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions: a next-to-leading order analysis
We compute in next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD the amount of transverse energy produced into a rapidity region $\Delta Y$ of a nuclear collision from partons created in the few-GeV subcollisions. The NLO formulation assumes collinear factorization and is based on the subtraction method. We first study the results as a function of the minimum transverse momentum scale and define and determine the associated $K$-factors. The dependence of the NLO results on the scale choice and on the size of $\Delta Y$ is also studied. The calculations are performed for GRV94 and CTEQ5 sets of parton distributions. Also the effect of nuclear shadowing to the NLO results is investigated. The main …
Resizing the Conformal Window: A beta function Ansatz
We propose an ansatz for the nonperturbative beta function of a generic non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with or without fermions in an arbitrary representation of the gauge group. While our construction is similar to the recently proposed Ryttov-Sannino all order beta function, the essential difference is that it allows for the existence of an unstable ultraviolet fixed point in addition to the predicted Bank-Zaks -like infrared stable fixed point. Our beta function preserves all of the tested features with respect to the non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. We predict the conformal window identifying the lower end of it as a merger of the infrared and ultraviolet fixed points.
Pinning down QCD-matter shear viscosity in A + A collisions via EbyE fluctuations using pQCD + saturation + hydrodynamics
We compute the initial energy densities produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions from NLO perturbative QCD using a saturation conjecture to control soft particle production, and describe the subsequent space-time evolution of the system with hydrodynamics, event by event. The resulting centrality dependence of the low-$p_T$ observables from this pQCD + saturation + hydro ("EKRT") framework are then compared simultaneously to the LHC and RHIC measurements. With such an analysis we can test the initial state calculation, and constrain the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity-to-entropy ratio $\eta/s$ of QCD matter. Using these constraints from the current RHIC and LHC measu…
Weakly interacting dark matter from the minimal walking technicolor
We study a superweakly interacting dark matter particle motivated by minimal walking technicolor theories. Our WIMP is a mixture of a sterile state and a state with the charges of a standard model fourth family neutrino. We show that the model can give the right amount of dark matter over a range of the WIMP mass and mixing angle. We compute bounds on the model parameters from the current accelerator data including the oblique corrections to the precision electroweak parameters, as well as from cryogenic experiments, Super-Kamiokande and from the IceCube experiment. We show that consistent dark matter solutions exist which satisfy all current constraints. However, almost the entire paramete…
Spectrum of SU(2) gauge theory with two fermions in the adjoint representation
We present preliminary results of lattice simulations of SU(2) gauge theory with two Wilson fermions in the adjoint representation. This theory has recently attracted considerable attention because it might possess an infrared fixed point (or an almost-fixed-point), and hence be a candidate for a walking technicolor theory. In this work we study the particle spectrum of the theory, and compare it with more familiar spectrum of the theory with SU(2) gauge fields and two flavors of fundamental representation fermions.
125 GeV Higgs from a chiral techniquark model
We consider the spin-zero spectrum of a strongly coupled gauge theory. In particular, we focus on the dynamical mass of the isosinglet scalar resonance in the presence of a four-fermion interaction external to the gauge dynamics. This is motivated by the extended technicolor framework for dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Applying the large-$N$ limit, we sum all the leading-order contributions, and find that the corrections to the mass of the isosinglet scalar resonance can be large, potentially reducing its value from ${\cal O}(1)$ TeV to the observed value of 125 GeV.
Mass spectrum and thermodynamics of quasi-conformal gauge theories from gauge/gravity duality
We use gauge/gravity duality to study simultaneously the mass spectrum and the thermodynamics of a generic quasi-conformal gauge theory, specified by its beta function. The beta function of a quasi-conformal theory almost vanishes, and the coupling is almost constant between two widely separated energy scales. Depending on whether the gravity dual has a black hole or not, the mass spectrum is either a spectrum of quasinormal oscillations or a normal T=0 mass spectrum. The mass spectrum is quantitatively correlated with the thermal properties of the system. As the theory approaches conformality, the masses have to vanish. We show that in this limit, the masses calculated via gauge/gravity du…
Self-interacting dark matter and cosmology of a light scalar mediator
We consider a fermionic dark matter candidate interacting via a scalar mediator coupled with the Standard Model through a Higgs portal. We consider general setting including both scalar and pseudoscalar interactions between the scalar and fermion, and illustrate the relevant features for dark matter abundance, direct search limits and collider constraints. The case where dark matter has a self-interaction strength $\left\langle \sigma_V \right\rangle/m_\psi \sim 0.1-1 \,\mathrm{cm}^2/\mathrm{g}$ is strongly constrained, in particular by the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We show that these constraints can be alleviated by introducing a new light sterile neutrino $N$. The allowed region for the e…
Latest predictions from the EbyE NLO EKRT model
We present the latest results from the NLO pQCD + saturation + viscous hydrodynamics (EbyE NLO EKRT) model. The parameters in the EKRT saturation model are fixed by the charged hadron multiplicity in the 0-5 \% 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions. The $\sqrt{s}$, $A$ and centrality dependence of the initial particle production follows then from the QCD dynamics of the model. This allows us to predict the $\sqrt{s}$ and $A$ dependence of the particle production. We show that our results are in an excellent agreement with the low-$p_T$ data from 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC as well as with the data from the 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. In particular, we study the centrality de…
Weakly interacting dark matter particle of a minimal technicolor theory
We consider the possibility that a massive fourth family neutrino, predicted by a recently proposed minimal technicolor theory, could be the source of the dark matter in the Universe. The model has two techniflavors in the adjoint representation of a SU(2) techicolor gauge group and its consistency requires the existence of a fourth family of leptons. By a suitable hypercharge assignment the techniquarks together with the new leptons look like a conventional fourth standard model family. We show that the new (Majorana) neutrino N can be the dark matter particle if m{sub N}{approx}100-500 GeV and the expansion rate of the Universe at early times is dominated by an energy component scaling as…
Predictions for multiplicities and flow harmonics in 5.44 TeV Xe+Xe collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
We present the next-to-leading-order event-by-event EKRT model predictions for the centrality dependence of the charged hadron multiplicity in the pseudorapidity interval $|\eta|\le 0.5$, and for the centrality dependence of the charged hadron flow harmonics $v_n\{2\}$ obtained from 2-particle cumulants, in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44$ TeV Xe+Xe collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Our prediction for the 0-5 \% central charged multiplicity is $dN_{\rm ch}/d\eta =1218\pm 46$. We also predict $v_n\{2\}$ in Xe+Xe collisions to increase more slowly from central towards peripheral collisions than those in a Pb+Pb system. We find that at $10 \dots 50$\% centralities $v_2\{2\}$ is smaller and $v_…
Observational properties of feebly coupled dark matter
We show that decoupled hidden sectors can have observational consequences. As a representative model example, we study dark matter production in the Higgs portal model with one real singlet scalar $s$ coupled to the Standard Model Higgs via $\lambda_{\rm hs}\Phi^\dagger\Phi s^2$ and demonstrate how the combination of non-observation of cosmological isocurvature perturbations and astrophysical limits on dark matter self-interactions imply stringent bounds on the magnitude of the scalar self-coupling $\lambda_{\rm s}s^4$. For example, for dark matter mass $m_{\rm s}=10$ MeV and Hubble scale during cosmic inflation $H_*=10^{12}$ GeV, we find $10^{-4}\lesssim \lambda_{\rm s}\lesssim 0.2$.
Effective models of two-flavor QCD: from small towards large $m_q$
We study effective models of chiral fields and Polyakov loop expected to describe the dynamics responsible for the phase structure of two-flavor QCD. We consider the chiral sector described either using a linear sigma model or a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and study how these models, on the mean-field level when coupled with the Polyakov loop, behave as a function of increasing bare quark (or pion) mass. We find qualitatively similar behaviors for the cases of the linear sigma model and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and, by comparing with existing lattice data, show that one cannot conclusively decide which of the two approximate symmetries drives the phase transitions at the physical point.
Effective models of two-flavor QCD: finite $\mu$ and $m_q$-dependence
We study effective models of chiral fields and Polyakov loop expected to describe the dynamics responsible for the phase structure of two-flavor QCD at finite temperature and density. We consider chiral sector described either using linear sigma model or Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and study the phase diagram and determine the location of the critical point as a function of the explicit chiral symmetry breaking (i.e. the bare quark mass $m_q$). We also discuss the possible emergence of the quarkyonic phase in this model.
Topcolor-like dynamics and new matter generations
We explore a scenarios where topcolor-like dynamics operates in the presence of fourth generation matter fields. Using the Minimal Walking Technicolor as a concrete basis for model building, we construct explicit models and confront them with phenomenology. We show that if a new QCD generations exist, both the top-bottom mass splitting as well as the splitting between bottom quark mass and the masses of the fourth generation quarks can be naturally explained within topcolor-like dynamics. On the other hand, the much studied Minimal Walking Technicolor model where only a fourth generation of leptons arise, also leads to a viable model.
Discriminating between technicolor and warped extra dimensional model via pp $\to$ ZZ channel
We explore the possibility to discriminate between certain strongly-coupled technicolor (TC) models and warped extra-dimensional models where the Standard Model fields are propagating in the extra dimension. We consider a generic QCD-like TC model with running coupling as well as two TC models with walking dynamics. We argue that due to the different production mechanisms for the lowest-lying composite tensor state in these TC theories compared to the first Kaluza-Klein graviton mode of warped extra-dimensional case, it is possible to distinguish between these models based on the angular analysis of the reconstructed longitudinal Z bosons in the $pp \to ZZ \to $ four charged leptons channel.
Strong phase transition, dark matter and vacuum stability from simple hidden sectors
Motivated by the possibility to explain dark matter abundance and strong electroweak phase transition, we consider simple extensions of the Standard Model containing singlet fields coupled with the Standard Model via a scalar portal. Concretely, we consider a basic portal model consisting of a singlet scalar with $Z_2$ symmetry and a model containing a singlet fermion connected with the Standard Model fields via a singlet scalar portal. We perform a Monte Carlo analysis of the parameter space of each model, and we find that in both cases the dark matter abundance can be produced either via freeze-out or freeze-in mechanisms, but only in the latter model one can obtain also a strong electrow…
Elementary Goldstone Higgs boson and dark matter
We investigate a perturbative extension of the Standard Model featuring elementary pseudo-Goldstone Higgs and dark matter particles. These are two of the five Goldstone bosons parametrising the SU(4)/Sp(4) coset space. They acquire masses, and therefore become pseudo-Goldstone bosons, due to the embedding of the Yukawa and the electroweak gauge interactions that do not preserve the full SU(4) symmetry. At the one-loop order the top corrections dominate and align the vacuum in the direction where the Higgs is mostly a pseudo-Goldstone boson. Because of the perturbative and elementary nature of the theory, the quantum corrections are precisely calculable. The remaining pseudo-Goldstone boson …
Strong dynamics, minimal flavor and $R_b$
We discuss how models of electroweak symmetry breaking based on strong dynamics lead to observable contributions to the Z-boson decay width to bbbar pairs even in the absence of any extended sector responsible for dynamical generation of the masses of the Standard Model matter fields. These contributions are due to composite vector mesons mixing with the Standard Model electroweak gauge fields and lead to stringent constraints on models of this type. Constraints from unitarity of WW-scattering are also considered.
Effective Lagrangians for QCD: Deconfinement and Chiral Symmetry Restoration
Effective Lagrangians for Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) especially suited for understanding deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration at nonzero temperature and matter density are reviewed. These effective theories allow one to study generic properties of phase transitions using non-order parameter fields without loosing the information encoded in the true order parameter. {}For the pure gauge theory we demonstrate that, near the deconfining phase transition, the center group symmetry is naturally linked to the conformal anomaly. Another relevant outcome is that when the theory contains also quarks we can explain the intertwining of chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement for QCD w…
Light composite Higgs and precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance: An update
We update our analysis of technicolour theories with techniquarks in higher dimensional representations of the technicolour gauge group in the light of the new electroweak precision data on the Z resonance.
Rapidity dependence of particle production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
We compute the rapidity dependence of particle and transverse energy production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions at various beam energies and atomic numbers using the perturbative QCD + saturation model. The distribution is a broad gaussian near $y=0$ but the rapid increase of particle production with the beam energy will via energy conservation strongly constrain the rapidity distribution at large $y$.
Supersymmetric Extension of Technicolor & Fermion Mass Generation
We provide a complete extension of Minimal Walking Technicolor able to account for the standard model fermion masses. The model is supersymmetric at energies greater or equal to the technicolor compositeness scale. We integrate out, at the supersymmetry breaking scale, the elementary Higgses. We use the resulting four-fermion operators to derive the low energy effective theory. We then determine the associated tree-level vacuum and low energy spectrum properties. Furthermore we investigate the phenomenological viability of the model by comparing its predictions with electroweak precision tests and experimental bounds on the mass spectrum. We then turn to the composite Higgs phenomenology at…
Production of transverse energy from minijets in next-to-leading order perturbative QCD
We compute in next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD the transverse energy carried into the central rapidity unit of hadron or nuclear collisions by the partons freed in the few-GeV subcollisions. The formulation is based on a rapidity window and a measurement function of a new type. The behaviour of the NLO results as a function of the minimum transverse momentum and as a function of the scale choice is studied. The NLO results are found to be stable relative to the leading-order ones even in the few-GeV domain.
The mass-hierarchy and CP-violation discovery reach of the LBNO long-baseline neutrino experiment.
The next generation neutrino observatory proposed by the LBNO collaboration will address fundamental questions in particle and astroparticle physics. The experiment consists of a far detector, in its first stage a 20 kt LAr double phase TPC and a magnetised iron calorimeter, situated at 2300 km from CERN and a near detector based on a high-pressure argon gas TPC. The long baseline provides a unique opportunity to study neutrino flavour oscillations over their 1st and 2nd oscillation maxima exploring the $L/E$ behaviour, and distinguishing effects arising from $\delta_{CP}$ and matter. In this paper we have reevaluated the physics potential of this setup for determining the mass hierarchy (M…
Light Composite Higgs from Higher Representations versus Electroweak Precision Measurements -- Predictions for LHC
We investigate theories in which the technifermions in higher dimensional representations of the technicolor gauge group dynamically break the electroweak symmetry of the standard model. For the two-index symmetric representation of the gauge group the lowest number of techniflavors needed to render the underlying gauge theory quasi conformal is two. We confront the models with the recent electroweak precision measurements and demonstrate that the two technicolor theory is a valid candidate for a dynamical breaking of the electroweak symmetry. The electroweak precision measurements provide useful constraints on the relative mass splitting of the new leptons needed to cure the Witten anomaly…
Constraining on dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking via R_b
New strong gauge interactions remain a viable source for the electroweak symmetry breaking. However, addressing the generation of fermion masses remains a challenge. A basic observable which provides stringent constraints on the flavor extensions of Technicolor-type models is the decay rate of the Z boson into a bbbar-pair. In this paper we provide a general framework to evaluate the resulting constraints on the technicolor theory level taking into account the contributions from the vector and axial vector mesons and discuss the consequences for phenomenology.
Ultraviolet complete technicolor and Higgs physics at LHC
We construct a Technicolor model which provides masses for the electroweak gauge bosons and for all the Standard Model matter fields. Starting from an ultraviolet complete supersymmetric technicolor, we propose a scenario where all elementary scalars, gauginos, and higgsinos are decoupled at an energy scale substantially higher than the electroweak scale, therefore avoiding the little hierarchy problem of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The resulting low energy theory has an SU(3) global symmetry whose breaking to SO(3) leads to electroweak symmetry breaking. We study in detail the phenomenology of this theory and demonstrate that it reproduces the present LHC data at the same le…
Deconfinement vs. chiral symmetry and higher representation matter
The interplay of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration are considered in terms of effective theories. We generalize the earlier model studies by considering fermions in higher representations, and study the finite temperature phase diagrams of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories with two fermion flavors in fundamental, adjoint or two-index symmetric representations. We discuss our results in relation to recent lattice simulations on these theories and outline possible applications in the context of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking.
Unnatural origin of fermion masses for technicolor
We explore the scenario in which the breaking of the electroweak symmetry is due to the simultaneous presence and interplay of a dynamical sector and an unnatural elementary Higgs. We introduce a low energy effective Lagrangian and constrain the various couplings via direct search limits and electroweak and flavor precision tests. We find that the model we study is a viable model of dynamical breaking of the electroweak symmetry.
126 GeV Higgs boson in the top-seesaw model
We consider a model of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking built on the idea of top-seesaw mechanism. The model features a fourth generation of vector-like QCD quarks responsible for the origin of the top-seesaw mechanism and leading to the natural explanation of the large splitting between the top and bottom quark masses. Motivated by the LHC data on the couplings of the Higgs boson, we include the entire third generation of Standard Model matter fields into the model. We determine the low energy effective theory and the resulting low energy spectrum of states, and constrain the model parameters with constraints from the precision electroweak data and from the requirement of a light sc…
Spectrum of SU(2) lattice gauge theory with two adjoint Dirac flavours
An SU(2) gauge theory with two fermions transforming under the adjoint representation of the gauge group may appear conformal or almost conformal in the infrared. We use lattice simulations to study the spectrum of this theory and present results on the masses of several gauge singlet states as a function of the physical quark mass determined through the axial Ward identity and find indications of a change from chiral symmetry breaking to a phase consistent with conformal behaviour at beta_L ~ 2. However, the measurement of the spectrum is not alone sufficient to decisively confirm the existence of conformal fixed point in this theory as we show by comparing to similar measurements with fun…
Erratum to: A model for holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit at finite temperature and density
Erratum to: JHEP04(2014)124
Degrees of freedom and the phase transitions of two-flavor QCD
We study two effective models for QCD, the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio -model and the linear sigma model extended by including a Polyakov loop potential, which is fitted to reproduce the pure gauge theory thermodynamics, and a coupling between the chiral fields and the Polyakov loop. Thus the resulting models have as relevant degrees of freedom the Polyakov loop and chiral fields. By comparing the extended models with the bare chiral models we can conclude that the addition of the Polyakov loop is necessary in order to obtain both qualitative and quantitative agreement with known results at finite temperatures. These results are extended to finite net-quark densities, several thermodynamical quantit…
Momentum distributions of cosmic relics: Improved analysis
We solve coupled momentum-dependent Boltzmann equations for the phase space distribution of cosmic relic particles, without resorting to approximations of assuming kinetic equilibrium or neglecting backscattering or elastic interactions. Our method is amendable to precision numerical computations. To test it, we consider two benchmark models where the momentum dependence of dark matter distribution function is potentially important: a real singlet scalar extension near the Higgs resonance and a sterile neutrino dark matter model with a singlet scalar mediator. The singlet scalar example shows that the kinetic equilibrium may hold surprisingly well even near sharp resonances. However, the in…
A strong electroweak phase transition from the inflaton field
We study a singlet scalar extension of the Standard Model. The singlet scalar is coupled non-minimally to gravity and assumed to drive inflation, and also couple sufficiently strongly with the SM Higgs field in order to provide for a strong first order electroweak phase transition. Requiring the model to describe inflation successfully, be compatible with the LHC data, and yield a strong first order electroweak phase transition, we identify the regions of the parameter space where the model is viable. We also include a singlet fermion with scalar coupling to the singlet scalar to probe the sensitivity of the constraints on additional degrees of freedom and their couplings in the singlet sec…
extended MSSM
We investigate the perturbative regime of the Minimal Supersymmetric Con- formal Technicolor and show that it allows for a stable vacuum correctly breaking the electroweak symmetry. We nd that the particle spectrum is richer than the MSSM one since it features several new particles stemming out from the new N = 4 sector of the theory. The parameter space of the new theory is reduced imposing naturalness of the cou- plings and soft supersymmetry breaking masses, perturbativity of the model at the EW scale as well as phenomenological constraints. By studying the RGEs at two loops we nd that the Yukawa couplings of the heavy fermionic states
Heavy ion collision multiplicities and gluon distribution functions
Atomic number ($A$) and energy ($\roots$) scaling exponents of multiplicity and transverse energy in heavy ion collisions are analytically derived in the perturbative QCD + saturation model. The exponents depend on the small-$x$ behaviour of gluon distribution functions at an $x$-dependent scale. The relation between initial state and final state saturation is also discussed.
Kirjaston tulevaisuus ja nykyisyys: retrofuturistinen tarkastelu
Miten kirjastoille käy tulevaisuudessa? Kimmo Tuominen peilaa artikkelissaan kirjastoalan tulevaisuudesta esitettyjä ennusteita niiden toteutumiseen Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjastossa. Teknologinen kehitys on väistämätöntä ja asiakkaiden tarpeisiin voidaan sen myötä vastata aiempaa paremmin. Muutokset eivät kuitenkaan ole äkillisiä tai aikaisempia palvelumuotoja poissulkevia. Kirjasto fyysisenä tilana ei myöskään ole menettämässä asemaansa. Se toimii edelleen yliopistoyhteisön ytimessä ja rakentaa käyttäjälähtöistä sekä tarkoituksenmukaista tietoympäristöä. nonPeerReviewed
Observational constraints on decoupled hidden sectors
We consider an extension of the Standard Model with a singlet sector consisting of a real (pseudo)scalar and a Dirac fermion coupled with the Standard Model only via the scalar portal. We assume that the portal coupling is weak enough for the singlet sector not to thermalize with the Standard Model allowing the production of singlet particles via the freeze-in mechanism. If the singlet sector interacts with itself sufficiently strongly, it may thermalize within itself, resulting in dark matter abundance determined by the freeze-out mechanism operating within the singlet sector. We investigate this scenario in detail. In particular, we show that requiring the absence of inflationary isocurva…
Discriminating between technicolor and warped extra dimensional model viapp→ZZchannel
We explore the possibility to discriminate between certain strongly coupled technicolor (TC) models and warped extra dimensional models where the standard model fields are propagating in the extra dimension. We consider a generic QCD-like TC model with running coupling as well as two TC models with walking dynamics. We argue that, due to the different production mechanisms for the lowest-lying composite tensor state in these TC theories compared to the first Kaluza-Klein graviton mode of the warped extra dimensional case, it is possible to distinguish between these models based on the angular analysis of the reconstructed longitudinal $Z$ bosons in the $pp\ensuremath{\rightarrow}ZZ\ensurema…
Linkkilistasta virtuaalikirjastoksi : Internet-aihehakemiston rakentaminen ja ylläpito kirjastossa
A minimal model for ${\rm SU}(N)$ vector dark matter
We study an extension of the Standard Model featuring a hidden sector that consists of a new scalar charged under a new SU$(N)_D$ gauge group, singlet under all Standard Model gauge interactions, and coupled with the Standard Model only via a Higgs portal. We assume that the theory is classically conformal, with electroweak symmetry breaking dynamically induced via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism operating in the hidden sector. Due to the symmetry breaking pattern, the SU$(N)_D$ gauge group is completely Higgsed and the resulting massive vectors of the hidden sector constitute a stable dark matter candidate. We perform a thorough scan over the parameter space of the model at different values…
Baryogenesis in the two doublet and inert singlet extension of the Standard Model
We investigate an extension of the Standard Model containing two Higgs doublets and a singlet scalar field (2HDSM). We show that the model can have a strongly first-order phase transition and give rise to the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe, consistent with all experimental constraints. In particular, the constraints from the electron and neutron electric dipole moments are less constraining here than in pure two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). The two-step, first-order transition in 2HDSM, induced by the singlet field, may lead to strong supercooling and low nucleation temperatures in comparison with the critical temperature, $T_n \ll T_c$, which can significantly alter the usual pha…
Centrality dependence of multiplicities in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
We compute the centrality dependence of multiplicities of particles produced in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions at various energies and atomic numbers. The computation is carried out in perturbative QCD with saturated densities of produced gluons and by including effects of nuclear geometry. Numbers are given for Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies.
Fluid dynamics with saturated minijet initial conditions in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
Using next-to-leading order perturbative QCD and a conjecture of saturation to suppress the production of low-energy partons, we calculate the initial energy densities and formation times for the dissipative fluid dynamical evolution of the quark-gluon plasma produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We identify the framework uncertainties and demonstrate the predictive power of the approach by a good global agreement with the measured centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicities, transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow simultaneously for the Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC and Au+Au at RHIC. In particular, the shear viscosity in the different phases of QCD matter is…
Naturality, unification and dark matter
We consider a model where electroweak symmetry breaking is driven by technicolor dynamics with minimal particle content required for walking coupling and saturation of global anomalies. Furthermore, the model features three additional Weyl fermions singlet under technicolor interactions, two of which provide for a one-loop unification of the standard model gauge couplings. Among these extra matter fields exists a possible candidate for weakly interacting dark matter. We evaluate the relic densities and find that they are sufficient to explain the cosmological observations and avoid the experimental limits from earth-based searches. Hence, we establish a nonsupersymmetric framework where hie…
The WIMP of a Minimal Technicolor Theory
We consider the possibility that a massive fourth family neutrino, predicted by a recently proposed minimal technicolor theory, could be the source of the dark matter in the universe. The model has two techniflavors in the adjoint representation of an SU(2) techicolor gauge group and its consistency requires the existence of a fourth family of leptons. By a suitable hypercharge assignement the techniquarks together with the new leptons look like a conventional fourth standard model family. We show that the new (Majorana) neutrino N can be the dark matter particle if $m_N \sim 100-500$ GeV and the expansion rate of the Universe at early times is dominated by an energy component scaling as $\…
New Strong Interactions: From QCD to LHC
The concept of strong interactions need not be limited to the sector of physics taken by QCD. While this domain is investigated by RHIC, LHC will be able to probe potential new strong interactions simultaneously: Finding the precise mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking is one of the prime problems of physics. Intricately linked to this point is the question after the true nature or even the existence of the Higgs boson. Here, we present stronly interacting theories providing an explanation for the hierarchy problem and leading to a light composite Higgs boson, favoured by experimental data. Our variation of the standard model is consistent with precision data. We achieve this accorda…
Multiplicities and Transverse Energies in Central AA Collisions at RHIC and LHC from pQCD, Saturation and Hydrodynamics
We compute the particle multiplicities and transverse energies at central and nearly central AA collisions at RHIC and LHC. The initial state is computed from perturbative QCD supplemented by the conjecture of saturation of produced partons. The expansion stage is described in terms of hydrodynamics assuming longitudinal boost invariance and azimuthal symmetry. Transverse flow effects, a realistic list of hadrons and resonance decays are included. Comparison with the data of the multiplicities at $\sqrt s=56$ AGeV and 130 AGeV from RHIC is done and predictions for the full RHIC energy and LHC energy are made for the multiplicities and transverse energies. The reduction from the initially re…
Flavor constraints in a bosonic technicolor model
Flavor constraints in a bosonic Technicolor model are considered. We illustrate different sources for their origin, and emphasize in particular the role played by the vector states present in the Technicolor model. This feature is the essential difference in comparison to an analogous model with two fundamental Higgs scalar doublets.
Isocurvature Constraints on Portal Couplings
We consider portal models which are ultraweakly coupled with the Standard Model, and confront them with observational constraints on dark matter abundance and isocurvature perturbations. We assume the hidden sector to contain a real singlet scalar $s$ and a sterile neutrino $\psi$ coupled to $s$ via a pseudoscalar Yukawa term. During inflation, a primordial condensate consisting of the singlet scalar $s$ is generated, and its contribution to the isocurvature perturbations is imprinted onto the dark matter abundance. We compute the total dark matter abundance including the contributions from condensate decay and nonthermal production from the Standard Model sector. We then use the Planck lim…
Next-to-leading order improved perturbative QCD + saturation + hydrodynamics model for A + A collisions
We calculate initial conditions for the hydrodynamical evolution in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC in an improved next-to-leading order perturbative QCD + saturation framework. Using viscous relativistic hydrodynamics, we show that we obtain a good simultaneous description of the centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicities, transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow at the LHC and at RHIC. In particular, we discuss how the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity is constrained by these data.
Self-interacting dark matter and cosmology of a light scalar mediator
We consider a fermionic dark matter candidate interacting via a scalar mediator coupled with the Standard Model through a Higgs portal. We consider a general setting including both scalar and pseudoscalar interactions between the scalar and fermion, and illustrate the relevant features for dark matter abundance, direct search limits and collider constraints. The case where dark matter has a self-interaction strength $⟨{\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{V}⟩/{m}_{\ensuremath{\psi}}\ensuremath{\sim}0.1--1\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{cm}}^{2}/\mathrm{g}$ is strongly constrained, in particular by the big bang nucleosynthesis. We show that these constraints can be alleviated by introducing a new light sterile ne…
Dynamical origin of the electroweak scale and the 125 GeV scalar
We consider a fully dynamical origin for the masses of weak gauge bosons and heavy quarks of the Standard Model. Electroweak symmetry breaking and the gauge boson masses arise from new strong dynamics, which leads to the appearance of a composite scalar in the spectrum of excitations. In order to generate mass for the Standard Model fermions, we consider extended gauge dynamics, effectively represented by four fermion interactions at presently accessible energies. By systematically treating these interactions, we show that they lead to a large reduction of the mass of the scalar resonance. Therefore, interpreting the scalar as the recently observed 125 GeV state, implies that the mass origi…
Dynamic AdS/QCD and the spectrum of walking gauge theories
We present a simple AdS/QCD model in which the formation of the chiral condensate is dynamically determined. The gauge dynamics is input through the running of the quark bilinear's anomalous dimension, gamma. The condensate provides a dynamically generated infra-red wall in the computation of mesonic bound state masses and decay constants. As an example, we use the model, with perturbative computations of the running of gamma, to study SU(3) gauge theory with a continuous number of quark flavours, Nf. We follow the behaviour of the spectrum as we approach the conformal window through a walking gauge theory regime. We show such walking theories display a BKT phase transition, with Miransky s…
Natural fourth generation of leptons
We consider implications of a fourth generation of leptons, allowing for the most general mass patterns for the fourth generation neutrino. We determine the constraints due to the precision electroweak measurements and outline the signatures to search for at the LHC experiments. As a concrete framework to apply these results we consider the minimal walking technicolor (MWTC) model where the matter content, regarding the electroweak quantum numbers, corresponds to a fourth generation.
From minijet saturation to global observables in A + A collisions at the LHC and RHIC
We review the recent results from the computation of saturated next-to-leading order perturbative QCD minijet intial conditions combined with viscous hydrodynamical evolution of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC. Comparison with experimental data is shown.
Orientifold theory dynamics and symmetry breaking
We show that it is possible to construct explicit models of electroweak symmetry breaking in which the number of techniflavors needed to enter the conformal phase of the theory is small and weakly dependent on the number of technicolors. Surprisingly, the minimal model with {\it just} two (techni)flavors, together with a suitable gauge dynamics, can be made almost conformal. The theories we consider are generalizations of orientifold type gauge theories, in which the fermions are in either two index symmetric or antisymmetric representation of the gauge group, as the underlying dynamics responsible for the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry. We first study their phase diagram,…
Predictions for 5.023 TeV Pb + Pb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
We compute predictions for various low-transverse-momentum bulk observables in √sNN = 5.023 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from the event-by-event next-to-leading-order perturbative-QCD + saturation + viscous hydrodynamics (“EKRT”) model. In particular, we consider the centrality dependence of charged hadron multiplicity, flow coefficients of the azimuth-angle asymmetries, and correlations of event-plane angles. The centrality dependencies of the studied observables are predicted to be very similar to those at 2.76 TeV, and the magnitudes of the flow coefficients and event-plane angle correlations are predicted to be close to those at 2.76 TeV. The flow coeffic…
A model for dark matter, naturalness and a complete gauge unification
We consider dark matter in a minimal extension of the Standard Model (SM) which breaks electroweak symmetry dynamically and leads to a complete unification of the SM and technicolor coupling constants. The unification scale is determined to be $M_{\rm U} \approx 2.2 \times 10^{15}$ GeV and the unified coupling $\alpha_{\rm U} \approx 0.0304$. Moreover, unification strongly suggest that the technicolor sector of the model must become strong at the scale of ${\cal O}$(TeV). The model also contains a tightly constrained sector of mixing neutral fields stabilized by a discrete symmetry. We find the lightest of these states can be DM with a mass in the range $m_{\rm DM} \approx 30-800$ GeV. We f…
Dark matter from unification
We consider a minimal extension of the Standard Model (SM), which leads to unification of the SM coupling constants, breaks electroweak symmetry dynamically by a new strongly coupled sector and leads to novel dark matter candidates. In this model, the coupling constant unification requires the existence of electroweak triplet and doublet fermions singlet under QCD and new strong dynamics underlying the Higgs sector. Among these new matter fields and a new right handed neutrino, we consider the mass and mixing patterns of the neutral states. We argue for a symmetry stabilizing the lightest mass eigenstates of this sector and determine the resulting relic density. The results are constrained …
Effect of the Schrödinger functional boundary conditions on the convergence of step scaling
Recently several lattice collaborations have studied the scale dependence of the coupling in theories with different gauge groups and fermion representations using the Schrodinger functional method. This has motivated us to look at the convergence of the perturbative step scaling to its continuum limit with gauge groups SU(2) and SU(3) with Wilson fermions in the fundamental, adjoint or sextet representations. We have found that while the improved Wilson action does remove the linear terms from the step scaling, the convergence is extremely slow with the standard choices of the boundary conditions for the background field. We show that the situation can be improved by careful choice of the …
Multiplicities andpTspectra in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions from a next-to-leading order improved perturbative QCD+saturation+hydrodynamics model
We bring the EKRT framework, which combines perturbative QCD (pQCD) minijet production with gluon saturation and hydrodynamics, to next-to-leading order (NLO) in pQCD as rigorously as possible. We chart the model uncertainties, and study the viability and predictive power of the model in the light of the RHIC and LHC measurements in central $A+A$ collisions. In particular, we introduce a new set of measurement functions to define the infrared- and collinear-safe minijet transverse energy, ${E}_{T}$, in terms of which we formulate the saturation. We update the framework with the EPS09 NLO nuclear parton distributions (nPDFs), and study the propagation of the nPDF uncertainties into the compu…
Minimal technicolor on the lattice
Abstract We present results from a lattice study of SU(2) gauge theory with 2 flavors of Dirac fermions in adjoint representation. This is a candidate for a minimal (simplest) walking technicolor theory, and has been predicted to possess either an IR fixed point (where the physics becomes conformal) or a coupling which evolves very slowly, so-called walking coupling. In this initial part of the study we investigate the lattice phase diagram and the excitation spectrum of the theory.
A hybrid 4$^{\textrm{th}}$ generation: Technicolor with top-seesaw
We consider a model combining technicolor with the top quark condensation. As a concrete model for Technicolor we use the Minimal Walking Technicolor, and this will result in the appearance of a novel fourth generation whose leptons constitute a usual weak doublet while the QCD quarks are vectorlike singlets under the weak interactions. We carry out an analysis of the mass spectra and precision measurement constraints, and find the model viable. We contrast the model with present LHC data and discuss the future prospects.
Latest results from the EbyE NLO EKRT model
We review the results from the event-by-event next-to-leading order perturbative QCD + saturation + viscous hydrodynamics (EbyE NLO EKRT) model. With a simultaneous analysis of LHC and RHIC bulk observables we systematically constrain the QCD matter shear viscosity-to-entropy ratio eta/s(T), and test the initial state computation. In particular, we study the centrality dependences of hadronic multiplicities, pT spectra, flow coefficients, relative elliptic flow fluctuations, and various flow-correlations in 2.76 and 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Overall, our results match remarkably well with the LHC and RHIC measurements, and predictions for the…
Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter
We show that dark matter abundance and the inflationary scale $H$ could be intimately related. Standard Model extensions with Higgs mediated couplings to new physics typically contain extra scalars displaced from vacuum during inflation. If their coupling to Standard Model is weak, they will not thermalize and may easily constitute too much dark matter reminiscent to the moduli problem. As an example we consider Standard Model extended by a $Z_2$ symmetric singlet $s$ coupled to the Standard Model Higgs $\Phi$ via $\lambda \Phi^{\dag}\Phi s^2$. Dark matter relic density is generated non-thermally for $\lambda \lesssim 10^{-7}$. We show that the dark matter yield crucially depends on the inf…
Kirjasto keskellä kampusta : Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto 100 vuotta
Centrality dependence of multiplicity, transverse energy, and elliptic flow from hydrodynamics
The centrality dependence of the charged multiplicity, transverse energy, and elliptic flow coefficient is studied in a hydrodynamic model, using a variety of different initializations which model the initial energy or entropy production process as a hard or soft process, respectively. While the charged multiplicity depends strongly on the chosen initialization, the p_t-integrated elliptic flow for charged particles as a function of charged particle multiplicity and the p_t-differential elliptic flow for charged particles in minimum bias events turn out to be almost independent of the initial energy density profile.
Constraints on Conformal Windows from Holographic Duals
We analyze a beta function with the analytic form of Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov result in the five dimensional gravity-dilaton environment. We show how dilaton inherits poles and fixed points of such beta function through the zeros and points of extremum in its potential. Super Yang-Mills and supersymmetric QCD are studied in detail and Seiberg's electric-magnetic duality in the dilaton potential is explicitly demonstrated. Non-supersymmetric proposals of similar functional form are tested and new insights into the conformal window as well as determinations of scheme-independent value of the anomalous dimension at the fixed point are presented.