Matti Pitkänen

Pythagoras, music, sacred geometry, and genetic code

research product

Generalization of thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing

Costa de Beauregard considers a model for information processing by a computer based on an analogy with Carnot's heat engine. I am grateful for Stephen Paul King for bringing this article to my attention in Time discussion group and also for inspiring discussions which also led to the birth of this section. As such the model Beauregard for computer does not look convincing as a model for what happens in biological information processing. Combined with TGD based vision about living matter, the model however inspires a model for how conscious information is generated and how the second law of thermodynamics must be modified in TGD framework. The basic formulas of thermodynamics remain as such…

research product

Quantum Model for Nerve Pulse and EEG

In this article a unified model of nerve pulse and EEG is discussed. a) In TGD Universe the function of EEG and its variants is to make possible communications from the cell membrane to the magnetic body and the control of the biological body by the magnetic body via magnetic flux sheets traversing DNA by inducing gene expression. This leads to the notions of super- and hyper-genome predicting coherent gene expression at level of organs and population. b) The assignment the predicted ranged classical weak and color gauge fields to dark matter hierarchy was a crucial step in the evolution of the model, and led among other things to a model of high T_c superconductivity predicting the basic s…

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research product

DNA as Topological Quantum Computer

This article represents a vision about how DNA might act as a topological quantum computer (tqc). Tqc means that the braidings of braid strands define tqc programs and M-matrix (generalization of S-matrix in zero energy ontology) defining the entanglement between states assignable to the end points of strands define the tqc usually coded as unitary time evolution for Schödinger equation. One can ends up to the model in the following manner. a) Darwinian selection for which the standard theory of self-organization provides a model, should apply also to tqc programs. Tqc programs should correspond to asymptotic self-organization patterns selected by dissipation in the presence of metabolic en…

research product

Hen and egg problems of biology from TGD point of view

Biology has several hen and egg problems. What came first: DNA,RNA, amino-acids or proto-cell membrane? Did metabolism precede genetic code or vice versa? The stimulus leading to this article could have been the finding that organic molecules are formed in interstellar space at ultralow temperatures of few Kelvin in which chemistry should freeze completely. Therefore the formation of glycine peptides, which has been demonstrated in the laboratory, should be impossible. The paradox disappears in the TGD framework as do also the hen and egg problems. Magnetic body carrying dark matter as $h_{eff}=nh_0$ phases allows a universal realization of genetic code and of the analogs of basic bio-molec…

research product


If I remember correctly, I got the basic idea of Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) during autumn 1977, perhaps it was October. What I realized was that the representability of physical space-times as 4-dimensional surfaces of some higher-dimensional space-time obtained by replacing the points of Minkowski space with some very small compact internal space could resolve the conceptual diculties of general relativity related to the denition of the notion of energy. This belief was too optimistic and only with the advent of what I call zero energy ontology the understanding of the notion of Poincare invariance has become satisfactory. This required also the understanding of the relationship to…

research product

Homology of ”world of classical worlds” in relation to Floer homology and quantum homology

One of the mathematical challenges of TGD is the construction of the homology of "world of classical worlds" (WCW). The generalization of Floer homology looks rather obvious in the zero ontology (ZEO) based view about quantum TGD. ZEO, the notion of preferred extremal (PE), and the intuitive connection between the failure of strict non-determinism and criticality are essential elements. The homology group is defined in terms of the free group formed by preferred extremals $PE(X^3,Y^3)$ for which $X^3$ is a stable maximum of K\"ahler function $K$ associated with the passive boundary of CD and $Y^3$ associated with the passive boundary is a more general critical point. The identification of P…

research product

Galois groups and genetic code

This article was inspired by the inverse problem of Galois theory. Galois groups are realized as number theoretic symmetry groups realized physically in TGD a symmetries of space-time surfaces. Galois confinement as an analog of color confinement is proposed in TGD inspired quantum biology . Galois groups, in particular simple Galois groups, play a fundamental role in the TGD view of cognition. The TGD based model of the genetic code involves in an essential manner the groups A5 (icosahedron), which is the smallest non-abelian simple group, and A4 (tetrahedron). The identification of these groups as Galois groups leads to a more precise view about genetic code. The question why the genetic …

research product

Finite fields and TGD

TGD involves geometric and number theoretic physics as complementary views of physics. Almost all basic number fields: rationals and their algebraic extensions, p-adic number fields and their extensions, reals, complex number fields, quaternions, and octonions play a fundamental role in the number theoretical vision of TGD. Even a hierarchy of infinite primes and corresponding number fields appears. At the first level of the hierarchy of infinite primes, the integer coefficients of a polynomial $Q$ defining infinite prime have no common prime factors. $P=Q$ hypothesis states that the polynomial $P$ defining space-time surface is identical with a polynomial $Q$ defining infinite prime at the…

research product


This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unied theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unied theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

What could 2-D minimal surfaces teach about TGD?

In the TGD Universe space-time surfaces within causal diamonds (CDs) are fundamental objects. 1. M8 − H duality means that one can interpret the space-time surfaces in two manners: either as an algebraic surface in complexified M8 or as minimal surfaces in H = M4×CP2. M8 − H duality maps these surfaces to each other. 2. Minimal surface property holds true outside the frame spanning minimal surface as 4-D soap film and since also extremal of K¨ahler action is in question, the surface is analog of complex surface. The frame is fixed at the boundaries of the CD and dynamically generated in its interior. At frame the isometry currents of volume term and K¨ahler action have infinite divergences …

research product

Evolution in Many-Sheeted Space-time

The topics of the article has been restricted to those, which seem to represent the most well-established ideas about evolution in many-sheeted space-time. a) Basic facts about and TGD based model for pre-biotic evolution are discussed. b) A model for the ATP-ADP process based on DNA as topological quantum computer vision, the identification of universal metabolic energy quanta in terms of zero point kinetic energies, and the notion of remote metabolism is discussed. c) A model for the evolution of the recent genetic code (3-codons) as a fusion of codes for which codons are nucleotides (1-codons) and di-nucleotides (2-codons) is discussed. The symmetries of the genetic code, the observation…

research product

Quantum Gravitation and Topological Quantum Computation

In this article the connection of quantum gravitation, as it is understood in the TGD framework, with topological quantum computation (TQC) is considered. I sketched the first TGD based vision about DNA as a TQCer for about 13 years ago. In particular, a model of the system consisting of DNA and nuclear/cell membrane system acting as a TQCer was discussed. TGD has evolved a lot after this and there are several motivations for seeing what comes out from combining the recent view about quantum TGD and TGD inspired quantum biology with this model. \begin{enumerate} \item There is a rather detailed view about the role of dark matter as phases of ordinary matter with the effective Planck constan…

research product

Trying to fuse the basic mathematical ideas of quantum TGD to a single coherent whole

The theoretical framework behind TGD involves several different strands and the goal is to unify them to a single coherent whole. TGD involves number theoretic and geometric visions about physics and $M^8-H$ duality, analogous to Langlands duality, is proposed to unify them. Also quantum classical correspondence (QCC) is a central aspect of TGD. One should understand both the $M^8-H$ duality and QCC at the level of detail. The following mathematical notions are expected to be of relevance for this goal. \begin{enumerate} \item Von Neumann algebras, call them $M$, in particular hyperfinite factors of type $II_1$ (HFFs), are in a central role. Both the geometric and number theoretic side, QCC…

research product

An Overview About Evolution of TGD

This chapter provides a bird's eye view about evolution of TGD. The geometrization of fundamental interactions assuming that space-times are representable as 4-surfaces of H=M^4xCP_2 is wherefrom everything began. The two manners to understand TGD is TGD as a Poincare invariant theory of gravitation obtained by fusing special and general relativities, and TGD as a generalization of string model obtained my replacing 1-dimensional strings with 3-surfaces. The fusion of these approaches leads to the notion of many-sheeted space-time.

research product


This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unified theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unified theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

Some astrophysical and cosmological findings from TGD point of view

There are five rather recent findings not easy to understand in the framework of standard astrophysics and cosmology. The first finding is that the model for the absorption of dark matter by blackholes predicts must faster rate than would be consistent with observations. Second finding is that Milky Way has large void extending from 150 ly up to 8,000 light years. Third finding is the existence of galaxy estimated to have mass of order MilkyWay mass but for which 98 per cent of mass within half-light radius is estimated to be dark in halo model. The fourth finding conrms the old nding that the value of Hubble constant is 9 per cent larger in short scales (of order of the size large voids) t…

research product

TGD Inspired Model of Living Matter

Basic ideas of TGD inspired view about quantum biology are discussed. TGD inspired theory of consciousness provides the basic conceptual framework besides new view about space-time and quantum theory, in particular dark matter hierarchy whose levels are labelled by the increasing value of Planck constant so that macroscopic quantum systems are predicted to be present in all length scales. This gives a justification for the notion of field body having onion-like fractal structure with astrophysical size and using biological body as a sensory receptor and motor instrument. Great evolutionary leaps correspond naturally to the increases of Planck constant for the highest level in "personal" hie…

research product

Model for the Findings about Hologram Generating Properties of DNA

A TGD inspired model for the strange replica structures observed when DNA sample is radiated by red, IR, and UV light using two methods by Peter Gariaev and collaborators. The first method produces what is tentatively interpreted as replica images of either DNA sample or of five red lamps used to irradiate the sample. Second method produce replica image of environment with replication in horizontal direction but only at the right hand side of the apparatus. Also a white phantom variant of the replica trajectory observed in the first experiment is observed and has in vertical direction the size scale of the apparatus. The model is developed in order to explain the characteric features of the…

research product

Some aspects of Topological Geometrodynamics(TGD) and TGD inspired theory of consciousness

Seminar in Riga, 25.November, 2022.

research product


This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unied theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unied theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

Quantum Mind in TGD Universe

The basic difficulties and challenges of Quantum Mind program are analyzed. The conclusion is that the recent form of quantum theory is not enough to overcome the challenges posed by the philosophical problems of quantum physics and quantum mind theories, and the puzzles of quantum biology and quantum neuroscience. Certain anomalies of recent day biology giving hints about how quantum theory should be generalized serve as an introduction to the summary of the aspects of quantum TGD especially relevant to the notion of Quantum Mind. These include the notions of many-sheeted space-time and field (magnetic) body, zero energy ontology, the identification dark matter as a hierarchy of phases wit…

research product

The Notion of Wave Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer

Peter Gariaev and collaborators have reported several strange effects of laser light and also ordinary light on DNA. These findings include the rotation of polarization plane of laser light by DNA, phantom DNA effect, the transformation of laser light to radio-wave photons having biological effects, the coding of DNA sequences to the modulated polarization plane of laser light and the ability of this kind of light to induce gene expression in another organisms provided the modulated polarization pattern corresponds to an "address" characterizing the organism, and the formation of images of what is believed to be DNA sample itself and of the objects of environment by DNA sample in a cell irr…

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Geometric Theory of Harmony

research product


This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unied theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unied theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

An Overview About Quantum TGD

This chapter provides a summary about various approaches to quantum TGD. The discussions are based on the general vision that quantum states of the Universe correspond to the modes of classical spinor fields in the "world of the classical worlds" identified as the infinite-dimensional configuration space of 3-surfaces of H=M^4\times CP_2 (more or less-equivalently, the corresponding 4-surfaces defining generalized Bohr orbits).

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About the Nature of Time

The identification of the experienced time te and geometric time tg involves well-known problems. Physicist is troubled by the reversibility of tg contra irreversibility of te, by the conflict between determinism of Schrödinger equation and the non-determinism of state function reduction, and by the poorly understood the origin of the arrow of tg. In biology the second law of thermodynamics might be violated in its standard form for short time intervals. Neuroscientist knows that the moment of sensory experience has a finite duration, does not understand what memories really are, and is bothered by the Libet's puzzling finding that neural activity seems to precede conscious decision. These …

research product

Quantum Mind, Magnetic Body, and Biological Body

The article is devoted to detailed aplications of TGD inspired view about Quantum Mind. Magnetic body carrying dark matter and forming an onionlike structure with layers characterized by large values of Planck constant is the key concept. Magnetic body is identified as intentional agent using biological body as sensory receptor and motor instrument. EEG is identified as a communication and control tool of the magnetic body and a fractal hierarchy of analogs of EEG is predicted. Living system is identified as a kind of Indra's net with biomolecules representing the nodes of the net and magnetic flux tubes connections between then. The reconnection of magnetic flux tubes and phase transitions…

research product


This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unied theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unied theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

TGD Inspired Model for Freezing in Nano Scales

Freezing is a phase transition, which challenges the existing view of condensed matter in nanoscales. In the TGD framework, quantum coherence is possible in all scales and gravitational quantum coherence should characterize hydrodynamics in astrophysical and even shorter scales. The hydrodynamics at the surface of the planet such as Earth the mass of the planet and even that of the Sun should characterize gravitational Planck constant $h_{gr}$ assignable to gravitational flux tubes mediating gravitational interactions. In this framework, quantum criticality involving $h_{eff}=nh_0>h$ phases of ordinary matter located at the magnetic body (MB) and possibly controlling ordinary matter, could …

research product

TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness

The basic ideas and implications of TGD inspired theory of consciousness are briefly summarized. The notions of quantum jump and self can be unified in the recent formulation of TGD relying on dark matter hierarchy characterized by increasing values of Planck constant. Negentropy Maximization Principle serves as a basic variational principle for the dynamics of quantum jump. The new view about the relation of geometric and subjective time leads to a new view about memory and intentional action. The quantum measurement theory based on finite measurement resolution and realized in terms of hyper-finite factors of type II1 justifies the notions of sharing of mental images and stereo-consciousn…

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GOD & Hawking

For reasons stated below, I do not find the classical physics view about God selecting initial conditions very interesting. Hawking should find himself more demanding challenges than killing for all practical purposes already dead God of classical mechanics.

research product

Magnetospheric consciousness

This book belongs to a series of online books summarizing the recent state Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) and its applications. TGD can be regarded as a unied theory of fundamental interactions but is not the kind of unied theory as so called GUTs constructed by graduate students at seventies and eighties using detailed recipes for how to reduce everything to group theory.

research product

Some New Ideas Related to Langlands Program viz. TGD

Langlands' program seeks to relate Galois groups in algebraic number theory to automorphic forms and representation theory of algebraic groups over local fields and adeles. Langlands program is described by Edward Frenkel as a kind of grand unified theory of mathematics. In the TGD framework, $M^8-M^4\times CP_2$ duality assigns to a rational polynomial a set of mass shells $H^3$ in $M^4\subset M^8$ and by associativity condition a 4-D surface in $M^8$, and its it to $H=M^4\times CP_2$. $M^8-M^4\times CP_2$ means that number theoretic vision and geometric vision of physics are dual or at least complementary. This vision could extend to a trinity of number theoretic, geometric and topologica…

research product

A Possible Explanation for Shnoll Effect

Shnoll and collaborators have discovered strange repeating patterns of random fluctuations of physical observables such as the number n of nuclear decays in a given time interval. Periodically occurring peaks for the distribution of the number N(n) of measurements producing n events in a series of measurements as a function of n is observed instead of a single peak. The positions of the peaks are not random and the patterns depend on position and time varying periodically in time scales possibly assignable to Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon gravitational interaction. These observations suggest a modification of the expected probability distributions but it is very difficult to imagine any physical…

research product

Three new physics realizations of the genetic code and the role of dark matter in bio-systems

TGD inspired quantum biology leads naturally to the idea that several realizations of genetic code exist. Besides the realizations based on temporal patterns of electromagnetic �elds I have considered three di�erent new physics realizations of the genetic code based the notions of many- sheeted space-time, magnetic body, and the hierarchy of Planck constants explaining dark matter in TGD framework. 1. The �rst realization - proposed in the model for DNA as topological quantum computer (tqc) - maps the nucleotides A,G and T,C to dark quarks u,d and their anti-quarks assignable to the ends of magnetic ux tubes representing braid strands and connecting nucleotides to lipids of cell membrane. 2…

research product

About the role of Galois groups in TGD framework

This article was inspired by the inverse problem of Galois theory. Galois groups are realized as number theoretic symmetry groups realized physically in TGD a symmetries of space-time surfaces. Galois confinement is as analog of color confinement is proposed in TGD inspired quantum biology. Two instances of the inverse Galois problem, which are especially interesting in TGD, are following: Q1: Can a given finite group appear as Galois group over Q? The answer is not known. Q2: Can a given finite group G appear as a Galois group over some EQ? Answer to Q2 is positive as will be found and the extensions for a given G can be explicitly constructed.

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