Faktorer som kan påvirke pasienters intensjon om å bruke en digital løsning for postoperativ oppfølging : En kvalitativ studie blant pasienter som har gjennomgått elektiv kirurgi ved et sykehus i helse sør-øst
Master's thesis in Health informatics (HSI500) Background: Increasing volume of day surgery and a paradigm shift in patient care, has led to increased involvement of patients in the course of treatment, which requires good information, and good communication between the patient and health professionals. National health policy guidelines are suggesting that Internet-based services may be a key element to meet this need. For patients to use e-health solutions though, there must be an intention of use. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore what factors patients believe may affect their intention to use a service for digital post-operative follow-up after elective surgery. Sample and method…