Alessandra Giorgianni
Il terremoto di Messina del 1908 in un modello sismotettonico della Sicilia settentrionale e del Basso Tirreno.
New seismological, structural and marine geology constraints for a seismotectonic model of the hinge zone between northern Sicily and southern Tyrrhenian
Una ricostruzione dell' ordine sequenziale delle deformazioni nel margine settentrionale della Sicilia e implicazioni sismotettoniche.
Vincoli geologico-strutturali per un modello sismotettonico in condizioni di defomazione non coassiale, nell’area del Tirreno meridionale-Sicilia settentrionale
New seismological and geological-structural contributions to the support of a seismotectonic model of the hinge area between northern Sicily and southern Tyrrhenian
Relationships between seismicity and tectonic in northern Sicily and southern Tyrrhenian: some important open problems.
A contribution to a seismotectonic model of the hinge zone between northern Sicily and southern Tyrrhenian by some seismological and structural constraints
An integrated research on the hinge zone between northern Sicily and its Tyrrhenian off-shore has been carried out, by means of structural, seismological and statistical analyses. The main structural features of the area are represented by both NWSE to W–E striking right-lateral and N–S to NE-SW striking leftlateral fault systems, responsible of uplifting (restraining) and subsiding (releasing) zones. Within this hinge zone the seismicity is mainly located between 10 and 20 km of depth and clustered according to the orientation of the outcropping fault systems. The brittle strain partitioning related to a right-lateral simple shear zone has been reconstructed in the onshore sector, while in…