Safety and tolerability of seasonal ultra-rush, high-dose sublingual-swallow immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis to grass and tree pollens: an observational study in 193 children and adolescents
We conducted a large observational study in 193 children and adolescents with allergic rhinitis due to grass or tree pollens to evaluate the safety and tolerability of an ultrarush high-dose sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) regimen reaching a maintenance dose of 300 index of reactivity within 90 minutes.Children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years with at least a 1-year medical history of allergic rhinitis with or without mild to moderate asthma due to tree pollens (birch, alder, hazel) or grass pollens (cocksfoot, meadow grass, rye grass, sweet vernal grass, timothy) were recruited. Standardized grass and tree pollen allergen extracts were used for ultrarush titration and subsequent coseason…