Oleksandr Tomalak

Leading order corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process in the $\gamma p\rightarrow l^+l^-p$ reaction

The ratio of di-lepton production cross sections on a proton, using the $\gamma p\rightarrow l^+ l^- p$ process, above and below di-muon production threshold allows to extract the effective lepton-proton interaction, which is required to be identical for electrons and muons if lepton universality is exact. To test for a scenario of broken universality at the percent level, of the size which could explain the different proton charge radii extracted from electron scattering and from muonic hydrogen spectroscopy, we evaluate all one-loop QED corrections to this process, including the full lepton mass dependencies. We furthermore show that two-photon exchange processes with both photons attache…

research product

Dispersion relation formalism for the two-photon exchange correction to elastic muon-proton scattering: elastic intermediate state

We evaluate the two-photon exchange correction to the unpolarized cross section in the elastic muon-proton scattering within dispersion relations. One of the six independent invariant amplitudes requires a subtraction. We fix the subtraction function to the model estimate of the full two-photon exchange at one of three MUSE beam energies and make a prediction for the two other energies. Additionally, we present single and double polarization observables accounting for the lepton mass.

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Two-photon exchange corrections to elastic e− -proton scattering: Full dispersive treatment of πN states at low momentum transfers

We evaluate the pion-nucleon intermediate-state contribution to the two-photon exchange (TPE) correction in the elastic electron-nucleon scattering within a dispersive framework. We calculate the contribution from all $\ensuremath{\pi}N$ partial waves using the MAID parametrization. We provide the corresponding TPE correction to the unpolarized $ep$ scattering cross section in the region of low momentum transfer ${Q}^{2}\ensuremath{\lesssim}0.064\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}$, where no analytical continuation into the unphysical region of the TPE scattering amplitudes is required. We compare our result in the forward angular region with an alternative TPE calculation, in terms of struc…

research product

Two-photon exchange on the neutron and the hyperfine splitting

We calculate the contribution from the two-photon exchange on the neutron to the hyperfine splitting of S energy levels. We update the value of the neutron Zemach radius, estimate total recoil and polarizability corrections. The resulting two-photon exchange in electronic atoms exceeds by an order of magnitude the leading Zemach term and has different sign both in electronic and muonic hydrogen.

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Soft-photon corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process in the γp→l+l−p reaction

We report on the calculation of first-order quantum electrodynamics (QED) corrections for the $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{l}^{+}{l}^{\ensuremath{-}}{p}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ process. An upcoming experiment at MAMI (Mainz) aims to compare the cross sections of muon- and electron-pair production in this reaction to test lepton universality. Precise knowledge of the electromagnetic radiative corrections is needed for these measurements. As a first step, we present the leading QED radiative corrections in the soft-photon approximation when accounting for the finite lepton mass. For the kinematics at MAMI, we find corrections of the percent level for muons, and of order 10% for ele…

research product

Theory of elastic neutrino-electron scattering

Theoretical predictions for elastic neutrino-electron scattering have no hadronic or nuclear uncertainties at leading order making this process an important tool for normalizing neutrino flux. However, the process is subject to large radiative corrections that differ according to experimental conditions. In this paper, we collect new and existing results for total and differential cross sections accompanied by radiation of one photon, $\nu e \to \nu e (\gamma)$. We perform calculations within the Fermi effective theory and provide analytic expressions for the electron energy spectrum and for the total electromagnetic energy spectrum as well as for double- and triple-differential cross secti…

research product

Two-photon exchange corrections in elastic electron-proton scattering

We apply a subtracted dispersion relation (DR) formalism with the aim to improve predictions for the two-photon exchange (TPE) corrections to elastic electron-proton scattering observables at small momentum transfers. We study the formalism on the elastic TPE contribution in comparison with existing data for unpolarized cross sections. We extend the general formalism of TPE to elastic scattering with massive lepton and perform a numerical estimate of the muon-proton scattering at low momentum transfer in view of the upcoming muon-proton scattering experiment (MUSE). We study the influence of the double-virtual Compton scattering (VVCS) subtraction function on the unpolarized lepton-proton s…

research product

Leading order corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process in the γp→l+l−p reaction

This paper focuses on all one-loop corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process involved in the reaction $\ensuremath{\gamma}\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{l}^{+}\phantom{\rule{0.333em}{0ex}}{l}^{\ensuremath{-}}\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}p$. These corrections are of paramount interest as they serve to check the exactness of the so called $l\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}e\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}p\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}t\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}o\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}n$ $u\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}n\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}i\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}v\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}e\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}r\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}s\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}a\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}l\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}i\phanto…

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Tau neutrinos in the next decade: from GeV to EeV

Tau neutrinos are the least studied particle in the standard model. This whitepaper discusses the current and expected upcoming status of tau neutrino physics with attention to the broad experimental and theoretical landscape spanning long-baseline, beam-dump, collider, and astrophysical experiments. This whitepaper was prepared as a part of the NuTau2021 Workshop.

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Magnetic fields and chiral asymmetry in the early hot universe

In this paper, we study analytically the process of external generation and subsequent free evolution of the lepton chiral asymmetry and helical magnetic fields in the early hot universe. This process is known to be affected by the Abelian anomaly of the electroweak gauge interactions. As a consequence, chiral asymmetry in the fermion distribution generates magnetic fields of non-zero helicity, and vice versa. We take into account the presence of thermal bath, which serves as a seed for the development of instability in magnetic field in the presence of externally generated lepton chiral asymmetry. The developed helical magnetic field and lepton chiral asymmetry support each other, consider…

research product

Two-photon exchange contribution to elastic e− -proton scattering: Full dispersive treatment of πN states and comparison with data

We evaluate the two-photon exchange correction to the elastic electron-proton scattering cross section within a dispersive framework. Besides the elastic contribution, we account for all $\ensuremath{\pi}N$ intermediate state contributions using the phenomenological MAID fit as an input. We develop a novel method for the analytical continuation of the two-photon exchange amplitudes into the unphysical region and generalize our previous work to the momentum transfer region $0.064\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}\ensuremath{\lesssim}{Q}^{2}\ensuremath{\lesssim}1\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}$. We compare our results with recent OLYMPUS, CLAS and VEPP-3 data as well as with empirical fits…

research product

Leading order corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process in the γp→l+l−p reaction

The ratio of dilepton production cross sections on a proton, using the γp→l+l−p process, above and below the dimuon production threshold allows one to extract the effective lepton-proton interaction, which is required to be identical for electrons and muons if lepton universality is exact. To test for a scenario of broken universality at the percent level, of the size that could explain the different proton charge radii extracted from electron scattering and from muonic hydrogen spectroscopy, we evaluate all one-loop QED corrections to this process, including the full lepton mass dependencies. We furthermore show that two photon–exchange processes with both photons attached to the proton li…

research product

Two-photon exchange correction in elastic unpolarized electron-proton scattering at small momentum transfer

We evaluate the two-photon exchange (TPE) correction to the unpolarized elastic electron-proton scattering at small momentum transfer $ Q^2 $. We account for the inelastic intermediate states approximating the double virtual Compton scattering by the unpolarized forward virtual Compton scattering. The unpolarized proton structure functions are used as input for the numerical evaluation of the inelastic contribution. Our calculation reproduces the leading terms in the $ Q^2 $ expansion of the TPE correction and goes beyond this approximation by keeping the full $ Q^2 $ dependence of the proton structure functions. In the range of small momentum transfer, our result is in good agreement with …

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