Francisco Gasulla Vidal

Insights on desiccation tolerance of the lichen photobiont trebouxia sp. pl. in both thalline and isolated ones

The study of desiccation tolerance of lichens, and of their phycobionts in particular, has been mainly focused on the antioxidant system that protects the cell against photo-oxidative stress produced during dehydration and rehydration. However, desiccation tolerance cannot be achieved in lichen phycobionts with antioxidant activity alone. The main objective of the thesis was to expand the knowledge of the poorly understood desiccation tolerant mechanisms. The first chapter presents an introduction to the subject of the thesis, based on the available background information, and explains the rationale of the thesis. The aim of the chapter 2 was to establish the optimal growing conditions for …

research product

Presence of multiple group I introns closely related to bacteria and fungi in plastid 23S rRNAs of lichen-forming Trebouxia

The chloroplast-encoded large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of several free-living green algae contains group I introns at Escherichia coli genic positions 1917, 1931, 1951, and 2449. Herein we report the presence of group I introns at these positions within the chloroplast-encoded large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of several lichen-forming green algae belonging to the Trebouxia genus. In contrast to the introns inserted at position 2449, all introns inserted at positions 1917, 1931, and 1951 contained LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease genes. Phylogenetic analyses show that: (i) introns inserted at positions 1917, 1931, and 1951 are closely related to introns located at homologous insertion sites i…

research product