Marius Rohde Johannessen
Defining the IT artefact in social media for eparticipation: An ensemble view
Published version of a paper from the European Confernece on Information Systems. Also available from the publisher: http://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2012/175 Social media has become a popular outlet for various eParticipation activities, such as online campaigning by political parties. However, research so far has shown that political parties often have limited success with their efforts. Much is yet unclear as to the results and possible applications of social media use. This paper contributes to clarify the underlying concepts of social media, by analysing the social media IT artefact as a socio-technical object. We propose and define an ensemble view on social media use in eParticipation, an…
E-deltakelse, sosiale medier og politikk : partienes tilstedeværelse i sosiale medier
Masteroppgave i informasjonssystemer- Universitetet i Agder 2009 På grunn av sviktende oppslutning om partier og valg er e-deltakelse er et svært aktuelt tema. E-deltakelsesprosjekter har ofte problemer med få deltakere, derfor ønsker man å undersøke hvordan sosiale medier kan brukes for e-deltakelse. Valgkamp på internett har vært et tema siden stortingsvalget i 2001. I 2008 hadde presidentkandidat Barack Obama stor suksess med å bruke sosiale medier i den amerikanske presidentvalgkampen. Av den grunn fokuseres det på deltakelsesformen ”valgkamp”. Studiens problemstilling er ”Hva er partienes strategi for, og erfaringer med, sosiale medier i innledningen til stortingsvalgkampen 2009, og hv…
Social Media as Public Sphere: A Stakeholder Perspective
Purpose This paper aims to examine major stakeholders’ communication preferences in eParticipation initiatives and discuss how this affects the public sphere. Despite the potential of social media, it has proven difficult to get people actively involved in the decision-making processes. There is a need for more research on how stakeholders manage and use social media to communicate. Design/methodology/approach The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. Data sources include interviews, social media content, document analysis and field notes. Findings Communication preferences of stakeholders vary according to their salience level. Stakeholders with higher salience are less likely …
Choosing the Right Medium for Municipal eParticipation Based on Stakeholder Expectations
Published version of a chapter in the book: Electronic Participation. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33250-0_3 This paper examines the expectations and communication needs of relevant stakeholder groups for municipal eParticipation in a small Norwegian municipality. We identified relevant stakeholder groups with the municipality, and asked them about their communication preferences through a combined Delphi study and survey approach. The findings show that information about local issues, information about issues relevant for the individual stakeholder, and dialogue on business’ needs and employment are the three most important communication needs. …
Social media as public sphere : an exploratory study of online political communication in Norway
Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Agder, Kristiansand 2013 This thesis presents an exploratory study of the use of social media in the Norwegian public sector, and contributes to the understanding of how social media can be applied to improve deliberation. The study is situated within the eParticipation research field. The motivation for the study is the reported challenges facing democracy, in the form of lower voter turnout, decline in political party membership, and a general lessening of interest for public issues and deliberation. Deliberation is seen as essential for democracy, and promoting deliberation could well lead to an increase in vo…
Genres of communication in activist eParticipation
In this paper, we examine the genres of communication in an activist case in a Norwegian municipality. As genres evolve over time, and the emergence of new genre properties is a sign of a mature technology, we compare the genres used in traditional paper-based media with the genres used in social media, to examine the maturity of social media as a medium for activist eParticipation. We also discuss the usage patterns of traditional vs. social media, and their relation to the public sphere. Our findings indicate that so far, the genres used for activism in social media are very similar to their offline counterparts, with some new genres and genre characteristics emerging. Social media is mov…
Social capital and the networked public sphere: Implications for political social media sites
Submitted version of a paper from the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), 2012. Published version available from IEEE: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/hicss.2012.535 This paper presents a theoretical lens for research on social media use in eParticipation, along with an example case study. The idea of the public sphere and how it can be applied to eParticipation research is presented. The public sphere is discussed in relation to Castell's notion of the network society as the "networked public sphere", and social capital is introduced as a possible explanation for why some people choose to participate while others refrain from doing so. An example case is presented and…
Genres of participation in social networking systems: A study of the 2009 Norwegian parliamentary election
Published version of a chapter in the book: Electronic Participation. Also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15158-3_9 In the Norwegian context, eParticipation in the form of online campaigning has been on the agenda since 2001. After Obama’s successful presidential campaign in 2008, expectations about the use of SNS in the Norwegian parliamentary election were high. This study explores genres of participation in the early stages of the 2009 Norwegian parliamentary election campaign. The main finding is that the political parties have seen the need for a presence in SNS’, and that a genre repertoire for political communication through SNS is beginning to evolve. However, ther…
Engasjement på Mitt Arbeiderparti
- Denne rapporten presenterer funn fra en undersøkelse av hvordan Arbeiderpartiet best mulig kan engasjere medlemmer og andre interesserte gjennom lokallagssonerlagsoner på Mitt Arbeiderparti. Det primære datagrunnlaget er intervjuer med 11 lokallagsbrukere av Mitt Arbeiderparti. I tillegg har vi gjennomført intervjuer med intervjuet soneansvarlige i tre soner, samt gjennomført nettverksanalyser og sjangeranalyser basert på innholdet i tre soner. Resultatene viser at den viktigste rollen for Mitt Arbeiderparti spiller en pr. i dag er sentral og viktig rolle som informasjonskanal. Deltagerne Brukerne forventer å finne relevant og oppdatert informasjon om Arbeiderpartiets politikk på nettside…