Alejandro Gil-salmerón

Evaluación del riesgo de reincidencia en menores infractores: herramientas para la mejora de estrategias reeducativas en España

El presente estudio trata de conocer las herramientas que actualmente se utilizan en el ámbito judicial en menores para evaluar el riesgo de reincidencia en España. Para abordar el trabajo se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura existente y se ha llevado a cabo un análisis comparativo de los instrumentos con mayor ascendencia, que permiten identificar dicho riesgo. Tras el análisis, y desde la perspectiva del Trabajo Social, se destaca la herramienta SAVRY puesto que es una herramienta que abarca una gran cantidad de factores y permite el desarrollo de actuaciones efectivas potenciando conductas prosociales que reduzcan el riesgo de de- lincuencia futura. El conocimiento de estas herr…

research product

Guiding the development of community-based services for vulnerable migrants and refugees in Europe

Abstract The Mig-HealthCare roadmap & toolbox emphasize an approach that can be implemented at a local community level by local health professionals. The roadmap and toolbox were the main outcome of the project which combines evidence from original research and other information to present concrete steps in the provision of care to migrants and refugees at a community level. The vision of Mig-HealthCare for this roadmap & toolbox is to (1) Help the health professionals working primarily at the community health care level to familiarize themselves with the key areas of importance in refugee/migrant health (2) Provide health professionals with a valuable set of best practices and hand…

research product

Pilot action within the framework of the Mig-HealthCare project - implementation of community-based pilot studies addressing health inequalities of migrants and refugees

Abstract In the framework of the Mig-HealthCare project, a roadmap to community-based health care was developed including a toolbox and an algorithm. The Mig-HealthCare partners piloted parts of the roadmap in 8 EU countries. Piloting included actions on health promotion issues for migrants/refugees, mental health issues, non-communicable diseases, screening for breast and cervical cancer and vaccination issues. Two recommended practices were also piloted among migrants/refugees namely the 'circle of health' and health mentors while the Greek partner tested the developed algorithm in various health settings. All pilots were evaluated using common and pilot specific indicators for (a) approp…

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Determinants of Refugee and Migrant Health Status in 10 European Countries: The Mig-HealthCare Project

In this study, we collect and synthesize information on the health status of the refugee/migrant population in ten European countries in order to map refugee/migrant health needs. With this information, we identify areas of intervention and healthcare system strengthening to provide the basis for future health planning and effective healthcare provision to migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees in the European Union (EU). Methods: 1407 migrants in ten European Union countries (consortium members of the Mig-HealthCare project) were surveyed on general health, mental health, and specific diseases using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and multivariable linear r…

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Comparison of physical activity levels in Spanish adults with chronic conditions before and during COVID-19 quarantine

Abstract Background This is the first study analyzing levels of physical activity in a sample of quarantined adults with chronic conditions. The aim of this study was to compare moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity levels in Spanish adults with chronic conditions before and during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) quarantine. Methods A cross-sectional online survey was administered during the COVID-19 quarantine in Spain. A total of 163 participants with chronic conditions (113 females and 47 males; age range 18–64 years) completed the survey. A total of 26 chronic conditions were included. Participants self-reported average minutes/day of moderate and vigorous physical acti…

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Discrimination accessing to health care services: Feelings of migrants and misunderstandings of professionals

Abstract Discrimination against migrants in healthcare settings and also the negative impact of this discrimination on their health are well documented. These experiences of discrimination may present a barrier to accessing or seeking appropriate health care. For this reason, the Mig-HealthCare project aimed to study the perceived feeling of discrimination against migrants and explore the perception of community members regarding health-related issues about migrants. In order to answer both questions, based on a mix-methods design, the Mig-Healthcare consortium collected data from 1,286 questionnaires completed by migrants/refugees in 10 EU countries and carried out 6 focus groups and 5 ind…

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Cancer care for the homeless population: a literature review

Abstract Background The last global survey in 2005 of the United Nations estimated that 100 million people were homeless. Cancer is becoming one of the most important public health problems worldwide, but specifically, the prevalence of cancer-related mortality for the homeless population has been reported to be double compared to the average adult population. To date, health research pays insufficient attention to studying cancer and improving the delivery of cancer care for the homeless population. Methods A systematic literature review of relevant databases was employed to identify all the quantitative studies addressing cancer care for the homeless population in English, Spanish, French…

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Policy Makers', NGO, and Healthcare Workers' Accounts of Migrants' and Refugees' Healthcare Access Across Europe : Human Rights and Citizenship Based Claims

Freely available healthcare, universally accessible to the population of citizens, is a key ideal for European welfare systems. As labor migration of the twentieth century gave way to the globalized streams of the twenty-first century, new challenges to fulfilling these ideals have emerged. The principle of freedom of movement, together with large-scale forced migration have led to large scale movements of people, making new demands on European healthcare systems which had previously been largely focused on meeting sedentary local populations' needs. Drawing on interviews with service providers working for NGOs and public healthcare systems and with policy makers across 10 European countrie…

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Analysis of needs, expectations and capacities of health and social care professionals in order to provide culturally adapted care

Abstract The Mig-HealthCare consortium conducted a qualitative study of the health care needs of vulnerable migrants/refugees in Europe. The research was conducted between Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. In total, 20 focus group discussions or, where necessary individual interviews (19), were organised with health care professionals and service providers; policymakers; and representatives from Non-Governmental Organisations - NGOs. Thematic qualitative analysis was employed. The main results of the analysis show that: Health care provision for migrants is uneven throughout the EU and variations exist even within the same country. Health care providers and NGOs agree that health care for migrants…

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Best practices addressing healthcare care access of migrants and refugees in European countries

Abstract Mig-healthCare has identified sources in the countries and languages of the consortium providing guidance for community-based healthcare for migrants and refugees. A total of 54 sources that refer to best practices in seven European countries were identified. Results were categorized along with the themes: organization, communication, training, education and facilities & services. Successful organizational measures were a close collaboration with different governmental authorities, NGOs, community organizations and various local service providers. Moreover, engagement with members from both the host community and the migrant/refugee community in the design and implementation ph…

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Modelling migrants’ access to healthcare: focus groups results from an ecological approach

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Community-based intervention to prevent the incidence of Non-Communicable Diseases in the migrant population: Pilot study in Valencia (Spain)

Abstract Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are prevalent in the migrant population with increased years of residency in the host country. In this regard, health education and lifestyle interventions have proven to be cost-effective modifying risk factors. The Spanish pilot of the Mig-HealthCare project directly aims to reduce the prevalence of NCDs reducing the well-known “healthy migrant effect” by increasing the levels of health literacy and also turning the lifestyles of the participants into healthier habits in the host country. The Mig-HealthCare pilot in Spain is a one-month group-based Health Education and Lifestyle Intervention to prevent the incidence of non-communicable diseases in…

research product

Differences in health status, health behaviour and healthcare utilisation between Immigrant and native homeless people in Spain: An exploratory study

Few studies have examined the differences between immigrant and native-born homeless populations. Our aim was to conduct an exploratory study to examine the differences in health status, health behaviour and healthcare utilisation in a sample of Spanish immigrant and native homeless people. Study was conducted in eight different temporary accommodations in the Valencia region in August 2018. Overall, 86 participants were included in the analysis who answered questionnaires concerning socio-demographic characteristics, immigration status, health status and behaviour, healthcare utilisation and experienced discrimination in healthcare and health literacy. In total, 76.7% were men with a mean …

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Older people’s dialogue about loneliness and social support: a cross-cultural qualitative study conducted in Spain and South Africa (Diálogo entre las personas mayores sobre la soledad y el apoyo social: un estudio cualitativo transcultural en España y Sudáfrica)

This study aimed to explore and gain insight from the dialogue and subjective perception of older people about loneliness and social support using a cross-cultural approach. A total of six focus gr...

research product

Changes in Sitting Time, Screen Exposure and Physical Activity during COVID-19 Lockdown in South American Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study

The worldwide prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PA) and prolonged sedentary behavior (SB) were high before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Measures that were taken by governments (such as home confinement) to control the spread of COVID-19 may have affected levels of PA and SB. This cross-sectional study among South American adults during the first months of COVID-19 aims to (i) compare sitting time (ST), screen exposure, moderate PA (MPA), vigorous PA (VPA), and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) before and during lockdown to sociodemographic correlates and (ii) to assess the impact of lockdown on combinations of groups reporting meeting/not-meeting PA recommendations and enga…

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Predictions concerning the use of health care services in Europe by migrants/refugees and the Mig-HealthCare Roadmap & Toolbox

Abstract Based on the multiple levels of research conducted within the project the consortium developed a roadmap & toolbox which includes the following categories: Continuity of information, Language Culture & Communication, Mental Health, Vaccinations, Maternal/child health, Health promotion, Oral health/Dental Care and NCDs while the Toolbox contains tools on these categories in different languages. The roadmap & toolbox is accessible through the project website. In addition, different scenarios, giving a comprehensive picture of the foreseen situation and the evidence-based policies and actions needed to maximize the effective delivery and sensitivity in the service of care …

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Strengthening Child-centred Health Systems response: what happens with migrant children?

Abstract Migrant children are especially vulnerable to the challenges experienced during the migratory process and its integration in the host country, even more, if they are unaccompanied. Child-centred Health Systems responses are needed, for that reason, the Erasmsus+ project EUVETCARE aims to strengthen the capacity of the professionals and systems to meet the specific needs of this population. A qualitative study allowed a needs assessment of the health and social care professionals in 5 EU countries (Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain). A total of 15 focus groups were carried out (99 participants). Focus groups discussions were transcribed verbatim in local languages and transcr…

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Modelling healthcare access for migrants and refugees in Europe: identifying the major health issues

Abstract The Mig-HealthCare systematically searched to identify the key health areas of refugee/migrant health in order to facilitate interventions that help access to care services for migrants and refugees. The literature review was carried out in March 2018 using 3 large scientific databases using a combination of search terms following the PRISMA methodology and a standard set of items used to report on systematic reviews. Based on the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 118 publications were used for data extraction. It is important to note, that in almost all of the sources identified, the following cross-cutting factors were described as influencing access to heal…

research product

Survey on the physical and mental health among migrants and refugees in ten European countries

Abstract This study discusses the main findings of the quantitative research conducted within the Mig-HealthCare consortium countries to explore the physical and mental health of migrants and refugees. The study population is defined as migrants/refugees who have been residing in Europe, for at least 6 months and up to 5 years. In order to be able to capture the recent migration flow, the analysis was based on 1169 questionnaires collected in 10 EU-Member States, answered by adult migrants residing less than 5 years in the specific country. A total of 29% of migrants stated that their health is poor or fair. Overall, 56.9% of migrants needed health care services during the last 6 months, ho…

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Health-Related Behaviors Among School-Aged Children and Adolescents During the Spanish Covid-19 Confinement

In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) world pandemic, affected countries such as Spain enacted measures comprising compulsory confinement as well as restrictions regarding free movement. Such measures likely influence children's and adolescents' lifestyles. Our study aimed to investigate the impact that the Covid-19 confinement has on health-related behaviors (HRBs) among Spanish children and adolescents. An online survey was administered to 516 parents to collect data about 860 children and adolescents (49.2% girls) aged between 3 and 16 years in relation to physical activity, screen exposure, sleep time, and fruit and vegetable consumption during the Covid-19 confinement.…

research product

How to address the mental health of migrant and refugee population in Europe? An integrated shift in health and social care services - MigHealthCare project

Introduction Health and social care services across Europe are facing diverse challenges meeting the specific needs of migrants and refugees [1]. In this regard, vulnerable migrants fall outside mental healthcare services [2]. Based on this, Mig-Healthcare project, funded by the European Commission, explores the health needs of the migrant population in an effort to strengthen EU community-based services. Methods A total of 20 focus groups and 19 individual interviews were conducted between November 2017 and April 2018 with different stakeholders involved in the provision of health and social care to the migrant population in the 10 countries (Greece, France, Malta, Germany, Austria, Italy,…

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Health care delivery for minor migrants and refugees in EU: gaps in the knowledge and expertise of health care providers

Introduction Childhood care by its nature requires the integration of nurturing and protective services [1]. Furthermore, a lack of appropriate resources tackling the specific needs of migrants and refugees has put pressure on health care services [2]. In this regard, the European project EUVETCARE qualitatively explores how to strengthen care delivery for child migrants and refugees. Methods Between April and May of 2019, a total of 99 professionals involved in the health and social care delivery for migrant minors as well as policy-makers participated in fifteen focus groups were carried out in 5 EU countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Germany). FGDs were transcribed verbatim in lo…

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Healthcare access of immigrants: An integrated ecological framework

Access to healthcare impacts in health, and for its importance it has been conceptualized by different theoretical models. Theories tackling social barriers have been established too. Nevertheless, a lack of theorization about healthcare access of immigrants exists, and there is no theory able to integrate all the scientific literature on this and its impact on the health of immigrants. In order to study the factors relating to the access of immigrants and to guide the development and evaluation of public health interventions, an integrative approach is needed. In this regard, from an ecological perspective healthcare access of immigrants would be shaped by interrelated factors in different…

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Access to Healthcare for Migrant Patients in Europe: Healthcare Discrimination and Translation Services

Background: Discrimination based on ethnicity and the lack of translation services in healthcare have been identified as main barriers to healthcare access. However, the actual experiences of migrant patients in Europe are rarely present in the literature. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess healthcare discrimination as perceived by migrants themselves and the availability of translation services in the healthcare systems of Europe. Methods: A total of 1407 migrants in 10 European Union countries (consortium members of the Mig-HealthCare project) were surveyed concerning healthcare discrimination, access to healthcare services, and need of translation services using an interview…

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