Hervé Bouhin
Ligand binding by native and recombinant juvenile hormone binding proteins: effect of pH and phospholipid vesicles on binding affinity
Ligand binding by native and recombinant juvenile hormone binding proteins: effect of pH on binding inity
Molecular cloning of two adult-specific cuticular proteins. JHA-regulation and developmental expression
Cuticular protein genes in Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
1210-5759; We have previously isolated from the beetle Tenebrio molitor, cDNAs coding for two glycine-rich cuticular proteins named ACP-20, ACP-22 and ACP-17 and an alanin-rich cuticular protein named LPCP-22. The ACP-20, ACP-22, ACP-17 mRNAs are detected by Northern blot and In situ hybridization analysis only in epidermal regions secreting heavily sclerotized cuticle during the pharate adult stage.The LPCP-22 mRNA is detected in most epidermal regions during the secretion of larval and pupal cuticles. Then, its presence is restricted to the epidermal zones secreting intersegmental soft cuticle in the newly ecdysed pupa. The stage- and tissue-specific gene system seems to be convenient mod…