G. Modica

Cap. 25 (Idatidosi polmonare) in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio di V. Bellia e G. Bonsignore, 3/e

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Cap. 13 (Traumi toracici) in dMalattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio di V. Bellia e G. Bonsignore

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Territorial dissimilarities in energy and climate change

This paper examines regional differences between EU Member States on climate change, green economy and energy in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy, based on current work undertaken for the ESPON SIESTA project . The strategy is a new key policy based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth to help EU-27 facing global economic crisis and meeting the new environmental challenges such as energy efficiency, climate change, energy security and green economy. Drawing on the key findings and policy recommendations pointed out in the section “Sustainable growth” of the SIESTA project, this paper presents empirical data demonstrating the regional variations across Europe on a range of selec…

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Cap. 22 (Ascesso polmonare) in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, 3/E di V. Bellia e G. Bonsignore

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Postoperative laryngeal symptoms in a general surgery setting. Clinical study.

INTRODUCTION: Vocal cord injuries (VI), postoperative hoarseness (PH), dysphonia (DN), dysphagia (DG) and sore throat (ST) are common complications after general anesthesia; there is actually a lack of consensus to support the proper timing for post-operative laryngoscopy that is reliable to support the diagnosis of laryngeal or vocal fold lesions after surgery and there are no valid studies about the entity of laryngeal trauma in oro-tracheal intubation. Aim of our study is to evaluate the statistical relation between anatomic, anesthesiological and surgical variables in the case of PH, DG or impaired voice register. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 50 patients (30 thyroidectomies, 8 videolaparoscop…

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Fournier's gangrene: case report and review of recent literature

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Neck node dissection in thyroid cancer. A review.

INTRODUCTION: thyroid cancer recurs most commonly in one or more cervical lymph nodes. Surgical treatment for differentiated or medullary thyroid carcinoma consists of total thyroidectomy (TT). The aim is to elucidate the potential benefits and drawbacks of neck dissection TT related. MATERIALS AND METHODS: differences between therapeutic and prophylactic neck dissection were analysed to prevent post-operative morbidity, neck recurrences and improve survival. DISCUSSION: there is considerable controversy regarding the treatment of patients with cervical node metastases specially in differentiated thyroid cancer. Considering that a neck dissection might help to reduce local recurrence, espec…

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Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts

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Non recurrent laryngeal nerve. Personal experience

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Spatial Indicators for a Europe 2020 Strategy Territorial Analysis – SIESTA

Il contributo descrive la situazione del contesto territoriale italiano a partire dai risultati del progetto ESPON SIESTA in riferimento agli indicatori spaziali per la strategia Europe 2020.

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Preliminary evaluation of a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex for the control of Plenodomus tracheiphilus causal agent of citrus mal secco disease

In this study we evaluated a zinc copper-citric acid biocomplex (Dentamet®) for the effect on citrus mal secco disease caused by Plenodomus tracheiphilus. In vitro tests highlighted an inhibitory activity of the compound on mycelial growth and phialoconidia germination. Independent in vivo trials were performed in a growth chamber inoculating a virulent fungal isolate on sour orange seedlings and young plants of two lines of Femminello lemon, namely ‘Zagara bianca’ and ‘2Kr’, grafted on sour orange and grown in pots. The compound was leaf sprayed three days before the inoculation by wounds with phialoconidia. Overall, disease index and disease progress curve in plants inoculated with P. tra…

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Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy: personal experience

Aim: Laparoscopic cholecystecomy (l.G) is now the gold standard for the treatment of gallstones, In this report were analyzed 153 IX ' performed by it single surgical team and, according to results, elaborated any technical recommendation. Mai i riai s and mi thuds: 153 IX. has been performed in Section of General and Thoracic Surgery of University' of Palermo, Sicily, by a single surgical team, since 2000. Indications for LC were all forms of calculous cholecystitis (biliary colic in 73.2%, acute cholecystitis in 4.5%, gallbladder polyps in 5.8%) or colecystocoledochal Hthiasis (9.8%). The mean age of patients was I9.-/6 years (range 18-78) and 6 2.7%) were female. The patients were studie…

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An uncommon complication of liver biopsy: obstructive jaundice from blood clots

Introduction: The AA. report on a case of one young woman who developed obstructive jaundice induced by hemo- bilia after percutaneous liver biopsy, successfully treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Methods: An endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed with extraction of the clots Observations: Four weeks after ERCP the patient was healthy and asymptomatic, valuated as outpatient Conclusions: The role of ERCP in managing biliary sequelae of hemobilia is well established: biliary decompression is required if and intrabiliary lot causes obstructive jaundice and/or biliary colic. ERCP is feasible and leads to relief of symptoms in most cases, without the need of sur…

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Acute pancreatitis during liver hydatidosis: treatment with ERCP and endoscopic sphincterotomy

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Surgical treatment of solitary sternal metastasis from breast cancer Case report

Bone metastasis is a frequent and early complication of breast cancer. This case report describes a technique for a partial exeresis of the sternum and the reconstruction of the pleura with autologous dermis from the lower abdomen and the loss of substance with a myocutaneous flap.We describe the case of a 50-year old woman with a sternal excavated lesion with pathologic fracture due to an invasive adenocarcinoma, treated with a partial exeresis of the sternum and the reconstruction with a myocutaneous flap.The patient doesn't show evidence of recurrent disease and the stability of her chest well preserved.Metastatic breast cancer to the sternum, if detected early and treated aggressively, …

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A rare complication of ERCP: Mallory-Weiss syndrome

OBJECTIVE: To describe the management and outcome after endoscopic treatment of hematemesis by Mallory-Weiss Syndrome (MWS) occurred after CPRE (suspected choledocolithiasis). Background data: Although cough and retching is common during EGD or CPRE, MWS resulting from endoscopy seems to be uncommon (0.0001-0.04%) and always self-limiting. Case report: The patient was submitted to CPRE with the suspicion of choledocholithiasis. Eight hours after CPRE the patient presented with hematemesis amd hypotension. With emergency EGD, the AA identified a small bleeding mucosal tear (visible vessel with spurting) just proximal to the esophagogastric junction. The patient was safely treated with endosc…

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Role of prophylactic central neck dissection in cN0-papillary thyroid carcinoma: Results from a high-prevalence area

BACKGROUND: Prophylactic, compartment-oriented central neck dissection (CND) for cN0 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is not widely practiced. We examined our results with this surgical approach. METHODS: A cohort of 158 patients operated on for the classical variant of PTC at a follow-up of 1-22 years (mean: 6.6) were enrolled. The patients with a preoperative diagnosis of cN0 PTC (group A, 59 patients) underwent total thyroidectomy (TT) + CND. In the patients with incidental postoperative diagnosis of malignancy (group B, 99 patients) a TT alone was performed. RESULTS: Ninety-six T1, 36 T2, 26 T3/T4 PTC patients were enrolled. The overall biochemical/scintigraphic recurrence rate (15 pat…

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Heat shock protein 60 levels in tissue and circulating exosomes in human large bowel cancer before and after ablative surgery.

BACKGROUND: Heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) is a chaperonin involved in tumorigenesis, but its participation in tumor development and progression is not well understood and its value as a tumor biomarker has not been fully elucidated. In the current study, the authors presented evidence supporting the theory that Hsp60 has potential as a biomarker as well as a therapeutic target in patients with large bowel cancer. METHODS: The authors studied a population of 97 subjects, including patients and controls. Immunomorphology, Western blot analysis, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction were performed on tissue specimens. Exosomes were isolated from blood and characterized by electr…

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Multiwalled carbon nanotube reinforced polymer composites

Due to their high stiffness and strength, as well as their electrical conductivity, carbon nanotubes are under intense investigation as fillers in polymer matrix composites. The nature of the carbon nanotube/polymer bonding and the curvature of the carbon nanotubes within the polymer have arisen as particular factors in the efficacy of the carbon nanotubes to actually provide any enhanced stiffness or strength to the composite. Here the effects of carbon nanotube curvature and interface interaction with the matrix on the composite stiffness are investigated using micromechanical analysis. In particular, the effects of poor bonding and thus poor shear lag load transfer to the carbon nanotube…

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Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with previous abdominal surgery. Personal experience and literature review

Objectives. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is today the "gold standard" treatment of gallbladder stones. Role of LC is still debated in the presence of abdominal scars due to the frequent post-operative adhesions which make access to the peritoneal cavity difficult. This study aim to assess role and outcomes of LC on a previous abdominal surgery on the scarred abdomen. Materials and Methods. we have carried out a retrospective study on 499 consecutive patients who had undergone LC from 2009 to 2015; 21 of these (4.2%) undergone previous abdominal surgery. In all 21 cases the pneumoperitoneum was established with Veress needle at the Palmer's point and the procedure was carried out after …

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Toracentesi e pleurodesi nel trattamento dei versamenti pleurici. Esperienza personale

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Fumo, risorsa idrica ed altri fattori di rischio nel carcinoma vescicale superficiale

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Prognostic significance of DNA ploidy, S-phase fraction, and tissue levels of aspartic, cysteine, and serine proteases in operable gastric carcinoma

A consecutive series of 63 untreated patients undergoing surgical resection for stage I-IV gastric adenocarcinomas (GCs) has been prospectively studied. Our purpose was to analyze the predictive relevance of DNA ploidy, S-phase fraction (SPF), and tissue levels of lysosomal proteinases cathepsin D (CD), cathepsin B (CB), cathepsin L (CL), and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and that of the intracellular cysteine proteinase inhibitor stefin A on clinical outcome. All of the patients taking part in this study were followed up for a median of 73 months. DNA aneuploidy was present in 71% of the cases (45/63), whereas 9% of these (4/45) showed multiclonality. Both DNA ploidy and SPF w…

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Endoscopic palliation of obstructive jaundice caused by inoperable pancreatic cancer: personal experience

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Platform session

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Intestinal endometriosis: an obscure cause of cyclic rectal bleeding

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Materiali Compositi Rinforzati da Nanotubi di Carbonio a Parete Multipla

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Heterotopic gastric mucosa in the gallbladder: case report and literature review

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Treatment of complications of hepatic hydatid disease by ERCP: our experience

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The effect of body mass index on chest trauma severity and prognosis.

Patients with thoracic trauma constitute one third of all the trauma cases, in west Sicily were recorded 941 thoracic trauma during the period between 2006 and 2009. Sicily is one of the Italian regions with the highest rate of obesity: some studies have demonstrated that obesity is an independent risk factor for mortality in high energy blunt traumas.This study was conducted with trauma patients older than 20 years old who presented to our Department during the last five years. We only included thoracic injuries and politrauma with a thoracic involvement and a BMI25. Patients were divided into two groups: HET and LET patients.Thoracic trauma was more common in patients with a BMI25 than in…

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Clinical Anatomy of Central Venous Catheterization Ultrasound-Guided

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Linfagioma cistico addominale: un’origine dibattuta.

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