Manuel Bañó Polo
N-glycosylation efficiency is determined by the distance to the C-terminus and the amino acid preceding an Asn-Ser-Thr sequon
N-glycosylation is the most common and versatile protein modification. In eukaryotic cells, this modification is catalyzed cotranslationally by the enzyme oligosaccharyltransferase, which targets the β-amide of the asparagine in an Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr consensus sequon (where Xaa is any amino acid but proline) in nascent proteins as they enter the endoplasmic reticulum. Because modification of the glycosylation acceptor site on membrane proteins occurs in a compartment-specific manner, the presence of glycosylation is used to indicate membrane protein topology. Moreover, glycosylation sites can be added to gain topological information. In this study, we explored the determinants of N-glycosylati…
Transmembrane helices : insertion and assembly into biological membranes
Todas las células, ya sean eubacterias, arqueas o eucariotas, están delimitadas por membranas, cuyo componente estructural básico es una fina capa de moléculas anfipáticas organizadas en dos monocapas lipídicas enfrentadas, en las que residen multitud de proteínas íntimamente asociadas a esta la bicapa de múltiples maneras. La membrana juega un papel fundamental para la supervivencia de las células, define sus límites estableciendo una barrera físico-química para moléculas polares a la vez que delimita los diferentes compartimentos celulares.A pesar de la importancia de las proteínas de membrana únicamente el 1.5% de las estructuras depositadas en el “Protein Data Bank” (PDB) (incluyendo la…