Jean Claude Germon

Impacts environnentaux des TCSL : des effets positifs sur la qualité de l'air et l'effet de serre

International audience

research product

A method for the preparation of repacked soil cores with homogeneous aggregates for studying microbial nitrogen transformations under highly controlled physical conditions

International audience; he feasibility of studies on nitrate transformations during incubation in controlled conditions of air-filled porosity using a method of soil core preparation was investigated. Repacked cores were obtained by uniaxial confined compression in a cylindrical mould of a mass of calibrated and conveniently wet aggregates with a water content selected to saturate the textural porosity of the soil aggregates, imposing structural porosity and thereby producing controlled conditions of aeration. The principle and the descrip- tion of the incubation method are explained and some denitrification and respiration data obtained with low and increasing OZ partial pressures are pres…

research product

Molecular analysis of the nitrate-reducing community from unplanted and maize-planted soils

ABSTRACT Microorganisms that use nitrate as an alternative terminal electron acceptor play an important role in the global nitrogen cycle. The diversity of the nitrate-reducing community in soil and the influence of the maize roots on the structure of this community were studied. The narG gene encoding the membrane bound nitrate reductase was selected as a functional marker for the nitrate-reducing community. The use of narG is of special interest because the phylogeny of the narG gene closely reflects the 16S ribosomal DNA phylogeny. Therefore, targeting the narG gene provided for the first time a unique insight into the taxonomic composition of the nitrate-reducing community in planted an…

research product

Effets simultanés de niveaux croissants de glucose et de pressions partielles en oxygène sur la dénitrification et la réduction dissimilative du nitrate en ammonium dans des échantillons reconstitués de sol

International audience; Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and its importance in comparison to denitrification were studied in soil samples artificially repacked to control water potential and porosity, and incubated for 72 h. Labelled nitrate (100 mg N.kg-’ dry soil, 21.8 % 15N in excess) and increasing levels of glucose-C (250, 500 and 1 000 mg glucose-Ckg-’ dry soil) were initially added to the soil samples to obtain increasing glucose-C/nitrate-N ratios of 2.5,5 and 10, which were then subjected to different 0, partial pressures (0,0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 % (v/v)). The results confirmed the good reproducibility of the experimental condi- tions using this method. Denitrification…

research product