D. Ghosal
Measurement of Compton scattering at MAMI for the extraction of the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of the proton
A precise measurement of the differential cross-sections $d\sigma/d\Omega$ and the linearly polarized photon beam asymmetry $\Sigma_3$ for Compton scattering on the proton below pion threshold has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost $4\pi$ detector at the Mainz Microtron. The incident photons were produced by the recently upgraded Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility and impinged on a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target, with the scattered photons detected in the Crystal Ball/TAPS set-up. Using the highest statistics Compton scattering data ever measured on the proton along with two effective field theories (both covariant baryon and heavy-baryon) and one fixed-$t$ dispersion …
Helicity-dependent cross sections for the photoproduction of π0 pairs from nucleons
The double-polarization observable $E$ and helicity-dependent cross sections $\sigma_{1/2}$, $\sigma_{3/2}$ have been measured for the photoproduction of $\pi^0$ pairs off quasi-free protons and neutrons at the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the Crystal Ball/TAPS setup. A circularly polarized photon beam was produced by bremsstrahlung from longitudinally polarized electrons and impinged on a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products were detected with an almost $4\pi$ covering calorimeter. The results reveal for the first time the helicity- and isospin-dependent structure of the $\gamma N\rightarrow N\pi^0\pi^0$ reaction. They are compared to predictions from re…
Technical Design Report for the Paul Scherrer Institute Experiment R-12-01.1: Studying the Proton "Radius" Puzzle with $\mu p$ Elastic Scattering
The difference in proton radii measured with $\mu p$ atoms and with $ep$ atoms and scattering remains an unexplained puzzle. The PSI MUSE proposal is to measure $\mu p$ and $e p$ scattering in the same experiment at the same time. The experiment will determine cross sections, two-photon effects, form factors, and radii independently for the two reactions, and will allow $\mu p$ and $ep$ results to be compared with reduced systematic uncertainties. These data should provide the best test of lepton universality in a scattering experiment to date, about an order of magnitude improvement over previous tests. Measuring scattering with both particle polarities will allow a test of two-photon exch…
Single π0 production off neutrons bound in deuteron with linearly polarized photons
The quasifree γ→d→π0n(p) photon beam asymmetry, Σ, has been measured at photon energies, Eγ, from 390 to 610 MeV, corresponding to center of mass energy from 1.271 to 1.424 GeV, for the first time. The data were collected in the A2 hall of the MAMI electron beam facility with the Crystal Ball and TAPS calorimeters covering pion center-of-mass angles from 49∘ to 148∘. In this kinematic region, polarization observables are sensitive to contributions from the Δ(1232) and N(1440) resonances. The extracted values of Σ have been compared to predictions based on partial-wave analyses (PWAs) of the existing pion photoproduction database. Our comparison includes the SAID, MAID and Bonn–Gatchina anal…
Signatures of the d*(2380) Hexaquark in d(γ,pn→)
We report a measurement of the spin polarization of the recoiling neutron in deuterium photodisintegration, utilizing a new large acceptance polarimeter within the Crystal Ball at MAMI. The measured photon energy range of 300-700 MeV provides the first measurement of recoil neutron polarization at photon energies where the quark substructure of the deuteron plays a role, thereby providing important new constraints on photodisintegration mechanisms. A very high neutron polarization in a narrow structure centered around E_{γ}∼570 MeV is observed, which is inconsistent with current theoretical predictions employing nucleon resonance degrees of freedom. A Legendre polynomial decomposition sugge…