M. Valverde
Coherent neutrino scattering
We present a microscopic model for coherent pion production off nuclei induced by neutrinos. This model is built upon a model for single nucleon processes that goes beyond the usual Delta dominance by including non resonant background contributions. We include nuclear medium effects: medium corrections to Delta$ properties and outgoing pion absortion via an optical potential. This results in major modifications to cross sections for low energy experiments when compared with phenomenological models like Rein-Sehgal's.
Charged and Neutral Current Neutrino Induced Nucleon Emission Reactions
Presented by J. Nieves at the XX Max Born Symposium “Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Interactions”, Wrocław, Poland, December 7–10, 2005.
Coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies revisited
As a result of a new improved fit to old bubble chamber data of the dominant axial C-5(A) nucleon-to-delta form factor, and due to the relevance of this form factor for neutrino induced coherent pion production, we reevaluate our model predictions in [Phys. Rev. D 79, 013002 ( 2009)] for different observables of the latter reaction. Central values for the total cross sections increase by 20%-30%, while differential cross sections do not change their shape appreciably. Furthermore, we also compute the uncertainties on total, differential, and flux-averaged cross sections induced by the errors in the determination of C-5(A). Our new results turn out to be compatible within about 1 sigma with …
Theoretical uncertainties on quasielastic charged-current neutrino–nucleus cross sections
We estimate the theoretical uncertainties of the model developed in Phys. Rev. C70 055503 for inclusive quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions at intermediate energies. Besides we quantify the deviations of the predictions of this many body framework from those obtained within a simple Fermi gas model. An special attention has been paid to the ratio \sigma(\mu)/\sigma(e) of interest for experiments on atmospheric neutrinos. We show that uncertainties affecting this ratio are likely smaller than 5%
Inclusive quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions
The Quasi-Elastic (QE) contribution of the nuclear inclusive electron scattering model developed in Nucl. Phys. A627 (1997) 543 is extended to the study of electroweak Charged Current (CC) induced nuclear reactions, at intermediate energies of interest for future neutrino oscillation experiments. The model accounts for, among other nuclear effects, long range nuclear (RPA) correlations, Final State Interaction (FSI) and Coulomb corrections. Predictions for the inclusive muon capture in $^{12}$C and the reaction $^{12}$C $(\nu_\mu,\mu^-)X$ near threshold are also given. RPA correlations are shown to play a crucial role and their inclusion leads to one of the best existing simultaneous descri…
New determination of the N-Δ(1232) axial form factors from weak pion production and coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies revisited
We re-evaluate our model predictions in Phys. Rev. D 79, 013002 (2009) for different observables in neutrino induced coherent pion production. This comes as a result of the new improved fit to old bubble chamber data of the dominant axial C_5^A nucleon-to-Delta form factor. We find an increase of 20%-30% in the values for the total cross sections. Uncertainties induced by the errors in the determination of C_5^A are computed. Our new results turn out to be compatible within about $1\sigma$ with the former ones. We also stress the existing tension between the recent experimental determination of the \sigma(CC coh \pi^+)}/\sigma(NC coh \pi^0)} $ ratio by the SciBooNE Collaboration and the the…
We study the threshold production of two pions induced by neutrinos in nucleon targets. The contribution of nucleon pole, pion and contact terms is calculated using a chiral Lagrangian. The contribution of the Roper resonance, neglected in earlier studies, has also been taken into account.
We discuss the relevance of nuclear medium effects in the analysis of some low and medium energy neutrino reactions of current interest. In particular, we study the Quasi-Elastic (QE) process, where RPA correlations and Final State Interactions (FSI) are shown to play a crucial role. We have also investigated the neutrino induced coherent pion production. We find a strong reduction of the cross section due to the distortion of the pion wave function and the modification of the production mechanisms in the nucleus. The sensitivity of the results to the axial $N\Delta$ coupling $C_5^A(0)$ has been also investigated.
Charged kaon production by coherent scattering of neutrinos and antineutrinos on nuclei
With the aim of achieving a better and more complete understanding of neutrino interactions with nuclear targets, the coherent production of charged kaons induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos is investigated in the energy range of some of the current neutrino experiments. We follow a microscopic approach which, at the nucleon level, incorporates the most important mechanisms allowed by the chiral-symmetry-breaking pattern of QCD. The distortion of the outgoing K ((K) over bar) is taken into account by solving the Klein-Gordon equation with realistic optical potentials. Angular and momentum distributions, as well as the energy and nuclear dependence of the total cross section, are studied.
Theoretical study of neutrino-induced coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies
19 latex pages, 10 figures, 2 tables.--ISI Article Identifier:000262979700013
Coherent Pions From Neutrino Scattering Off Nuclei
We describe a model for pion production off nucleons and coherent pions from nuclei induced by neutrinos in the 1 GeV energy regime. Besides the dominant Delta pole contribution, it takes into account the effect of background terms required by chiral symmetry. Moreover, the model uses a reduced nucleon-to-Delta resonance axial coupling, which leads to coherent pion production cross sections around a factor two smaller than most of the previous theoretical estimates. Nuclear effects like medium corrections on the Delta propagator and final pion distortion are included.
Inclusive Nucleon Emission Induced by Quasi--Elastic Neutrino--Nucleus Interactions
We study the quasi--elastic contribution to the inclusive $(\nu_l,\nu_l N)$, $(\nu_l,l^- N)$, $({\bar \nu}_l,{\bar \nu}_l N)$ and $({\bar \nu}_l,l^+ N)$ reactions in nuclei using a Monte Carlo simulation method to account for the rescattering of the outgoing nucleon. As input, we take the reaction probability from the microscopical many body framework developed in Phys. Rev. {\bf C70} (2004) 055503 for charged-current induced reactions, while for neutral currents we use results from a natural extension of the model described in that reference. The nucleon emission process studied here is a clear signal for neutral--current neutrino driven reactions, that can be used in the analysis of futur…
Nuclear effects on lepton polarization in charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering
We use a correlated local Fermi gas (LFG) model, which accounts also for long distance corrections of the RPA type and final-state interactions, to compute the polarization of the final lepton in charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering. The present model has been successfully used in recent studies of inclusive neutrino nucleus processes and muon capture. We investigate the relevance of nuclear effects in the particular case of $\tau$ polarization in tau-neutrino induced reactions for several kinematics of relevance for neutrino oscillation experiments.
N−Δ(1232)axial form factors from weak pion production
The $N\ensuremath{\Delta}$ axial form factors are determined from neutrino induced pion production ANL and BNL data by using a theoretical model that accounts both for background mechanisms and deuteron effects. We find violations of the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation at the level of $2\ensuremath{\sigma}$ which might have an impact in background calculations for T2K and MiniBooNE low energy neutrino oscillation precision experiments.
Weak pion production off the nucleon
We develop a model for the weak pion production off the nucleon, which besides the Delta pole mechanism (weak excitation of the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance and its subsequent decay into $N\pi$), includes also some background terms required by chiral symmetry. We re-fit the $C_5^A(q^2)$ form factor to the flux averaged $\nu_\mu p \to \mu^-p\pi^+$ ANL $q^2-$differential cross section data, finding a substantially smaller contribution of the Delta pole mechanism than traditionally assumed in the literature. Within this scheme, we calculate several differential and integrated cross sections, including pion angular distributions, induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos and driven both by charged and…
Equivalence between local Fermi gas and shell models in inclusive muon capture from nuclei
Motivated by recent studies of inclusive neutrino nucleus processes and muon capture within a correlated local Fermi gas model (LFG), we discuss the relevance of nuclear finite size effects in these reactions at low energy, in particular for muon capture. To disentangle these effects from others coming from the reaction dynamics we employ here a simple uncorrelated shell model that embodies the typical finite size content of the problem. The integrated decay widths of muon atoms calculated with this shell model are then compared for several nuclei with those obtained within the uncorrelated LFG, using in both models exactly the same theoretical ingredients and parameters. We find that the t…
N-Delta(1232) axial form factors from weak pion production
The N Delta axial form factors are determined from neutrino induced pion production ANL and BNL data by using a theoretical model that accounts both for background mechanisms and deuteron effects. We find violations of the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation at the level of 2 sigma which might have an impact in background calculations for T2K and MiniBooNE low energy neutrino oscillation precision experiments.
Can One Distinguish Tau Neutrinos from Antineutrinos in Neutral-Current Pion Production Processes?
A potential way to distinguish tau-neutrinos from antineutrinos, below the tau-production threshold, but above the pion production one, is presented. It is based on the different behavior of the neutral current pion production off the nucleon, depending on whether it is induced by neutrinos or antineutrinos. This procedure for distinguishing tau-neutrinos from antineutrinos neither relies on any nuclear model, nor it is affected by any nuclear effect (distortion of the outgoing nucleon waves, etc...). We show that neutrino-antineutrino asymmetries occur both in the totally integrated cross sections and in the pion azimuthal differential distributions. To define the asymmetries for the latte…
Neutrino induced weak pion production off the nucleon and coherent pion production in nuclei at low energies
We present a microscopic model for neutrino induced one-pion production off the nucleon and its implementation for the purpose of calculating coherent pion production in nuclei. We further criticize the use of the Rein--Sehgal model for coherent pion production by low energy neutrinos. In particular, we show how the approximations in that model give rise to a much flatter differential cross section in the $\eta=E_\pi(1-\cos\theta_\pi)$ variable. We discuss the limitations intrinsic to any approach based on the partial conservation of the axial current hypothesis and the inability of such models to properly determine the angular distribution of the outgoing pion with respect to the direction…
We study neutrino induced one-pion production off the nucleon in and around the Delta resonance region. Apart from the Delta-pole mechanism we include background terms required by chiral symmetry. These background terms give sizeable contributions in all channels. To better reproduce the ANL $q^2$-differential cross section data, we make a new fit of the $C_5^A(q^2)$ axial nucleon to Delta form factor. The new result $C_5^A(0)=0.867\pm 0.075$ is some 30% smaller than the commonly accepted value. This correction is compatible with most quark model estimates and a recent lattice calculation