Sanna Juutinen

International Virtual Mobility in Higher Education

Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung

research product

Usability and emotional obstacles in e-learning

Emotions are important in interaction and open a vital perspective to e-learning. E-learning courses have higher dropout rates than the traditional courses taught in classrooms, and it seems logical to ask whether emotional processes could explain a part of them. This research investigates how emotions are involved in students’ behavior during e-learning courses. As human emotions are not independent of human cognitions and appraisal, we also consider here how cognitive difficulties affect emotional stances in e-learning on the ground of feedback collected from an e-learning course. However, here the main focus of emotion relevant cognitive processes is related to competence and usability. …

research product

Emotional obstacles for e-learning – a user psychological analysis

E-oppimisen merkitys koulutuksessa on kasvanut jatkuvasti. Sekä julkisen että yksityisen sektorin organisaatiot käyttävät sitä laajasti. Epäilyjä kuitenkin on ilmaistu sen tehokkuuden osalta. Nämä ongelmat johtuvat usein ihmisen ja järjestelmän vuorovaikutuksesta, minkä vuoksi on tarpeen tutkia vuorovaikutusta e-oppimisessa. Me lähestymme näitä vuorovaikutusongelmia käyttäjäpsykologisesta näkökulmasta. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että käytämme psykologisia käsitteitä, menetelmiä ja teorioita ratkaistaksemme vuorovaikutusongelmia. Tässä artikkelissa haluamme korostaa, että on olemassa monia tunneperäisiä näkökulmia ihmisen ja teknologian vuorovaikutuksen prosesseille, ja siksi me analysoimme e-opp…

research product

Emotional obstacles of e-learning

research product

Lessons learned from Creation of Digitally Competent Educators SLP

[Introduction] Mismatch of competences and socio-economical results of this issue is recognized as an important problem for higher education institutes (HEIs) in Europe. To cope with this issue HEIs need to create new more flexible and modular structures. In this context, a European HEIs are encouraged to create micro-credentials and short learning programmes (Futures et al., 2020). European Short Learning Programmes (E-SLPs) are one of these new and flexible structures suggested by an EU Project funded under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform, Initiatives for Policy Innovation, "Forward Looking Cooperation Projects". SLPs have potential to respond to market needs a…

research product

Lokidatan käyttö oppilaiden profiloimisessa - sovellus matematiikan PISA-aineistoon

research product