Katri Turunen

Physical activity after a hip fracture : effect of a multicomponent home-based rehabilitation program - a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Objectives To investigate the effect of a yearlong multicomponent rehabilitation program on the level of physical activity (PA) and the maintenance of the level of PA over 1-year follow-up among older people recovering from a recent hip fracture. Design Secondary analysis of a randomized, controlled, parallel-group trial. Setting Home-based rehabilitation; measurements in university laboratory. Participants Community-dwelling people (N=81) aged ≥60 years recovering from a hip fracture. Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention (n=40) or a control (n=41) group, on average, 42±23 days after discharge from the hospital. Intervention A yearlong intervention included evaluation and …

research product

Physical Activity After a Hip Fracture: Effect of a Multicomponent Home-Based Rehabilitation Program—A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Objectives To investigate the effect of a yearlong multicomponent rehabilitation program on the level of physical activity (PA) and the maintenance of the level of PA over 1-year follow-up among older people recovering from a recent hip fracture. Design Secondary analysis of a randomized, controlled, parallel-group trial. Setting Home-based rehabilitation; measurements in university laboratory. Participants Community-dwelling people (N=81) aged ≥60 years recovering from a hip fracture. Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention (n=40) or a control (n=41) group, on average, 42±23 days after discharge from the hospital. Intervention A yearlong intervention included evaluation and …

research product

A tailored counseling and home-based rehabilitation program to increase physical activity and improve mobility among community-dwelling older people after hospitalization: protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Physical activity (PA) decreases during hospitalization. In particular, the amount of PA engaged in by older people who are hospitalized following musculoskeletal injury is likely to be limited for months after discharge home. Given the importance of an active lifestyle for their recovery and the prevention of future adverse outcomes, there is clearly a need for interventions to increase PA. This article describes the protocol of a randomized controlled trial set up to investigate the effects of a physical activity oriented home rehabilitation program (ProPA) on PA and the restoration of mobility in community-dwelling older people. Men and women aged 60 years or older hospitalized due to a …

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Effects of an individually targeted multicomponent counseling and home-based rehabilitation program on physical activity and mobility in community-dwelling older people after discharge from hospital: a randomized controlled trial.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of multicomponent rehabilitation on physical activity, sedentary behavior, and mobility in older people recently discharged from hospital. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Home and community. Participants: Community-dwelling people aged ⩾60 years recovering from a lower limb or back musculoskeletal injury, surgery, or disorder were recruited from local health center hospitals and randomly assigned into an intervention ( n = 59) or a control (standard care, n = 58) group. Intervention: The six-month intervention consisted of a motivational interview, goal attainment process, guidance for safe walking, a progressive hom…

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Ikääntyvien kuntoutujien fyysinen aktiivisuus ja paikallaanolo laitoskuntoutusjakson aikana

Fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää sairauksista, vammoista tai heikentyneestä elämänhallinnasta kuntoutuessa ja ylläpidettäessä saavutettuja kuntoutumistuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata  ikääntyvien kuntoutujien fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja paikallaanoloa kuntoutuslaitoksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin työkykyä ylläpitävän ja parantavan valmennuksen ja sydänkuntoutuksen kursseilla. Tutkimukseen osallistui 19 keskimäärin 57-vuotiasta miestä ja naista, joiden fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja paikallaanolo aikaa mitattiin kiihtyvyysanturilla viiden kuntoutuspäivän aikana. Tulokset osoittivat, että kuntoutujat olivat liikkumatta suurimman osan hereillä oloajasta. Toisaalta kuntoutujille kerty…

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Associations of neuroticism with falls in older adults : do psychological factors mediate the association?

OBJECTIVES Neuroticism predicts falls in older people. In addition, concern about falling and depressive symptoms are associated with fall risk. This study examined whether concern about falling and depressive symptoms mediate the association between neuroticism and falls. METHOD Cross-sectional data on 314 community-dwelling people aged 70–85 years were utilized. Neuroticism was assessed with a short modified form of the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Indoor and outdoor falls during the past year were self-reported. Concern about falling was assessed with the Falls Efficacy Scale-International and depressive symptoms with the Geriatric Depression Scale-15. Path modeling was used to examine…

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Recovery of Lower Extremity Performance After Hip Fracture Depends on Prefracture and Postdischarge Mobility : A Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Rehabilitation Trial

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