Knut Erik Bonnier
Towards a Model for Planning and Controlling ETO Design Projects
- In the modern engineering environment design projects have become increasingly complex; this calls for an updated perspective on how to plan and coordinate design projects. This paper describes the identified premise that will lay the foundation of the development of a model for planning and controlling such projects. The premise includes principles, requirements, and methods derived from theories around subjects, such as, production theory, lean and agile. The distinctiveness of the design process has been central when setting the premise for the model.
How might serious games trigger a transformation in project management education ? Lessons learned from 10 Years of experimentations
While many studies have been published about project management serious games, most of them mainly describe characteristics and features of the games themselves. In those studies, little is found on the pedagogical imple- mentation of serious games and on how they have impacted project management education. In this article, we both discuss how serious games have impacted project management education and how they are implemented from a pedagogical perspective. We used an empirical research approach, based on qualitative observations. Observations included authors’ own usages of a project management serious game (the PM-Game) com- plemented with a synthesis of 10 years of observations and dis…
Lessons Learned from Implementing a Serious Game in Higher Education – A Student and Trainer Perspective
Serious games (SGs) have shown great potential as student-active learning tools in education, as they enable experimentation with practice-related work environments and systems that may otherwise be challenging and/or impractical to facilitate in an educational institution. However, existing instructional design models are limited in use when it comes to how to implement and integrate SGs within the existing curricula. Furthermore, the trainer perspective is often neglected in literature about serious games. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of both students and trainers after the implementation and use of a SG in a master level course in project management (PM). Data was…
Waste in Design and Engineering
Masteroppgave industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse- Universitetet i Agder, 2015 Issues and Purpose Predictability in design and engineering processes is a significant challenge. It is important to improve predictability since design and engineering processes affects the entire product life-cycle. Increased predictability can render these processes more effective, thus, it is vital to understand the mechanisms that might impact value-creation. This study is part of the Integrated Methodology for Project Management (INPRO) project, which aims to improve planning processes in the construction industry. Consequently, the objective of our study is to identify the mechanisms that may potential…