Sveinung Attestog

Modelling and Detecting Faults of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors in Dynamic Operations

Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) have played a key role in commercial and industrial applications, i.e. electric vehicles and wind turbines. They are popular due to their high efficiency, control simplification and large torque-to-size ratio although they are expensive. A fault will eventually occur in an operating PMSM, either by improper maintenance or wear from thermal and mechanical stresses. The most frequent PMSM faults are bearing faults, short-circuit and eccentricity. PMSM may also suffer from demagnetisation, which is unique in permanent magnet machines. Condition monitoring or fault diagnosis schemes are necessary for detecting and identifying these faults early in the…

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Improved Quadratic Time-frequency Distributions for Detecting Inter-turn Short Circuits of PMSMs in Transient States

This paper aims to improve quadratic time-frequency distributions to adapt condition monitoring of electrical machines in transient states. Short-Time Fourier transform (STFT) has been a baseline signal processing technique for detecting fault characteristic frequencies. However, limits of window sizes due to loss of frequency- or time-resolution, make it hard to capture rapid changes in frequencies. Within this study, Choi-Williams and Wigner-Ville distributions are proposed to effectively detect peaks at characteristic frequencies while still maintaining low computation time. The improved quadratic time-frequency distributions allow for generating spectrograms of a longer lasting data sig…

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Detecting Eccentricity and Demagnetization Fault of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators in Transient State

Eccentricity and demagnetization fault of a four-pole 1.5 kW surface mounted permanent-magnet synchronous-generator (PMSG) were modelled by using time-discretised finite element analysis (FEA). Both fault types are caused by magnetic asymmetry in the generator. The faulty behaviour of a PMSG under transient operating condition is studied with FEA. Two search coils were wound around stator teeth on opposite sides of the rotor. The induced voltage from these coils will be equal in healthy case. A fault is detected when the induced voltages are non-identical. The simulation results revealed that the envelope of the induced search coil voltage had sinusoids during dynamic eccentricity and demag…

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Electromagnetic and thermal modelling for prognosis of distribution transformer

Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2018 In this thesis numerical modelling of electromagnetics and thermodynamic of a distribution transformer was studied. The model is based on two 5 MVA three phase distribution transformers located in Uleberg (Norway) owned by Agder Energi. The results include magnetic flux density in the core, current density, heat loss density and temperature distribution in the transformer. The maximum temperature of the transformer operating at full load with cooling fans turned on and ambient temperature 20 C, reached the expected value based on temperature measurements from the transformers in Uleberg provided by Agder Energi. The results …

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Mixed Fault Classification of Sensorless PMSM Drive in Dynamic Operations Based on External Stray Flux Sensors

This paper aims to classify local demagnetisation and inter-turn short-circuit (ITSC) on position sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) in transient states based on external stray flux and learning classifier. Within the framework, four supervised machine learning tools were tested: ensemble decision tree (EDT), k-nearest neighbours (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and feedforward neural network (FNN). All algorithms are trained on datasets from one operational profile but tested on other different operation profiles. Their input features or spectrograms are computed from resampled time-series data based on the estimated position of the rotor from one stray flux sensor t…

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Electromagnetic and Thermal Modelling for Calculating Ageing Rate of Distribution Transformers

Prediction of the lifetime for transformers is very important for maintenance and asset management. Finite element analysis was performed on a 5 MVA distribution transformers with aluminium foil-type windings and voltage rating 6600 V/23000 V. Electromagnetic modelling is implemented on the full three-phase transformer to calculate distributed losses, taking the skin effect into account. To reduce the computational burden, the distributed losses in one phase are used to analyse temperature rise in one phase of the transformer. The temperature rise results were used to determine the ageing rate of the transformer. Further, the influence of ambient temperature and cooling on the temperature r…

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Modelling Demagnetized Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators using Permeance Network Model with Variable Flux Sources

The partial demagnetization in a four-pole 1.5 kW surface mounted permanent-magnet synchronous-generator was modeled by permeance network model (PNM). The results were compared to a 2-D time-stepping finite element analysis (FEA). Both models where simulated in scenarios where one of the magnets where 20 % and 100 % demagntized and when none of the magnets where demagnetised. The results showed that the proposed PNM with variable magnetic flux sources matched the results of the FEA. The proposed method only need to invers the permeance matrix once before the time simulation, while the traditinal PNM need to invers it in every time step. This make the proposed model less computationally heav…

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Robust Active Learning Multiple Fault Diagnosis of PMSM Drives with Sensorless Control under Dynamic Operations and Imbalanced Datasets

Authors accepted manuscript © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper proposes an active learning scheme to detect multiple faults in permanent magnet synchronous motors in dynamic operations without using historical labelled faulty training data. The proposed method combines the self-supervised anomaly detector based on a local outlier factor…

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Field Reconstruction for Modeling Multiple Faults in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors in Transient States

Conventional field reconstruction model (FRM) for electrical machines has proved its main strength in efficient computations of magnetic fields and forces in healthy permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) or faulty machines in steady states. This study aims to develop a magnet library of different magnet defects and include inter-turn short-circuit (ITSC) in the FRM for PMSM. The developed FRM can model a combination fault between ITSC, and magnet defect in a PMSM in transient states. Within the framework, an 8-turn ITSC was modelled in both finite element analysis (FEA) and FRM, and then identified by the extended Park’s vector approach. The air-gap magnetic field reproduced b…

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