Roberto Di Maria
La Costituzione come “luogo” della politica
Effetti “inibitori” della interdittiva antimafia e bilanciamento fra principi costituzionali: alcune questioni di legittimità dedotte in una recente ordinanza di rimessione alla Consulta
Moving from a very recent order of submission to the Italian Constitutional Court, the paper analyses some of the critical profiles that – in the last years – are related to the institute if the s.c. “interdittiva antimafia” (i.e. “anti-mafia interdictive), among the wider discipline provided against the organized crime. Regarding the parameters evoked by the Administrative Judge, it is intended to reflect on the delicate balancing procedure between rights and liberties that – equally guaranteed by the Constitution – inevitably collide as the aforementioned institute is enforced and that require, then, a particular care by the proceeding Public Administration: the private economic initiativ…