Federica Placenti
Distretti culturali e turismo. Il caso dei distretti culturali siciliani.
La Sostenibilità delle destinazioni turistiche: un approccio per indicatori
Turismo inbound e ricettività in Sicilia: un’analisi della distribuzione spaziale
In the last few years a significant increase in tourist accommodation has taken place in Sicily, both in hotels and in other hospitality. The increased number of accommodation beds has been encouraged by a multilevel policy of investments – both regional and European – aimed at filling the qualitative and quantitative gap penalizing Sicily in the field of tourism and accommodation competition. In some way, it may seem that the purpose of improving the accommodation supply in our Island has been obtained: indeed, while in 2000, the year when the previous European planning started, the number of accommodation beds in hotels was, in Sicily, of 4,2% of the national amount, in 2008 the Island ra…