G Mangano
Analysis of the seismo-volcanic and hydrothermal activity recorded on the Marsili submarine volcano
Localizzazione ipocentrale e clustering degli eventi sismici registrati durante la campagna OBS condotta nel Tirreno meridionale
Palermo 2010 - Campagna di monitoraggio sismo-acustico sottomarino dell’area epicentrale del terremoto di Palermo del 6 settembre 2002
Sismicità dell'area Ionica: un'immagine ottenuta da dati OBS (Neries, Na6)
Waveforms clustering of small magnitude earthquakes recorded in the Northern Sicilian offshore: evidence of multiplets
Evidence of the seismo‐volcanic and hydrothermal activity of the Marsili seamount from new geophysical and geochemical data
Single station location of small-magnitude seismic events recorded by OBS in the Ionian Sea
Timing of the emergence of the Europe-Sicily bridge (40-17 cal ka BP) and its implications for the spread of modern humans
The submerged sill in the Strait of Messina, which is located today at a minimum depth of 81 m below sea level (bsl), represents the only land connection between Sicily and mainland Italy (and thus Europe) during the last lowstand when the sea level locally stood at about 126 m bsl. Today, the sea crossing to Sicily, although it is less than 4 km at the narrowest point, faces hazardous sea conditions, made famous by the myth of Scylla and Charybdis. Through a multidisciplinary research project, we document the timing and mode of emergence of this land connection during the last 40 kyr. The integrated analysis takes into consideration morphobathymetric and lithological data, and relative sea…