G D’anna

Localizzazione ipocentrale e clustering degli eventi sismici registrati durante la campagna OBS condotta nel Tirreno meridionale

research product

Rete Sismica Nazionale e sua performance di localizzazione: una valutazione tramite il metodo SNES

research product

Presenza di perfluorottano sulfonato ed acido perfluorottanico in specie ittiche provenienti da due golfi della Sicilia.

research product

Palermo 2010 - Campagna di monitoraggio sismo-acustico sottomarino dell’area epicentrale del terremoto di Palermo del 6 settembre 2002

research product

Evidence of the seismo‐volcanic and hydrothermal activity of the Marsili seamount from new geophysical and geochemical data

research product

Irrigazione con acqua dolce ed evoluzione della salinità dei suoli in un versante sito in agro di San Cipirello (Palermo-Sicilia)

research product

Valutazione della performance di localizzazione della RSNC-INGV tramite simulazione numerica

A properly organized seismic network is a valuable tool formonitoring seismic zones and seismic risk assessment. This paper proposes a method for evaluating the performance in hypocenter location of a seismic network by numerical simulation (SNES, SeismicNetwork Evaluation through Simulation). The SNESmethod needs as input: the location of the stations that make the network and their noisiness, the velocity model used in the location routine and a law that allows to estimate the variance in the time residuals. This method gives, as function of magnitude, hypocentral depth and confidence level, the spatial distribution of: number of active stations in the location procedure and relative azim…

research product

Single station location of small-magnitude seismic events recorded by OBS in the Ionian Sea

research product

Palermo 2010 - Underwater seismic monitoring of the epicenter area of the 6 September 2002 Palermo Earthquake

research product

Seismic Network Evaluation through Simulation: an application to the Italian RSNC-INGV

research product