F. Di Lorenzo

The HCV Sicily Network: A web-based model for the management of HCV chronic liver diseases

Epidemiological studies report that in Sicily reside about 30,000 citizens with a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis due to HCV. The availability of direct antiviral action (DAA) is a real therapeutic breakthrough, but the high cost of the therapeutic regimes limits their use and forced the National Health System to establish clinical priority for the treatment.The HCV Sicily Network is a web-based model of best medical practice, which was designed to improve the management and the treatment of HCV chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The network includes 41 centers and 84 gastroenterologists or infectivologists connected by a web platform that recorder the diagnosis and the clinic priority for the…

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Resistance test guided retreatment of HCV infected patients with a previous failure to a NS5A inhibitor-containing regimen: the Italian Vironet C real life experience

Previous article in issueNext article in issue Introduction: There is a limited documentation about the retreatment of patients failing a recommended NS5A-containing regimen in Italy. Materials & methods: Within the VIRONET-C network, 386 NS5A-failing patients infected with different HCV-genotypes (GT) (GT1a/1b/2a-c/3a-b-g-h/4a-d-n-o-v=93/124/19/112/38) were analyzed. Retreatment of 105 failures was investigated. HCV-resistance-test was performed by Sanger-sequencing. Results: Failures following seven different NS5A-containing regimens were studied: 3D/2D (paritaprevir/ombitasvir ± dasabuvir) ± ribavirin (N = 72/4), daclatasvir/ledipasvir/velpatasvir + sofosbuvir ± ribavirin (N = 105/13…

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Disease outcomes after DAA-induced SVR: Data from the resist-HCV cohort

Background and aims: Large scale, real life data on the long term course of liver disease after HCV clearance obtained with DAAs are still scanty, and the separate effects on hepatic and non-hepatic causes of death still unclear. Method: We evaluated 4147 patients (mean age: 65.7 ± 11.5 years, 57.6% males) included in the prospective RESIST-HCV cohort who started DAAs treatment in 22 centres between March 2015 and April 2017. All patients were follow after SVR to register liver-related and unrelated outcomes. The primary endpoint was the evaluation of survival since starting DAAs. Cox regression analysis was used to assess the predictors of liver-related and unrelated death. Results: Patien…

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Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative post-neurosurgical meningitis and the role of intraventricular colistin: a case series

: The aim of this study was to report the clinical experience of intraventricular colistin for the treatment of multi-resistant Gram-negative post-surgical meningitis in a tertiary hospital. Post-neurosurgical meningitis (PNM) is one of the life-threatening complications of neurosurgical procedures, and is frequently sustained by Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Here we describe our experience of five cases of PNM caused by gram-negative multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria, treated with intraventricular (IVT) colistin, admitted to the Neurosurgery Unit of A.R.N.A.S. Civico of Palermo, Italy, from January 2016 to June 2020. In four patients the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cul…

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Infectious diseases among foreign prisoners: results of a hospital-based management model in Palermo.

Foreign prisoners have a high vulnerability in terms of morbidity and access to care in overcrowded Italian prisons. This paper presents and comments on the management model of infectious diseases in foreign prisoners at our outpatient clinic, in order to describe a model of management for these conditions. Overall, 133 subjects (mean age 35.5 years) from 29 countries were followed for a period of 15 years. The most commonly represented area of origin (54.1%) was the Maghreb region. HCV infection (40.6%), HIV (22.5%), HBV (9.8%) and co-infection (15%, HIV/HCV or HIV/HBV) were observed. Ten subjects had tuberculosis, and only 30% of them were compliant with the treatment. Only 46.3% of HCV m…

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Is early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV cirrhotic patients affected by treatment with direct-acting antivirals? A prospective multicentre study

SummaryBackground Data on HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) early recurrence in patients whose HCC was previously cured, and subsequently treated by direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), are equivocal. Aim To assess the risk of HCC early recurrence after DAAs exposure in a large prospective cohort of HCV-cirrhotic patients with previous successfully treated HCC, also looking for risk factors for cancer early recurrence. Methods We enrolled 143 consecutive patients with complete response after curative treatment of HCC, subsequently treated with DAAs and monitored by the web-based RESIST-HCV database. Clinical, biological, and virological data were collected. The primary endpoint was the…

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Body Mass Index and Weight Gain in Pregnant Women With HIV: A National Study in Italy.

Although most of the women (69.4%) had a normal BMI at start of pregnancy, only 37% had an adequate weight gain during pregnancy. Inadequate body weight gain was more common (44.8%) than excessive weight gain (18.2%), but 40% of overweight women and 50% of obese women had an excessive weight gain in pregnancy, with about 9% of the women in these categories gaining >18 kg during pregnancy (Table 1). Only 1.9% of the women had a vaginal delivery; elective and nonelective cesarean deliveries accounted for 81.3% and 16.7% of deliveries, respectively. Compared to underweight/normal women, overweight/obese women had similar occurrences of preterm delivery (23.4% vs 22.7%, P = .871), significantly…

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Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With HCV-Associated Cirrhosis Treated With Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents.

Background & Aims: Studies have produced conflicting results of the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with hepatitis C virus–associated cirrhosis treated with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). Data from clinics are needed to accurately assess the occurrence rate of HCC in patients with cirrhosis in the real world. Methods: We collected data from a large prospective study of 2,249 consecutive patients (mean age = 65.4 years, 56.9% male) with hepatitis C virus–associated cirrhosis (90.5% with Child-Pugh class A and 9.5% with Child-Pugh class B) treated with DAAs from March 2015 through July 2016 at 22 academic and community liver centers in Sicily, Italy. HCC occurren…

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CERN’s Linac4 cesiated surface H− source

Linac4 cesiated surface H− sources are routinely operated for the commissioning of the CERN’s Linac4 and on an ion source test stand. Stable current of 40-50 mA are achieved but the transmission through the LEBT of 80% was below expectations and triggered additional beam simulation and characterization. The H− beam profile is not Gaussian and emittance measurements are larger than simulation. The status of ongoing development work is described; 36 mA H− and 20 mA D− beams were produced with a 5.5 mm aperture cesiated surface ion source. The emittances measured at the test stand are presented. During a preliminary test, the Linac4 proton source delivered a total beam intensity of 70 mA (p, H…

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The Italian dementia with Lewy bodies study group (DLB-SINdem): toward a standardization of clinical procedures and multicenter cohort studies design

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) causes elevated outlays for the National Health Systems due to high institutionalization rate and patients' reduced quality of life and high mortality. Furthermore, DLB is often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease. These data motivate harmonized multicenter longitudinal cohort studies to improve clinical management and therapy monitoring. The Italian DLB study group of the Italian Neurological Society for dementia (SINdem) developed and emailed a semi-structured questionnaire to 572 national dementia centers (from primary to tertiary) to prepare an Italian large longitudinal cohort. The questionnaire surveyed: (1) prevalence and incidence of DLB; (2) clinical…

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