A. Martinez Torres

Study of the $J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f_2(1270)$, $J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f'_2(1525)$ and $J/\psi \to K^{*0}(892) \bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430)$ decays

We present an approach to study the decay modes of the $J/\psi$ into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$, $\bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430)$ resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of the resonances to pairs of vector mesons given by the theory, thus providing a nontrivial test for the idea of these tensor states as dynamically generated from …

research product

Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and vectors in the nuclear medium

In this talk we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei. We begin with the hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons, then review results for vector baryon interaction and in particular the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons. New developments concerning the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons are also reported. We include some discussion on the $5/2^+$ $\Delta$ resonances around 2000 MeV, where we suggest that the $\Delta(2000)5/2^+$ resonance, which comes in the PDG from averaging a set of reson…

research product

Prediction of an $I=1$ $D \bar D^*$ state and relationship to the claimed $Z_c(3900)$, $Z_c(3885)$

We study here the interaction of $D \bar D^*$ in the isospin $I=1$ channel in the light of recent theoretical advances that allow to combine elements of the local hidden gauge approach with heavy quark spin symmetry. We find that the exchange of light $q \bar q$ is OZI suppressed and, thus, we concentrate on the exchange of heavy vectors and of two pion exchange. The latter is found to be small compared to the exchange of heavy vectors, which then determines the strength of the interaction. A barely $D\bar{D}^*$ bound state decaying into $\eta_c\rho$ and $\pi J/\psi$ is found. At the same time we reanalyze the data of the BESIII experiment on $e^+ e^- \to \pi^{\pm} (D \bar D^*)^\mp$, from w…

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