Bao Xi Sun

Study of the $J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f_2(1270)$, $J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f'_2(1525)$ and $J/\psi \to K^{*0}(892) \bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430)$ decays

We present an approach to study the decay modes of the $J/\psi$ into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$, $\bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430)$ resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of the resonances to pairs of vector mesons given by the theory, thus providing a nontrivial test for the idea of these tensor states as dynamically generated from …

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Study of the J/ψ→ϕ(ω)f2(1270), J/ψ→ϕ(ω)f2′(1525) and J/ψ→K∗0(892)K¯2∗0(1430) decays

Abstract We present an approach to study the decay modes of the J / ψ into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the f 2 ( 1270 ) , f 2 ′ ( 1525 ) , K ¯ 2 ∗ 0 ( 1430 ) resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment, although the experimental uncertainties are still large. Further refinements of the data would provide a more stringent test on the theoretical approach. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of t…

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Dynamically generated resonances

We study the radiative decay properties of the charmonium-like X, Y and Z mesons generated dynamically from vector meson-vector meson interaction in the framework of a unitarized hiddengauge formalism. In the present work we calculate the one- and two-photon decay widths of the hidden-charm Y (3940), Z(3930) (or X(3915)) and X(4160) mesons in the framework of the vector meson dominance formalism. We obtain good agreement with experiment in case of the two photon width of the X(3915) which we associate with the 2 + resonance that we find at 3922 MeV.

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Dynamically generated resonances

In this talk I report on recent work related to the dynamical generation of baryonic resonances, some made up from pseudoscalar meson-baryon, others from vector meson-baryon and a third type from two meson-one baryon systems. We can establish a correspondence with known baryonic resonances, reinforcing conclusions previously drawn and bringing new light on the nature of some baryonic resonances of higher mass.

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Baryon Resonances

10th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics. Tokai, JAPAN, SEP 14-18, 2009

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rho-rho-N and rho-rho-Delta molecules with $J^P=5/2^{+}$ and $J^P=7/2^{+}$

The rho-rho-N and rho-rho-Delta three-body systems have been studied within the framework of the fixed center approximation of Faddeev equation. The rho-rho interaction in isospin I=0, spin S=2 is strongly attractive, and so are the N-rho, Delta-rho interactions. This leads to bound states of both rho-rho-N and rho-rho-Delta. We find peaks of the modulus squared of the scattering matrix around 2227 MeV for rho-rho-N, and 2372 MeV for rho-rho-Delta. Yet, the strength of the peak for the rho-rho-N amplitude is much smaller than for rho-rho-Delta, weakening the case for a rho-rho-N bound state, or a dominant rho-rho-N component. A discussion is made on how these states can be searched for in p…

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