Sabine Puget

Dosage du chlore dans un headspace d'eau de Javel par électrode spécifique

National audience

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Chlorine flavour perception and neutralization in drinking water

research product

Chapter 18 - Sensory Evaluation—Profiling and Preferences

International audience; Tasting has always been at the heart of coffee growing and production. Expert coffee tasting prevails while applying a correct and structured sensory evaluation still requires improvement. In reality, the key actors of the coffee sensory assessment all along the value chain are the expert coffee taster, the sensory analyst, and the consumer. A major challenge for sensory evaluation in coffee is bridging the gap between the expert tasters and consumers. It is especially important in coffee because, as a natural crop product, supplies and the quality of those supplies constantly change, and consumer preferences evolve over time. Thanks to the continuous innovation in t…

research product

La matrice minérale de l'eau influence la perception de la flaveur chlore

poster exposé au 5e Congrès Vitagora Goût-Nutrition-Santé les 23-24 mars 2010 à Dijon (FRANCE); Objectif de l’étude : Le traitement par le chlore garantit une qualité bactériologique irréprochable à l’eau de réseau. La flaveur du chlore est un des reproches majeurs à l’encontre de l’eau du robinet. Le goût d’une eau est influencé par : a) la quantité totale de minéraux présents dans celle-ci (Teillet et al., 2007) [1] ; b) La nature et la proportion relative de ces minéraux (Puget, Curé et al., 2009) [2]. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si le goût intrinsèque de l’eau, induit par sa matrice minérale, peut avoir une influence sur la perception de la flaveur chlore.

research product

Evidence of regional differences in chlorine perception by consumers: sensitivity differences or habituation?

Chlorinous flavors are a leading cause of customers9 dissatisfaction with drinking water. Potential differences in chlorine perception were investigated by conducting sensory testing experiments in France and Spain to assess consumers9 sensory sensitivity (chlorine flavor detection threshold and supra-threshold intensity) as well as their liking of and acceptability for chlorinated solutions. In both countries, two groups of panelists were constituted based on their water drinking habits (tap vs. bottled water). Chlorine flavor detection threshold was found to vary depending on countries (0.17 mg/L Cl 2 in France and 0.56 mg/L Cl 2 in Spain). Taking into account that mean flavor detection t…

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Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in their chlorine flavour acceptability: A key role of trigeminal sensitivity?

International audience

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Estimating odorant trigeminal threshold with the laterization method associated to a constant stimuli procedure

International audience

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Chlorine flavor perception and neutralization in drinking water

For water suppliers, using chlorine is necessary to ensure water bacteriological quality from the treatment plant to the consumers’ tap. However, chlorine flavour is one of the most common reasons advocated for choosing tap water alternatives as drinking water. As a consequence, the putative link between chlorine flavour perception and tap water consumption is an issue in drinking water habits studies. Since the sensory mechanisms involved in chlorine flavour perception remained largely unknown, the main objective of this thesis work was to first highlight those mechanisms and then to identify potential lever chlorine flavour sensory neutralisation.In a first step, we demonstrated that hypo…

research product

Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in chlorine flavor acceptability but not sensitivity

International audience; Unpleasant taste and especially chlorine flavor is one of the most common reasons advocated for choosing tap water alternatives as drinking water. As a consequence, the putative link between sensitivity to chlorine flavor and tap water consumption is an issue in drinking water habits studies. In the present study, we set out to examine such a link following a strategy in which we measured chlorine flavor perception at threshold and supra-threshold level for two groups of participants selected on their drinking water consumption habits. The first group included exclusive tap water consumers and the second group included exclusive bottled water consumers. In a first ex…

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