E. Schimmenti
Agriculture in a Sicilian inland area: Strategies and motivations of conversion towards multifunctional activities
The main topic of the paper concerns multifunctional farms, their activities and motivations for starting up, and on the other hand visitor satisfaction. To this purpose, a preliminary sample survey was carried out addressed to 13 farms in 3 Sicilian provinces. The aim was to identify positive and negative aspects of the services offered. The most relevant findings of the survey are the variety of activities and services, a widespread use of internet services, efficient means of communications and a significant growth in labour force. On the other side, long time is generally needed in order to obtain administrative authorizations or to carry out farm plants, as well as excessive pay-back t…
DNA-Barcoding to solve the tricky case of co-occuring Sabellaria (ANNELIDA) species in the Mediterranean Sea
Intraspecific morphological variation of key taxonomic features is probably responsible for frequent misidentification of Sabellaria (Lamarck, 1818) species. This is the case of Sabellaria alcocki Gravier, 1906 whose Mediterranean records probably refer to juveniles of S. spinulosa (Leuckart, 1849). We hereby provide molecular tools (DNA barcoding) to improve correct delimitation of the Mediterranean species of this genus.
Ecological information concerning amphipods and representation of their spatial distribution through GIS provides an estimate of local environmental quality.
Sicilian floriculture companies and the role of transport in increasing their competitiveness
The aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the Sicilian floriculture sector, which has recently become one of the most important on a regional and national scale. By analysing production, sales and logistical aspects of its production companies and specifically looking at aspects regarding transport logistics, this study highlights the sector operators. preference for road transport that offers better guarantees in terms of delivery speed with respect to other means of transport, an essential requirement for the transport of flowers and plants. However, operators are increasingly showing interest in alternative means of transport that may reduce transport time and, especi…
Genetic variation of the dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus (Pisces, Coryphaenidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
Understanding consumer demand for sustainable beef production in rural communities
In the past two decades, due to the series of crises within the agro-food system, such as BSE, dioxin, and foot and mouth disease, consumer demand for sustainable production has considerably grown in European society. Consumers seem to frame food quality in terms of social and environmental aspects of productions, which may be recognized through a certification labelling or through a system of food quality criteria that give rise to conventions of quality. The aim of our study was to understand how food quality and labelling are assessed by rural population in Southern Italy. Local beef production with sustainable voluntary certification was the focus of our empirical strategy. Our decision…
Implementation and prospects of the rural development policy in Sicily to support young farmers
The paper analyses the implementation of the RDP 2007-2013 for Sicily up to 31/12/2013, with particular reference to the Measure 112 and its related measures (Young People Package). By collecting and subsequently analysing different information categories (financial, physical, procedural and expert opinion) it’s clear the remarkable success of the Measure 112 in terms of eligible applications, of which only 1/3 funded, due to the limited programmed budget. Referring to the integrated approach, also through the “face to face” interviews to the regional officials, it emerges the low expenditure speed of the Package-related measures, due to critical economic situation, red tape issues, difficu…
A first snapshot of sandy-beach amphipod (Crustacea) assemblage in a Marine Protected Area, Favignana Island (central Mediterranean Sea)
The aim of this study is to compile a preliminary first check-list of Amphipoda species from beaches of Favignana Island (Sicily, Italy), and contribute to the knowledge relating to the distribution of this taxon in the Mediterranean Sea. Five amphipod species, belonging to two families (Talitridae and Hyalidae), have been collect in the island. The supralittoral assemblage appears to contain three main biogeographical categories: Atlanto-Mediterranean species, Mediterranean endemic species and cosmopolitan species.
The 17th International Colloquium on Amphipoda
The 17th International Colloquium on Amphipoda (17th ICA) has been organized by the University of Palermo (Sicily, Italy), and took place in Trapani, 4-7 September 2017. All the contributions have been published in the present monograph and include a wide range of topics.
The importance of the web marketing strategies for the nurseries and gardening companies in the Southern Italy
In the last years, the integrated use of internet in the company marketing strategies has brought about deep changes in the economic sector of the countries. The World Wide Web has become the most important way companies share business information with other enterprises (B2B) and with consumers (B2C). Consequently, the companies have modified the processes making significant changes, mainly in the fields of communication and sales. The study presented here is to be situated in the category of the B2C relations and is specifically addressed to the nurseries and gardening companies in the Southern regions of Italy that use the Internet as a communication and promotion tool. The goal of this p…
Land consolidation policies in sicily and their effects on its farmland
The paper deals with the legislative interventions in the field of land consolidation and their effects in improving the Sicilian land property structure. After a preliminary analysis of the legislative framework at national and regional level, a study on the structural evolution of the farming system in Italy and Sicily during the 1961-2010 period was carried out. In order to appreciate the actual impact and the relative efficacy of such interventions, data concerning the actions for land reorganization provided for by the Measure 4.11 contained in the 2000-2006 ROP for Sicily were analysed. On the basis of the data provided by the Regional Board for Agricultural and Food Resources, it has…