Carlo Vermiglio
Impatti degli strumenti di e-government sui processi di co-produzione e sui rapporti di interazione fra Enti locali e cittadinanza. Il caso della piattaforma tecnologica ePart nel Comune di Udine.
In recent years, many legislative reforms have affected local authorities. In this context, the spread of open data technologies and e.government tools seems to allow for greater involvement of citizens in the management of public services. This research aims to study the impact of these new technologies on public service management and on relationships local authorities and citizens. Through a single case study, the effects of the ePart project (platform for the joint management of urban environments) on the Udine municipality have been analyzed. The research results show an improvement in the management of public services in terms of transparency and accountability, by intensifying the in…
Smart city initiatives, public real estate strategic management and new venture creation.
During the last decade, academics have been involved in an interesting debate around the development of the so called Smart City Initiatives. In the prevailing mind-set, the success of the aforementioned initiatives has been based on pillars like ICT infrastructures, human capital, mobility, environment etc. This chapter focuses on the role played by public property assets within the framework of the Smart City initiatives, with a specific focus on those programs that aim to stimulate the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystem. More in detail, the research provides a theoretical and analytical scheme helping policy makers opt for the most suitable choices relating to the public property port…
La valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare quale leva strategica dei programmi Smart City
La valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare quale leva strategica dei programmi Smart City
Il lavoro propone un modello d’analisi a supporto dei processi di gestione strategica del portafoglio immobiliare degli enti locali. Esso assume il vincolo della carenza di risorse finanziarie e inquadra queste scelte nell’ambito delle iniziative “Smart City”, che consentono di coniugare la valorizzazione di questi asset immobiliari con gli obiettivi di promozione dell’innovazione e della competitività del territorio. This paper provides a theoretical model aimed at supporting the decision-making process for public real estate portfolio management. In a context of enduring financial constraints, Local Governments could manage the aforementioned process under the framework of the “Smart City…