A. Aneiros
Psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure applied to dental students.
Aim: To carry out a psychometric evaluation of the Spanish-language version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) applied to dental students. Methods: A total of 1,391 students from nine Spanish public schools of dentistry responded to the DREEM questionnaire. To analyse the reliability of the DREEM questionnaire, the internal consistency was assessed and a 'test-retest' carried out. Validity was evaluated through analysis of item response rate, floor and ceiling effects, corrected item-total and item-subscale correlations and factor structure. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to analyse the structure of the original DREEM scale. Results: Cronbach's alpha coe…
Comparing student and staff perceptions of the “Educational Climate” in Spanish Dental Schools using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure
Objective: To compare the perceptions of students and teachers of the “Educational Climate” (EC) in Spanish public dental schools. Methods: A group of 1064 students and 354 teachers from six Spanish public dental schools responded to the DREEM questionnaire. This has 50 items grouped into five subscales: perception of learning (Learning); perception of teachers (Teachers); academic self-perceptions (Academic); perception of the atmosphere in the faculty (Atmosphere); and social self-perceptions (Social). The DREEM scale provides results for each item, each subscale and the overall EC. Results: The EC scores were 123.2 (61.6%) for the students and 134.1 (67.0%) for the teachers (P<.001). The…
Psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure applied to dental students.
Aim: To carry out a psychometric evaluation of the Spanish-language version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) applied to dental students. Methods: A total of 1,391 students from nine Spanish public schools of dentistry responded to the DREEM questionnaire. To analyse the reliability of the DREEM questionnaire, the internal consistency was assessed and a 'test-retest' carried out. Validity was evaluated through analysis of item response rate, floor and ceiling effects, corrected item-total and item-subscale correlations and factor structure. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to analyse the structure of the original DREEM scale. Results: Cronbach's alpha coe…