Antonino D'orso

Functional relationships between emission by cars and urban pollutant concentrations: a simplified phenomenological approach

This work is aimed at providing a contribution toward the singling out of a functional relationship between the traffic flow in urban contexts and the physical dynamic of the pollutant diffusion. The values of CO concentrations in selected sites of the urban layout are obtained by utilizing as input the number of vehicles predicted by the phenomenological model here introduced. This represents a quite different approach in the simulation of the pollutant dynamics in urban contexts. One of the main features of the proposed traffic model, is the capability of realistically reproducing the characteristic of the traffic flows. The feasibility of the model to be applied in other urban situations…

research product

Proposal validation of a phenomenoogical model for predicting the vehicular environmental impact

Pollutant concentrations in urban canyon mainly come from vehicular emissions. The search of a quantitative relationship, linking pollutant emissions from mobile sources to the resulting concentrations, at different receptor sites, has brought us to develop a phenomenological model able to calculate the number of running vehicles once the pollutant ground level concentration of CO is known. Unfortunately, we haven't the possibility to test this model by a direct inspection of the traffic flow. Despite this fact it is our aim to validate the proposed traffic model. Mathematical models are considered useful tools in supporting air quality evaluations. The structure of the models usually embod…

research product

Solar radiation for buildings and energy applications: the feasibility of the reduced data set for Mediterranean sites

In the last years several computer programs for thermal simulation of buildings have been quickly spread; they allow to describe the thermal behavior of buildings and to verify their energy efficiency, in order to suggest eventual improvements as from the design stage. Most of these simulation tools generally need a complete input data set and, in particular, information referring to the climatic conditions of the site where buildings will be built-up. As it is well known, among climatic issues, particularly important for the thermal energy balance is the solar radiation. In this paper authors present a short reference year of the solar radiation, more precisely the Monthly Average Day (MAD…

research product

La distribuzione spaziale delle situazioni stazionarie di benessere termico globale negli ambienti moderati.

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Controllo termoigrometrico indoor negli spazi museali: analisi di un edificio in evoluzione climatica libera

Nei musei, le condizioni ambientali interne dovrebbero, nello stesso tempo, assolvere due compiti fondamentali: preservare le opere d’arte ivi esposte e garantire buone condizioni di comfort per i visitatori e per le persone che vi lavorano. Purtroppo, i requisiti ottimali per le persone e per le opere d’arte sono caratterizzati da differenti valori dei parametri fisici all’interno degli ambienti museali che, occasionalmente, possono entrare in conflitto. Nel presente articolo questi problemi vengono analizzati a partire da un’indagine di campo effettuata presso un importante museo italiano, con specifica attenzione alle condizioni microclimatiche all’interno di alcune sale espositive. Inol…

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