Jennie Nigrelli

A FEM model of rail track-ground system to calculate the ground borne vibrations: A case of rail track with wooden sleepers and k-fastenings at Castelvetrano

The prediction of ground borne vibrations is an important issue that needs a multidisciplinary research approach. The principal topics concern both the interaction between train and rail and the interaction between rail track and ground.

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An experimental investigation on the relationship between speed and road geometry

In this work we had to face the topic of intrinsic road safety experimentally by investigating two interurban roads. These roads are characterised by different types of traffic. The results of the investigation are given in the form of prediction relations with their relevant speed diagrams. The present investigation, to be carried out in the field, intends to verify, on some sections considered as significant, the relationship and mutual incidence between the variables flow, road geometry and speed. In the processing of the results, use will also be made of specific instruments for evaluating the geometrical consistency of the road alignment in accordance with operating speed. Our experime…

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research product

Cantieri temporanei o mobili: metodologia di redazione del PSC ex Titolo IV del TU

L’evoluzione della legislazione in materia di tutela della salute e di salvaguardia dell’integrità fisica del lavoratore nei cantieri temporanei o mobili ha portato all’affermazione del principio della progettazione della sicurezza come prevalente strategia di prevenzione dei rischi e quindi di riduzione degli infortuni. Il Piano di sicurezza e coordinamento (PSC), principale strumento di attuazione di tale indirizzo, ormai accompagna l’attività di cantiere nella maggior parte dei casi; infatti, sono ormai molto limitate le circostanze che esonerano il Committente dalla nomina del Coordinatore della sicurezza in fase di progettazione (CSP), il cui compito fondamentale è proprio la redazione…

research product

Indagine sperimentale sui segnali sonori all’interno dei rotabili per la diagnosi dello stato dell’armamento ferroviario

The maintenance of track provides an relatively frequent operations. A good maintenance-planning allows to reduce the interference between rail traffic and maintenance operations. It is necessary so to use a monitoring system of track conditions. In this paper is showed an indirect monitoring system that correlates track conditions and typical spectrum of in-cab noise. The first results of experimental survey are reported.

research product

An experimental research on the properties of Sicilian railroad ballast aggregates to the EN 13450:2002

For the usual railway track, the railroad ballast is an fundamental factor for equally distributing all the loads and for drainage purposes. The railroad ballast still helps to correct eventual problems while building the railway. The railroad ballast aggregates have to be gifted with specific requisites in terms of physical and mechanical characteristics. The European Standard EN 13450:2002 specifies the properties of aggregates obtained by processing natural or manufactured materials or recycled crushed unbound aggregates for use in construction of railway track. Such standard provides for the evaluation of conformity of products to this European Standard. The knowledge of ballast charact…

research product

Indagine sperimentale sul binomio velocità geometria stradale

La convinta assunzione in campo progettuale di modelli comportamentali, atti ad interpretare i processi di guida su strada attesta la rilevanza riconosciuta al ruolo dell'utente nel determinare le condizioni di sicurezza di una infrastruttura. Particolarmente complesso è il legame tra l'utente e l'ambiante stradale, nella sua accezione di contesto composto dalla strada e dalle sue aree limitrofe, dal traffico veicolare, dalle circostanze metereologiche e climatiche.

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A multi-objective approach based on the genetic algorithm technique for road pavement maintenance

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Stima dei costi della sicurezza nei cantieri: ancora troppe incertezze

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Revisione dei requisiti di accettazione per gli aggregati - Indagini sperimentali e proposte metodologiche

research product

European standards on construction materials and highly environment-consistent road techniques: experimental research on soil stabilization with lime

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