Andrea Le Moli

Heidegger: Soggettività e Differenza

Una rilettura dell'impresa heideggeriana dalle prime esperienza didattiche degli anni '20 alle grandi costruzioni speculative degli anni '30 e '40 con particolare riferimento all'evoluzione del vincolo tra "vita", "soggettività" e "differenza"

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Spazi di universalità. la dialettica della abstrakte Allgemeinheit in Hegel

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L'ontologia come orizzonte trascendentale in Heidegger e Husserl

This essay analyzes the relationship between Heidegger's crtique of subjectivity and the phenomenological basis represented by Husserl's theory of founding consciousness.

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L'idea, l'unità e il problema del fondamento. La teoria platonica dei principi alla luce di alcune interpretazioni contemporanee

Analisi della teoria platonica dei principi alla luce delle intepretazioni di Heidegger, Cohen e Natorp

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Platone e l'essere in comune. Figure della relazione dal Sofista alle Leggi

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Reformations of Metaphysics? Historical and Critical Remarks

A historical survey on the concept of "overcoming of metaphysics" as stated in both philosophies which lie at the core of the so-called "great divide" between analytical and continental philosophy: Heidegger's and Carnap's. The essay shows how their legacy deeply influenced the later course of criticism to epistemic claim of metaphysics from an unitary point of view.

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Dialettica della violenza. Da Hegel a Benjamin

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Meramente soggettivo

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Pandemia e Infodemia. Informazione, conoscenza, automazione.

This article aims to explore the connection between the conflicts in information policies occurring during the present pandemic situation and the potential abuse of automation technologies in the processing of information. From a historical point of view, the connection between an effective elaboration of information and the development of automation technologies has been devised by authors such as Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon and Alan Turing, at the very beginning of the modern theory of information. This seemed to be justified by historical circumstances that are still quoted in order to discipline and “militarise” the spreading of information during the pandemic. By taking reference to…

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Between Life and Existence. Heidegger’s Aristotelianism and the Question of Animality

This paper starts by investigating the Aristotelian roots of Heidegger’s stance toward animal life from 1924 lecture course “Basic concepts of Aristotelian philosophy” to 1929/30 lecture course “The fundamental concepts of Metaphysics”. In following Aristotle, Heidegger displays the ontological transition from life to existence as grounded to the peculiar linguistic ability of human beings. In doing that, both Heidegger and Aristotle seem to establish a connection between an existential faculty (logos) and the apparently dominant position occupied by our species. On the other side, though, to be endowed with logos means for human beings to be able to de-centre themselves in recognizing the …

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Heidegger e Platone. Essere, relazione, differenza

Analisi storico-critica della presenza di Platone nel pensiero heideggeriano

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L'ossessione della memoria. Laudatio per Abraham Yehoshua

This chapter introduce the topic of memory and oblivion as it is sealed with in the political and literary writings of Abraham B. Yehoshua

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Novecento platonico. Ontologia della relazione e dialettica dell'intersoggettività nelle interpretazioni contemporanee del platonismo

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Von der Phaenomenologie des Lebens zur Ontologie der Geschichte. Heidegger zwischen Husserl und Dilthey

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Mimesis e ripresentazione. Dal platonismo all'ermeneutica

This paper aims at reconstructing the critical debate about mimesis which occurs in the platonic literature of the twentieth century to show how much it influenced the thesis of contemporary Hermeneutics. Interpretations of the so-called “contradictory” use of mimesis in Plato were offered at the beginning of the twentieth century by scholars like Verdenius, Tate, Flashar, Koller et. al. These constitued, in their asking for a new reading of the conflict that this notion generates in the main features of platonic thought, the basis for a new theoretical expansion of the mimesis in the most recent years. The first thesis of this paper is that such positions as Gadamer's, Ricoeur's or even De…

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Il doppio e l'ombra. Riconoscimento e alterità in Platone e Deleuze.

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The negative Theology of Matter in Calcidius

After the Fall of the Roman Empire, where it covered prominently many aspects of a cultivated citizen's life, the platonic philosophical Tradition was practically dismissed from the centre of european spiritual life and survived only in restricted corners of the new scenario designed by the barbaric invasions. This lack was deepened after 1000 A. D. when the importance of Plato's thought in Theology was replaced by the new spiritualized access which could be granted via the arabic culture to the texts of Aristotle. In many cases, the parts of the platonic tradition which persisted as a stable component of the late medieval theological Thought were those more strictly connected to the proble…

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Negative Wege. Prinzipientheorie, apophatische Theologie und negative Ontologie im späten Neuplatonismus

This essay start from the analysis of some recent publications about the history of Neoplatonism to achieve a global valutation of the various hermeneutical tendencies regarding the most significant philosophy of Late-antiquity today.

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Die Ontologie der Sinnfelder und die Reform der Metaphysik

In this essay some objections are raised against Markus Gabriel's Sense-Fields Ontology and it is so started a discussion which goes further on the same issue, with the authors' reply. From the perspective defended in this essay, Sense-Fields Ontology is charged with lack of accuracy concerning the definition of some crucial coordinates as "appearance" and "totality". And the point of view of a Reformed Metaphysics, with its insistence on the issues of unity and totality is argued as more apt to face some conceptual challenges of contemporary ontology.

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Platone e la Scuola di Marburgo

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Sull'anti (neo) platonismo di Deleuze

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Plato's Physics of Meta. The Ontology of Image in the Timaeus

An inquiry about the relation of physics, metaphysics and image production in Plato, where the question of image and mimesis are taken, by following Nietzsche's, Deleuze's and Derrida's interpretations, as representative of a conflict which shapes platonism from its inception.

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Platone e la logica dell'essere

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Verità, trascendenza, differenza. Un percorso heideggeriano

This essay explores the roots of Heidegger's notion of "Transcendence" in its conceptual bond with the concept of truth and difference.

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The first Italian translation of the three volumes of Paul Friedlaender's "Platon"

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La preistoria del soggetto

Analisi della relazione tra sostanza e soggetto in Cartesio

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Fisica platonica e teoria dell'immagine

Starting out from the distinction between a "proper" notion of Being and a metphorical one in Plato, this paper aims at investigating the connection between Plato's ontology (as developed in dialogues as "Parmenides", "Sophist" and "Philebus") and his Physics (as described in the "Timaeus"). The author recognizes as central points of this connection the role of the causative model in both the creation (by God) and perception (by man) of the phyiscal world and the notion of "image" as the key to interpretate the bond between physical and meta-physical space in Plato.

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Gli anni '40: la differenza ontologica nella storia dell'essere

This contribution makes a reconstruction of the development of the notion of ontological difference in Heidegger's Thought with a particular focus on the production of the 40's.

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Interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Aristotele. Indicazione della situazione ermenutica

The first Italian translation of the critical edition of Heidegger's "Natorp-Bericht"

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Negare l’Uno? Percorsi della teologia apofatica nel Neoplatonismo

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Fenomenologia del mondo della vita

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Recensione a L. Gianfelici, Filosofia e mistica in Martin Heidegger

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