Nicoletta Termine
Use of saliva as a biological medium in non invasive screening for oral cancer
Low rate of oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women with genital HPV infection
Papilloma a cellule squamose orale HPV-negativo: cases report
Low rate of oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women screened for cervical HPV infection in Southern Italy: A cross-sectional study of 140 immunocompetent subjects.
Even though the natural history of cervical and oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been investigated intensely, the possibility that HPV may infect both sites in the same subject is not well documented. This study investigated the frequency of concurrent oral and cervical HPV infection in southern Italian women, in the light of some selected socio-behavioral variables. One hundred forty women (mean age: 36 years), with known cervical HPV status, were analyzed for oral HPV. Age, smoking/drinking habits, clinical and socio-behavioral history were assessed by personal interviews. Oral mucosal cells were collected by oral brushing and HPV DNA was sought by the use of nested PCR ampli…
Oral human papillomavirus infection in women with cervical HPV infection: new data from an Italian cohort and a metanalysis of the literature.
Summary A key issue in oral HPV infection is whether it can be associated with a genital HPV infection, or whether it can be considered as an independent event. This analysis evaluated the frequency and type-concordance of oral HPV infection in women with cervical HPV infection by means of: (i) a cross-sectional study on a sample (n = 98) of Italian women; and (ii) a literature-based metanalysis, including the experimental study the subject of this Paper and nine other published studies (n = 1017), which also examined the influence of oral sampling procedure (oral brushing vs oral rinse) and HIV status on oral HPV detection. The prevalence of oral HPV infection in the Italian study was 14.3…
Biopsy vs. brushing: comparison of two sampling methods for the detection of HPV-DNA in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
Background: HR HPV infection was proposed as aetiological factor of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC). HPV frequency in OSCC is highly variable, due to the discrepancy in oral sampling procedures, HPV testing methods and inclusion criteria regarding tumour site (strictly oral cavity vs. nearby structures). Our aim was to compare HPV DNA frequency and type-specific distribution in paired cytological and histological samples of SCC strictly located in oral cavity. The correlation between HPV detection rate by each method of sampling and demographical, behavioural and clinical-pathological variables was also examined. Patients and methods: HPV DNA was detected in brushed cells and formalin-…
Paresthesia of the lip caused by a large osteoma of the mandible treated with a conservative approach: a case report.”
Comportamento sessuale a rischio e suscettibilità all'infezione oro-cervicale da HPV
Amiloidosi AL e mieloma multiplo:un raro caso di primaria manifestazione a livello della cavità orale e periorale
Mucosal healing following PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) application in post-extraction socket in patients treated with aminobisphosphonates
Aim. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the oral cavity and is a neoplasia characterized by a poor prognosis. In fact, the estimated survival rate is 44% after 5 years from the diagnosis. The prognosis of the disease is significantly related to the stage in which the disease is diagnosed. Moreover the therapies are not very efficient and are so invasive, disfiguring and debilitating that in the survivors the quality of life is poor. Nowadays there is not a reliable and non-invasive method for early diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma and the simple visual examination of the oral cavity is characterized by a low sensitivity and specificity, also b…
Primary oral melanoma is a rare malignancy with an aggressive behaviour. Up to date, the wide clinicalhistological variability of this oncological entity does not clarify the etiopathogenetic characteristics of these cancers and limit the therapeutic strategies. We report a case of a 64-year-old white female referred to the Dept. of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences for a pigmented lesion of the mandibular gingiva, already arising 20 years ago but dimensionally increased in the last three months. Clinically, a black plaque-like pigmentation of the vestibular alveolar mucosa of the mandible (from 3.6 to 3.3) was observed. This lesions was still painless. CT dentalscan and ecography of …
Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentistry and oral surgery: use and misuse
INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) still represents a common but often misused procedure in dental practice, thus aggravating the risk for antimicrobial resistance and adverse effects occurrence. AIMS AND METHODS: Our primary objective is to review the available scientific evidence regarding AP in dentistry both among healthy subjects and medically compromised patients. Additionally, the latest available guidelines provided by some of the most authoritative associations are here discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: AP is advisable only in a small percentage of patients where a risk of severe infective complications (i.e. infective endocarditis and prosthetic joint infection, septicaem…
HPV-DNA nei carcinomi del distretto testa-collo: metanalisi della letteratura (1988-2007)
HPV cervical infection as risk factor for HPV oral infection? A pilot case-control study
Melanoma orale ricorrente in un paziente con 10 anni di follow-up. (Poster P71).
Unusual presentation of a solitary plasmocytoma of the jaw: a case report
Introduction. Plasma cell malignancies include two localized forms (e.g. Solitary Plasmocytoma of the Bone-SPB- and Extramedullary Plasmocytoma-EMP) and one more severe disseminated form (e.g. Multiple Myeloma-MM). SPB usually affected male during 6th decades, it occurs as a single uni- or multilocular osteolytic lesion, histopathological- ly characterized by an abnormal proliferation of plasma cell. In some patients SPB may progress to MM, character-ized by multiple osteolytic lesion in several bones, presence of abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow biopsy, detection of amyloid deposit and abnormalities of immunoglobulin production. In both clinical forms, the maxillofacial area is rar…
Pattern di apoptosi e di proliferazione cellulare negli OSCC HPV+vi vs HPV-vi: studio caso-controllo.
Description of a new protocol with application of PRP in post-extraction sockets of a patient treated with aminobisphosphonate
Background. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), an autologous product rich of growth factors, is an adjunctive bio-material able to promote healing in dental surgery, especially in elderly. It is also used for treating bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) and for application in post-extraction alveolar site in order to obtain mucosa healing and reduce BRONJ risk. Aim. To describe a dental extraction PRP enriched protocol adopted in a patient treated with aminobisphosphonate in order to evaluate the healing of the post-extraction alveolar site. Case report. An osteoporotic woman (71 yrs), treated with alendronate per os for 10 years and suspended from 1 year, currently with vitami…
Oral leukoplakia in smokers vs. non-smokers: a multicentre study
Profilassi antibiotica in odontoiatria: update della letteratura
Aim. Cancer of the oral cavity is the eighth most common malignancy in the world. The disease is diagnosed after a considerable delay and predict the individual progression is difficult. The improvements of the therapy did not increased the rate of survival at 5 years, that is still about 50%. The identification of the possible markers that indicates the progression of the tumor is therefore necessary. Endocannabinoids may play an important role in the process of carcinogenesis in the oral mucosa. They are able to bind and activate specific membrane receptors coupled to G proteins, cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the expression of CB1 and CB2 rece…
What happens to the BRONJ patients when re-classified according to the novel SICMF-SIPMO recommendations? Our experience
Background. Since 2009, according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons staging system (AAOMS-SS), Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ) has been defined by the presence of bone exposition; in absence of this condition, patients presenting other unspecific clinical and/or radiological signs of disease were classified into the “stage 0”. In 2012, the Italian Society of Maxillo-Facial Surgery (SICMF) and the Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) redefined BRONJ, as an adverse drug event, with several clinical forms (exposed and not-exposed), and updated the staging system, abolishing the stage 0. Aim of this study was to re-classify …
Analisi proteomica della saliva mediante SELDI-TOF-MS per la diagnosi di carcinoma orale: risultati preliminari
Espressione dell'enzima NNMT e sua valenza prognostica nel carcinoma squamocellulare del cavo orale
Proteomic identification of salivary biomarkers in 20 patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Objectives. Saliva has been proposed as a potential diagnostic fluid combined with proteomic analysis. The aim of this study is to assess the proteomic salivary profile using SELDI-TOF-MS technology in patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC), grouped in relation to the TNM staging and compared with healthy subjects. Methods. In this secondary hospital based case-control study, patients with confirmed histopathological diagnosis of primary untreated OSCC as “cases” and healthy age- and sex-matched subjects as “controls” were consecutively enrolled, after informed consent. Saliva (5 mL) was collected by spitting directly into a clean 15 mL conical tube, aliquoted and stored at -80°C…
Human papillomavirus infection and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: current debates
Aims. The aetiopathogenesis for Alzheimer's disease (AD) have not been defined, although inflammation within the brain is thought to play a role. Recent data suggest that peripheral infections contribute to the inflammatory state of central nervous system diseases, including cognitive impairment and dementia (1). Periodontitis (PD) is a prevalent, chronic infection involving the tissues supporting the teeth associated with gram negative, anaerobic bacteria capable of promoting local and systemic release of inflammatory mediators. Aim of the present study was to assess the oral health status and the prevalence/severity of PD in incident AD subjects evaluated during a population-based, 10-yea…
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) osteomyelitis of the mandible: a case report in pediatric patient
HPV infection, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) and influence of technical factors: a metanalytic approach.
Prevalenza di infezione da HPV in mucosa cervicale e orale
Long-standing oral ulcers: proposal for a new `S-C-D classification system’
Persistent oral ulcers and erosions can be the final common manifestation, sometimes clinically indistinguishable, of a diverse spectrum of conditions ranging from traumatic lesions, infectious diseases, systemic and local immune-mediated lesions up to neoplasms. The process of making correct diagnosis for persistent oral ulcers still represents a challenge to clinicians. Major diagnostic criteria should include the clinical appearance of both ulcer and surrounding non-ulcerated mucosa, together with the evaluation of associated signs and symptoms, such as: number (single or multiple), shape, severity of the ulcer(s), conditions of remaining mucosa (white, red or with vesiculo-bullous lesio…
HPV in oral squamous cell carcinoma vs head and neck squamous cell carcinoma biopsies: a meta-analysis (1988-2007).
Abstract INTRODUCTION: In the literature, there exists a wide range of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA prevalence for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), especially in relation to methods of viral detection and the lesion site. We estimated the pooled prevalence of HPV DNA in biopsies of HNSCC generically grouped versus oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in relation to the method of viral DNA detection, with the primary end point of verifying if these two variables (specification of tumour site and method of HPV DNA identification) influence the datum on HPV assay. METHODS: By means of MEDLINE/PubMED/Ovid databases, we selected studies examining paraffin-embedded (PE) biopsies of…
Oral HPV Infection: Current Strategies for Prevention and Therapy
Infection with High Risk (HR) Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) is the main aetiological agent of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma (CSCC) and also associated in a subgroup of other neoplasms, including Oropharyngeal Squamous cell Carcinoma (OPSCC). HPV infection, in genital as in oral mucosa, can also be subclinical or associated with benign proliferative lesions (common warts, condylomas, papillomas) caused mostly by infection with Low Risk (LR)-HPVs. In the last decades, extensive research has resulted in growing knowledge on HPV biology and specifically viral life cycle, biochemical properties of viral proteins and their interaction with the host proteins leading to potential new targets of …
Infezione orale da Human papillomavirus: dalla verruca al carcinoma orale. Epidemiologia, clinica, prevenzione e terapia
Riasunto Obiettivi Prendere in esame l’epidemiologia e le manifestazioni cliniche dell’infezione orale da Human papillomavirus (HPV), con particolare attenzione alle lesioni con potenziale oncologico maligno. Materiali e metodi E stata condotta una revisione sistematica della letteratura finalizzata a descrivere lo stato dell’arte in merito all’infezione da HPV nella mucosa orofaringea e alle relative modalita di trasmissione del virus con particolare riferimento alla possibile contemporanea infezione in sedi anatomiche multiple. Vengono approfonditi gli aspetti riguardanti la prevenzione e il controllo dell’infezione mediante la somministrazione di vaccini e lo svolgimento di campagne cono…
Oral amelanotic melanoma: a case report
Objectives. Primary oral melanoma is a very rare malignancy, representing about 0.5% of all melanomas, characterized by a wide clinical-histological variability and a very aggressive behavior. Aim of the present study is to describe a case of oral amelanotic melanoma, an infrequent variant with a poorer prognosis than that of pigmented melanomas for a more aggressive biological behavior and frequent delays for the correct diagnosis and for starting the treatment. Case report. A 53-year-old white man referred at the Department Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences for a macular, scarsely pigmented lesion with irregular margins, located on anterior region of hard palate. The lesion, complet…
Long-standing oral ulcers: proposal for a new 'S-C-D classification system': Authors' reply
Patologie orali in seguito a trapianto di midollo osseo. GRAFT VERSUS HOST DISEASE (GVHD)
HPV DNA and expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhinibitors p27kip1 in epithelial oral carcinogenesis: a relationship?
Comment on "Human papillomavirus in the oral mucosa of women with genital human papillomavirus lesions"Letter to the Editor
Long-standing oral ulcers: proposal for a new ‘S-C-D classification system’: Authors’ reply
Mucoadhesive polymers for oral transmucosal drug delivery: a review.
The oral mucosa offers an interesting site for the application of dosage forms that release drugs within/throughout the oral mucosa, by assuring a high drug bioavailability for topic and systemic effects. However, the relative permeability of the oral mucosa and the washing effect related to the oral fluids and mechanical stresses must be considered in the formulation of oral dosage forms. Since a sustained drug release can be guaranteed only if dosage forms remain in contact with the oral site of absorption/application for a prolonged time, the development of mucoadhesive dosage forms is mandatory. The mucoadhesion is a complex phenomenon and the mucoadhesive bond consists of two different…
Long-Standing oral ulcers: proposal for a new S-C-D classification system'
Persistent oral ulcers and erosions can be the final common manifestation, sometimes clinically indistinguishable, of a diverse spectrum of conditions ranging from traumatic lesions, infectious diseases, systemic and local immune-mediated lesions up to neoplasms. The process of making correct diagnosis for persistent oral ulcers still represents a challenge to clinicians. Major diagnostic criteria should include the clinical appearance of both ulcer and surrounding non-ulcerated mucosa, together with the evaluation of associated signs and symptoms, such as: number (single or multiple), shape, severity of the ulcer(s), conditions of remaining mucosa (white, red or with vesiculo-bullous lesio…