Nathalie Munier-jolain
Table ronde - Comment construire le programme TETRAE avec les acteurs du développement agricole ?
Chronology of bud appearance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
International audience
Plant genotype: a lever in the interactions between plant and its associated rhizosphere microbiome
International audience; In the context of highly pressured agricultural production using low levels of inputs, cropping strategies could take advantage of existing plant-microbiome interactions that can improve both plant growth and health. We believe that plant genetics can provide some clues to better understand the mechanisms underlying microbiome recruitment by the plant.The aims of this work were (i) to assess plant genotype effect on the rhizosphere bacterial communities in relation to the plant nutritional strategies for a core collection of 155 genotypes of Medicago truncatula and (ii) to highlight the genetic determinisms potentially associated in these interactions. To achieve the…
Relationship between the activity of nitrogen fixation and soil nitrogen availability throughout the growth cycle of pea
National audience
Use of the 15N isotope dilution technique on a short time interval for the determination of the percentage of N derived from symbiotic fixation by pea (P. sativum L.) during the growth cycle
A new conceptual framework shows that plant genotype and soil nitrogen availability modify both plant nutritional strategies and diversity of their associated rhizosphere microbiome
In the context of sustainable agriculture, it is desirable to lower the input of mineral fertilizers. Therefore, we need to select ‘new’ genotypes that are both adapted to ‘low fertilizer inputs’ and more efficient in nutrient use. A better understanding of plant-microbe interactions under low input of fertilizers is now needed. Nevertheless, in microbial ecology, conceptual frameworks or models are used to analyse plant-microbe interactions but plant phenotype is currently viewed as a “black box”. We developed a new conceptual framework to study plant-microbe interactions using a multidisciplinary approach combining Microbial Ecology and Plant Ecophysiology.The links among plant genotype, …
Etude de l’interaction « Plante x Communauté microbienne du sol » chez l’espèce modèle Medicago truncatula
National audience
Crosstalks between soil microbial communities and a nitrogen fixing legume species (medicago truncatula) during its Vegetative Stage
International audience
Combining ecophysiological and microbial ecological approaches to assess interaction between genotypes of Medicago truncatula and the soil bacterial communities
International audience; Microbial communities can play a key role in sustainable agriculture by improving crop growth. Currently, a major stake is to study the effect of the plant genotype on the shaping of the soil microbial communities in relation to the plant nutrition. Methods: The links between the plant genotype and the rhizospheric bacterial communities were assessed at both structural and functional level using a multidisciplinary approach. On the one side, the genetic structure (Automated Ribosomial Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA)) and diversity (454 pyrosequencing) of bacterial communities of the rhizosphere was first analysed. On the other side, using an ecophysiological model…
Nitrogen nutrition level and temperature effects on vegetative N remobilisation rate and distribution of canopy N during seed filling period in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)
International audience
Proposal of a tool for selection of peas both on productivity and duration of seed set period
International audience
Phloem: highway to N
National audience