Ramón Esteban Romero

Z-permutable subgroups of finite groups

Let Z be a complete set of Sylow subgroups of a finite group G, that is, a set composed of a Sylow p-subgroup of G for each p dividing the order of G. A subgroup H of G is called Z-permutable if H permutes with all members of Z. The main goal of this paper is to study the embedding of the Z-permutable subgroups and the influence of Z-permutability on the group structure.

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On finite T-groups

[EN] Characterisations of finite groups in which normality is a transitive relation are presented in the paper. We also characterise the finite groups in which every subgroup is either permutable or coincides with its permutiser as the groups in which every subgroup is permutable.

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p-grupos finitos

In the first part, new bounds for the number of conjugacy classes of maximal length of a finite $p$-group $G$, $r(G)$, are obtained, and they are related with the length of these classes. If $r(G)=p^m-b-1$, there exists a unique normal subgroup of order $p^b$, $N_b$, which is characteristic, and structural properties of these groups are studied when $b\le 3$, by paying special attention to the relation between $N_b$, $Z(G)$ and $G$. In the second part, new bounds for the degree of commutativity of a $p$-group of maximal class are established. In Chapter 2, the bounds known for $c$ are reviewed. In Chapter 3, the reuslts obtained by Shepherd for $c_0\le 4$ are extended to $c_0\le 10$ by mean…

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Graphs and classes of finite groups

[EN] There are different ways to associate to a finite group a certain graph. An interesting question is to analyse the relations between the structure of the group, given in group-theoretical terms, and the structure of the graph, given in the language of graph theory. This survey paper presents some contributions to this research line.

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The number of maximal subgroups and probabilistic generation of finite groups

[EN] In this survey we present some significant bounds for the number of maximal subgroups of a given index of a finite group. As a consequence, new bounds for the number of random generators needed to generate a finite d-generated group with high probability which are significantly tighter than the ones obtained in the paper of Jaikin-Zapirain and Pyber (Random generation of finite and profinite groups and group enumeration, Ann. Math., 183 (2011) 769-814) are obtained. The results of Jaikin-Zapirain and Pyber, as well as other results of Lubotzky, Detomi, and Lucchini, appear as particular cases of our theorems.

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A note on finite PST-groups

[EN] A finite group G is said to be a PST-group if, for subgroups H and K of G with H Sylow-permutable in K and K Sylow-permutable in G, it is always the case that H is Sylow-permutable in G. A group G is a T*-group if, for subgroups H and K of G with H normal in K and K normal in G, it is always the case that H is Sylow-permutable in G. In this paper, we show that finite PST-groups and finite T*-groups are one and the same. A new characterisation of soluble PST-groups is also presented.

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Some group-theoretical approaches to skew left braces

The algebraic structure of skew left brace has become a useful tool to construct set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. In this survey we present some descriptions of skew left braces in terms of bijective derivations, triply factorised groups, and regular subgroups of the holomorph of a group, as well as some applications of these descriptions to the study of substructures, nilpotency, and factorised skew left braces.

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On the abnormal structure of finite groups

We study finite groups in which every maximal subgroup is supersoluble or normal. Our results answer some questions arising from papers of Asaad and Rose.

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Real elements and p-nilpotence of finite groups

Our first main result proves that every element of order 4 of a Sylow 2-subgroup S of a minimal non-2-nilpotent group G, is a real element of S. This allows to give a character-free proof of a theorem due to Isaacs and Navarro (see [9, Theorem B]). As an application, the authors show a common extension of the p-nilpotence criteria proved in [3] and [9]. The first and the second authors have been supported by the grant MTM2014-54707-C3-1-P from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, and FEDER, European Union. The first author has been also supported by a project from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, No. 11271085) and a project of Natural Science Foundation…

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Some characterisations of groups in which normality is a transitive relation by means of subgroup embedding properties

[EN] In this survey we highlight the relations between some subgroup embedding properties that characterise groups in which normality is a transitive relation in certain universes of groups with some finiteness properties.

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Some local properties defining $T_0$-groups and related classes of groups

[EN] We call G a Hall_X -group if there exists a normal nilpotent subgroup N of G for which G/N' is an X -group. We call G a T0 -group provided G/\Phi(G) is a T -group, that is, one in which normality is a transitive relation. We present several new local classes of groups which locally define Hall_X -groups and T_0 -groups where X ∈ {T , PT , PST }; the classes PT and PST denote, respectively, the classes of groups in which permutability and S-permutability are transitive relations.

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Las matemáticas del cubo de Rubik

[ES] En este artículo mostramos cómo podemos utilizar el cubo de Rubik para presentar algunos conceptos básicos de la teoría de grupos y cómo podemos usar esta para resolver el cubo de Rubik.

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Transitivity of Sylow permutability, the converse of Lagrange's theorem, and mutually permutable products

This paper is devoted to the study of mutually permutable products of finite groups. A factorised group G = AB is said to be a mutually permutable product of its factors A and B when each factor permutes with every subgroup of the other factor. We prove that mutually permutable products of Y -groups (groups satisfying the converse of Lagrange's theorem) and SC-groups (groups whose chief factors are simple) are SC -groups. Next, we show that a product of pairwise mutually permutable Y -groups is supersoluble. Finally, we give a local version of the result stating that if a mutually permutable product of two groups is a PST - group (that is, a group in which every subnormal subgroup permutes …

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Some subgroup embeddings in finite groups

In this survey paper several subgroup embedding properties related to some types of permutability are introduced and studied.

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