Kuauhyama Luna Ortiz
Efecto del clorhidrato de pilocarpina como estimulante de la producción salival en pacientes sometidos a radioterapia de cabeza y cuello
Objetivo: Estudiar los efectos del clorhidrato de pilocarpina sobre la producción salival total en pacientes mexicanos con hiposalivación secundaria a radioterapia de la región de cabeza y cuello. Diseño del estudio: Previo consentimiento informado, 20 pacientes con hiposalivación secundaria a radioterapia de la región de cabeza y cuello (> 40 Gy) fueron evaluados mediante el Test de Saliva Global (TSG) antes, durante y al final de 10 semanas de tratamiento con clorhidrato de pilocarpina (5 mg 3 veces al día). La sintomatología relacionada a la hiposalivación fue evaluada mediante un cuestionario con escala ordinal de 0 a 10. La cantidad de saliva producida al final del tratamiento se compa…
Macroglossia caused by adenoid cystic carcinoma : case report
A 33-year-old woman sought medical care at our institution for macroglossia. She had been treated before with tracheostomy and gastrostomy due to an adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the mobile tongue, in clinical stage IVC. She was subjected to total glossectomy with larynx preservation, modified radical dissection of the right neck and of the left supraomohyoid muscle, as well as reconstruction using a free flap from the rectus abdominus. The histological report described a 15x11 cm solid type ACC of the mobile tongue (grade III), with infiltration to adjacent soft tissues, vascular and lymphatic vessels, as well as two metastatic lymph nodes in the right neck dissection. One month after …
Comparative study between two different staging systems (AJCC TNM VS BALLANTYNE’S) for mucosal melanomas of the Head & Neck
Background: Mucosal melanoma (MM) of head and neck (H&N) is a rare entity with a quite poor prognosis. Ballantyne’s staging system has been commonly used since 1970. In the 7th edition of the AJCC Staging Manual a new chapter for the staging of TNM Classification system for mucosal melanoma (MM) of the head and neck (H&N) has been introduced to reflect the particularly aggressive biological behavior of this neoplasm. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare among Ballantyne’s staging system vs TNM H&N in terms of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) in a consecutive population of patients with MM in a cancer centre. Material and Methods: Descriptive analysis of demo…