Le vignoble gallo-romain de Gevrey-Chambertin "Au-dessus de Bergis", Côte d'Or (Ier-IIe s. ap. J.-C.) : Modes de plantation et de conduite de vignes antiques en Bourgogne
Recent excavations at " Au-dessus de Bergis " in Gevrey-Chambertin (Burgundy, France) brought to light in 2008 and 2009 numerous, rectangular aligned pits interpreted as an ancient vineyard dated from the mid-first, mid-second century to the third century AD. The vineyard measured at least one hectare in area and was bounded to the south by a hedge or fence. It was composed of parallel rows oriented 6° N that may have been trained over and along high, inclined wooden frames. Vine stocks were renewed by layering, over several generations of plants. This vineyard attests to the spreading of vineyards from the mid-first century AD, as was initially supposed, and it documents some agricultural …