Mickaël Hedde
A soil biodiversity survey coupled with the national soil quality monitoring network?
International audience; Despite its importance for human activities, soil biodiversity remains largely unknown and threatened. Aware of the need for large-scale monitoring, we studied the feasibility to add a soil biodiversity survey (RMBS-Biodiversity) to the already existing French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS). We worked with soil biodiversity experts to couple RMBS-Biodiversity with RMQS i.e. to choose soil taxons and functions, the methodologies and the sampling design. According to the experts, the sampling design of RMQS fits with a soil biodiversitysurvey. We propose sampling protocols for i) bacteria and fungi, ii) protists, iii) nematodes, iv) mesofauna (particularly spri…
La biodiversité des sols : un fantastique patrimoine à préserver et valoriser
Les sols sont des environnements vivants dans lesquels cohabitent des microorganismes et une faune particulièrement abondants. Ainsi, les organismes évoluant dans le sol (mammifères, insectes, arachnides, vers, mollusques, protozoaires, nématodes, champignons, bactéries,…) représentent une masse bien supérieure à celle de ceux vivant au-dessus du sol. Une poignée de terre (approximativement 200 g) contient 0,5 g de matière vivante ce qui correspond à environ 5 tonnes à l’hectare.Au-delà de cette biomasse considérable, les organismes du sol représentent une fortediversité. L’étude de cette biodiversité nécessite l’application de stratégies et méthodes d’analyses adaptées compte-tenu de la di…
Handbook of protocols for standardized measurement of terrestrial invertebrate functional traits
Trait-based approaches are increasingly being used to test mechanisms underlying species assemblages and biotic interactions across a wide range of organisms including terrestrial arthropods and to investigate consequences for ecosystem processes. Such an approach relies on the standardized measurement of functional traits that can be applied across taxa and regions. Currently, however, unified methods of trait measurements are lacking for terrestrial arthropods and related macroinvertebrates (terrestrial invertebrates hereafter). Here, we present a comprehensive review and detailed protocol for a set of 29 traits known to be sensitive to global stressors and to affect ecosystem processes a…
Agricultural advances
CT3 ; Département E.A. ; SOFIA; Agricultural advances