A. Gilio
Coherent conditional probabilities and proper scoring rules
In this paper we study the relationship between the notion of coherence for conditional probability assessments on a family of conditional events and the notion of admissibility with respect to scoring rules. By extending a recent result given in literature for unconditional events, we prove, for any given strictly proper scoring rule s, the equivalence between the coherence of a conditional probability assessment and its admissibility with respect to s. In this paper we focus our analysis on the case of continuous bounded scoring rules. In this context a key role is also played by Bregman divergence and by a related theoretical aspect. Finally, we briefly illustrate a possible way of defin…
On general conditional random quantities
In the first part of this paper, recalling a general discussion on iterated conditioning given by de Finetti in the appendix of his book, vol. 2, we give a representation of a conditional random quantity $X|HK$ as $(X|H)|K$. In this way, we obtain the classical formula $\pr{(XH|K)} =\pr{(X|HK)P(H|K)}$, by simply using linearity of prevision. Then, we consider the notion of general conditional prevision $\pr(X|Y)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are two random quantities, introduced in 1990 in a paper by Lad and Dickey. After recalling the case where $Y$ is an event, we consider the case of discrete finite random quantities and we make some critical comments and examples. We give a notion of coherence fo…
Probabilistic inference and syllogisms
Traditionally, syllogisms are arguments with two premises and one conclusion which are constructed by propositions of the form “All S are P ” and “At least one S is P ” and their respective negated versions. We will discuss probabilistic notions of the existential import and the basic sentences type. We will develop an intuitively plausible version of the syllogisms that is able to deal with uncertainty, exceptions and nonmonotonicity. We will develop a new semantics for categorical syllogisms that is based on subjective probability. Specifically, we propose de Finetti’s principle of coherence and its generalization to lower and upper conditional probabilities as the fundamental corner ston…
Triangular norms and conjunction of conditional events
We study the relationship between a notion of conjunction among conditional events, introduced in recent papers, and the notion of Frank t-norm. By examining different cases, in the setting of coherence, we show each time that the conjunction coincides with a suitable Frank t-norm. In particular, the conjunction may coincide with the Product t-norm, the Minimum t- norm, and Lukasiewicz t-norm. We show by a counterexample, that the prevision assessments obtained by Lukasiewicz t-norm may be not coherent. Then, we give some conditions of coherence when using Lukasiewicz t-norm.
Generalized coherence and connection property of imprecise conditional previsions.
In this paper we consider imprecise conditional prevision assessments on random quantities with finite set of possible values. We use a notion of generalized coherence which is based on the coherence principle of de Finetti. We consider the checking of g-coherence, by extending some previous results obtained for imprecise conditional probability assessments. Then, we study a connection property of interval-valued gcoherent prevision assessments, by extending a result given in a previous paper for precise assessments.
Probabilistic interpretations of the square of opposition
We investigate the square of opposition from a probabilistic point of view. Probability allows for dealing with exceptions and uncertainty. We will interpret the corners of the square by means of (precise or imprecise) conditional probability assessments. They will be defined within the framework of coherence, which originally goes back to de Finetti. In this framework probabilities are conceived as degrees of belief, where conditional probability is defined as a primitive concept. Coherence allows for dealing with partial and imprecise assessments. Moreover, the coherence approach is especially suitable for dealing with zero antecedent probabilities (i.e., here conditioning events may have…