Lassi Linnanen
From Efficiency to Resilience : Systemic Change towards Sustainability after the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerability of current socio-economic systems and thrown into question the dominant global paradigm geared towards short-term financial efficiency. Although it has been acknowledged for several decades that this paradigm has detrimental impacts on the climate, the environment and global welfare, the pandemic has now offered a grim ‘rehearsal round’ for more serious crises that are to come with the accelerating climate emergency, loss of biodiversity and growing human inequalities. Along with worsening climate change, there are looming risks for mass migrations and armed conflicts as habitats capable of supporting human wellbeing become scarce, such a…
New energy policy for providing growth and employment
This report is a public speech, which springs from the observations of researchers of various fields, of the notion that the present energy policy does not serve the national benefit as a whole. The new energy policy thinking demonstrated in this report, when implemented, would lead to the economic and employment growth and to many other positive phenomena in the society. Through the new energy policy, preventing the climate change would become a great opportunity to our country instead of a threat.
Kasvua ja työllisyyttä uudella energiapolitiikalla
Tämä raportti on julkinen puheenvuoro, joka kumpuaa eri alojen tutkijoiden havainnoista, että nykyinen energiapolitiikka ei palvele täysimääräisesti kansakunnan etua. Tässä raportissa esitelty uusi energiapoliittinen ajattelu johtaisi toteutuessaan talouden ja työpaikkojen määrän kasvuun ja moniin muihin myönteisiin ilmiöihin yhteiskunnassa. Uuden energiapolitiikan kautta ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnasta tulisi maallemme merkittävä mahdollisuus eikä uhka. Tekijät toivovat, että raportti käynnistää vilkkaan ja asiallisen julkisen keskustelun energiapolitiikan mahdollisuuksista ja tulevaisuudesta ja tätä kautta energiapolitiikka saataisiin paremmin palvelemaan kansakunnan kokonaisetua. Raportti …
Ecological tax reform?a value chain level approach
This study assesses the effects of an ecological tax reform on three value chains. These case studies lead to an analysis of the business strategy options when companies face a shift in the relative prices of their production factors. The results support earlier research findings that the direct effects of an ecological tax reform on the price competitiveness of companies is on average rather small. However, the effects of the reform are shown to vary significantly between the different parts of the value chain. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment