Simo Ihalainen

Kilpakelaustuolin massan vaikutus pyörätuolikelauksen suorituskykyyn : tapaustutkimus

Pyörätuolikelauksessa kelaustuoli on oleellisessa osassa määrittämässä suorituskykyä. Matemaattisen mallinnuksen avulla on arvioitu jo pienen massan pudotuksen vaikuttavan merkittävästi kelaussuorituksen loppuaikaan, mutta tätä tulosta ei ole kokeellisesti testattu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää massaltaan kevyemmän kelaustuolin vaikutusta kelaussuoritukseen ja suorituskykyyn. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin uutta kevyempää kelaustuolia vanhaan kilpailukäytössä olleeseen kelaustuoliin. Kelaustuoleja vertailtiin toisiinsa lähtökiihdytyksistä ja täysimittaisista 100 metrin kelauksista mitattujen muuttujien perusteella. Lisäksi kelaustuoleihin vaikuttavia vastustavia voimia arvioitiin…

research product

Which technical factors explain competition performance in air rifle shooting?

The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the same shooting technical components determining performance in testing situation also affect performance in competition situation and how the technical skill level of these components changes from training to competition. Thirteen Finnish national (10) and junior national (3) rifle team members participated in the study. Participants were measured in competition and training situation within a five-day period. Shooting score, aiming point trajectory and postural balance were measured from both situations. Shooting performance decreased from training to competition situation (10.31 ± 0.13 vs. 10.14 ± 0.17, p < 0.05), accompanied by a de…

research product

Aiming strategy affects performance‐related factors in biathlon standing shooting

This study focused on investigating differences in shooting performance and performance-related factors between two different aiming strategies (HOLD, low radial velocity during the approach 0.4-0.2 seconds before triggering, and TIMING, high radial velocity) in biathlon standing shooting. A total of 23 biathletes fired 8 × 5 standing shots at rest (REST) and 2 × 5 shots during a race simulation (RACE). Shooting performance (hit point distance from the center of the target), aiming point trajectory and postural balance were measured from each shot. Shooting performance was similar both at REST (HOLD 33 ± 5 mm vs TIMING 38 ± 8 mm, P = .111) and in RACE (40 ± 11 mm vs 47 ± 12 mm, P = .194). B…

research product

Technical determinants of biathlon standing shooting performance before and after race simulation

The aim of this study was to identify performance- determining factors in biathlon standing shooting in rest and after intense exercise. Eight Finnish national- and nine junior- team biathletes participated in the study. Participants fired 40 resting shots (REST) and 2 × 5 competition simulation shots (LOAD) after 5 minutes of roller skiing at 95% of peak heart rate. Hit percentage, aiming point trajectory and postural balance were measured from each shot. Cleanness of triggering (ATV, movement of the aiming point 0- 0.2 second before the shot) and vertical stability of hold (DevY) were the most important components affecting shooting performance both in REST (DevY, R = −0.61, P < .01; ATV,…

research product

Performance‐determining factors in biathlon prone shooting without physical stress

This study investigated the most important factors determining biathlon prone shooting performance. 10 female and 16 male biathletes (age 19.9 ± 2.9 years) from the national teams of Finland and Vuokatti-Ruka Sports Academy performed 65 biathlon prone shooting shots without physical stress under laboratory conditions. Shooting performance and multiple aiming point trajectory variables were measured together with an analysis of triggering force. Based on the aiming point trajectory data principal component analysis, we identified four technical components in biathlon prone shooting: stability of hold, aiming accuracy, cleanness of triggering and timing of triggering. Multiple regression anal…

research product

Determinants of elite-level air rifle shooting performance

This study focused on identifying the most important factors determining performance in elite-level air rifle shooting technique. Forty international- and national-level shooters completed a simulated air rifle shooting competition series. From a total of 13 795 shots in 319 tests, shooting score and 17 aiming point trajectory variables were measured with an optoelectronic device and six postural balance variables were measured with force platform. Principal component analysis revealed six components in the air rifle shooting technique: aiming time, stability of hold, measurement time, cleanness of triggering, aiming accuracy, and timing of triggering. Multiple regression analysis identifie…

research product

Aiming strategy affects performance-related factors in biathlon standing shooting

This study focused on investigating differences in shooting performance and performance related factors between two different aiming strategies (HOLD, low radial velocity during the approach 0.4‐0.2 seconds before triggering, and TIMING, high radial velocity) in biathlon standing shooting. 23 biathletes fired 8x5 standing shots at rest (REST) and 2x5 shots during a race simulation (RACE). Shooting performance (hit point distance from the center of the target), aiming point trajectory and postural balance were measured from each shot. Shooting performance was similar both at REST (HOLD 33±5 mm vs TIMING 38±8 mm, p=0.111) and in RACE (40±11 mm vs 47±12 mm, p=0.194). Better shooting performanc…

research product

Technical determinants of competitive rifle shooting performance

The purpose of this thesis was to identify technical determinants of elite level air rifle and biathlon standing shooting performance and investigate how these technical determinants are affected by training, competition situation, or intense exercise. Forty international and national level air rifle shooters and 17 biathletes participated in the studies. In air rifle shooting, shooting performance, aiming point trajectory, and postural balance were measured from each shot in a simulated competition series in the training situation and in the actual competition situation. The shooters’ competition results were collected from each measured season. In biathlon, the same shooting technical var…

research product