Mika Paananen

Olika profiler för exekutiva färdigheter bland elever i behov av stöd

Svårigheter med exekutiva färdigheter är relativt vanliga i skolan och påverkar elevers arbetssätt och inlärning negativt. Kunskap om individuella uttryck av exekutiva svårigheter och beteende i skolan ger en bättre utgångspunkt för att planera och genomföra riktade och effektiva stödåtgärder. I den här studien fokuserar vi på hurdana olika profiler det finns gällande de exekutiva svårigheterna bland elever som erbjuds specialpedagogiskt stöd för koncentrationssvårigheter, samt hur dessa är relaterade till beteendeproblem, positivt socialt beteende och akademiska grundfärdigheter. I den här studien deltog 183 elever från två kohorter (medelålder = 9,57 år; modersmål svenska = 62,8 %, finska…

research product

School-based group intervention in attention and executive functions: Intervention response and moderators

ObjectiveThis study investigated the effects of a school-based skill-training intervention in attention control and executive functions for pupils with hyperactivity-impulsivity (H-I) and cognitive control (CC) deficits. The main aim was to examine whether the intervention differently influenced H-I and CC, and whether cognitive abilities or conduct problems moderated response to the intervention.MethodElementary school pupils from 41 schools participated the study and were divided into an intervention group (n = 71) and a waitlist control group (n = 77). Intervention outcomes were assessed with an inventory assessing executive function difficulties (including H-I and CC) completed by class…

research product

Itsesäätely ja toiminnanohjaus oppimistilanteissa : itsesäätelyn minäpystyvyys ja taitojen kehittäminen alakoululaisilla

Viime vuosina kouluihin on istutettu voimallisesti ajatusta siitä, että koulun tehtävä on ohjata oppilaita itseohjautuvuuteen ja vastuun ottamiseen oppimisesta. Itseohjautuvuuden tulee olla yksi kasvatuksen keskeisistä tavoitteista. Ja kuten Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (Opetushallitus, 2014, 14–17) mainitaan, perusopetuksen tärkeä tavoite on luoda pohja sivistykselle ja ”sivistykseen kuuluu myös pyrkimys itsesäätelyyn ja vastuunottoon omasta kehittymisestä ja hyvinvoinnista”. Lisäksi ”oppimisprosessistaan tietoinen ja vastuullinen oppilas oppii toimimaan yhä itseohjautuvammin”. peerReviewed

research product

Individual behavior support in positive behavior support schools in Finland

One objective in Finnish basic education is for pupils with disabilities or behavioral problems to be able to participate in mainstream education and ordinary classrooms. Positive behavior support (PBS) is an approach that offers multi-tiered behavior support for pupils. In addition to providing support at a universal level, educators need to have the necessary skills to provide more intensive individual support for pupils who need it. Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a research-based individual support system that is widely used in PBS schools. The Finnish application of CICO includes an individual behavior assessment process for pupils with persistent challenging behaviors. In this article, w…

research product

Implementation of the inclusive CICO Plus intervention for pupils at risk of severe behaviour problems in SWPBS schools

Check in–check out (CICO) is a widely used and studied behavioural intervention. Although CICO is an effective way to support pupils’ behaviour in a school context, not all pupils benefit from basic CICO. A single-case experimental study was designed to evaluate the effects of CICO Plus support (CICO Plus) for participants whose behaviour was determined to be non-responsive to basic CICO. CICO Plus was planned and implemented with four pupils identified by school CICO teams as needing additional behavioural support. Individual CICO Plus support was planned by multiprofessional teams working on each pupil’s case. The CICO Plus support was based on teaching social skills and behaviour at leas…

research product

Check in Check Out Plus (CICOplus) : erityisen tuen toimintamalli käyttäytymisen tuen moniammatilliseen järjestämiseen

research product

Oppilaiden itsesäätelyä tukemassa

Lasten itsesäätelyn ongelmat tulkitaan usein yksittäisen lapsen piirteiksi tai sisäisiksi ongelmiksi, joihin vaikuttaminen koetaan vaikeaksi. Kouluissa itsesäätelyn ongelmat näkyvät tyypillisesti vaikeuksina tehtävien tekemisessä ja käyttäytymissääntöjen ja -ohjeiden noudattamisessa sekä ongelmina kaverisuhteissa. Myönteistä koulukäyttäytymistä edistää kasvattajien luoma selkeä toimintaympäristö ja oppimistilanteita tukevien tilannetekijöiden aktiivinen hallinta. Käyttäytymisen yleinen tuki ei kuitenkaan riitä kaikille oppilaille, ja kouluilla on oltava myös keinoja käyttäytymisen ja työskentelytaitojen yksilölliseen tukemiseen. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Self-regulatory efficacy and sources of efficacy in elementary school pupils: Self-regulatory experiences in a population sample and pupils with attention and executive function difficulties

In this study, we examined self-regulatory efficacy and sources of self-efficacy (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion and physiological/emotional states) and the relationships between self-efficacy and its sources among elementary school pupils. Two groups were compared: a population sample (PS, N = 1284) and pupils with difficulties in attention and executive functions (AED, N = 61). Data gathered from self-report questionnaires indicated that pupils in the PS group had more positive efficacy beliefs and mastery experiences and fewer negative physiological/emotional states than the AED group. Analyses showed strong connections between sources and self-regulatory e…

research product

Group-based intervention on attention and executive functions in the school context

The objective of the study was to examine the effects of a group-based behavioural, cognitive and skills training intervention (Maltti) provided in schools for elementary school pupils with attention and executive function (EF) deficits. The treatment effects were identified by comparing an intervention group (n = 46) with a waitlist control group (n = 26). Specific effects of the intervention on behavioural deficits in attention and EF in a classroom setting as well as on academic skills were examined. Our analysis indicated that significant intervention effects could be found in the behavioural manifestation of attentional and executive skills in the classroom setting among children (n = …

research product

Lasten sosioemotionaalisten taitojen tukeminen varhaiskasvatuksessa

research product

Timing of Triggering in Relation to the Cardiac Cycle in Nonelite Rifle Shooters

This study investigated the timing of the trigger pull in relation to the cardiac cycle during air rifle shooting. Electrocardiogram) was recorded from 20 male nonelite rifle shooters in two separate testing sessions. The testing was conducted at an indoor shooting range using an optoelectronic shooting system. Each participant fired a shot in the standing position at a distance of 10 m from the target. The results showed that compared to random triggering, the shooters fired more often during the phase of 10-50% of the R wave-to-R wave (R-R) interval and less often during the phase of 50-90%. With regard to performance accuracy, the participants exhibited average or above average performan…

research product