A Le Moli

Technophysis. Le tecniche della natura

Una ricostruzione dei modelli che strutturano il rapporto tra tecnica e natura dall’epi- ca omerica alle teorie evoluzionistiche passando per classici della filosofia come Platone, Aristotele e Bacone. Una parabola storico-critica guidata da un’idea di technophysis in cui ripensare le opposizioni tradizionali alla luce di nuovi equilibri. Queste le coordinate di un percorso che non rinuncia all’antico per costruire una didattica sensibile alle sfide del contemporaneo.

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A brief introduction to the History of Castelvetrano High School

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Metafisica, vita, esistenza. Ancora su Heidegger e Aristotele

Uno studio sulla questione dell'antropocentrico e dell'animalità tra Aristotele, Heidegger e le relative interpretazioni

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Nota introduttiva

A brief introduction to Filippo Di Trapani's Book "Dilthey e il giovane Hegel"

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Animal Subjects?

A revised theory of animal subjectivity among Posthumanism, Animal Science and Continental Philosophy

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Per una filosofia dello spazio

This brief essay aims at proposing a new philosophical reflection about the notion of space which, in contrast to the notion of time, it has not been properly dealt with in the philosophical tradition.

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Mistero, ragione, verità. La "filosofia" di Leonardo Sciascia

Al di là del riferimento esplicito a temi, opere ed autori filosofici, la scrittura di Leonardo Sciascia appare percorsa dalle tracce di una unità mancata, di un bisogno di armonia tra i valori fondamentali dell'umano (verità, libertà, giustizia) che ne testimonia la vocazione filosofica profonda. La presenza di una componente critico-dialettica ne rende strutturalmente aperto, e quindi anche fallibile, il progetto sistematico. Ma proprio questo impedisce di leggere l'itinerario che va da "Il giorno della civetta" a "Una storia semplice" nel segno di un mero pessimismo antimetafisico, avvicinandolo piuttosto alle grandi (e incompiute) imprese filosofiche della tradizione.

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Soggettività, identità, metafisica. Da Cartesio a Wittgenstein

In recent articles I analysed the relationship between the proposals for a criti- que or “reformation” of metaphysics formulated according to the analytical and the continental points of view, underlining how in the former case there was an interest not so much in definitively dismissing metaphysics as in purifying it from obscure notions. In particular, I focussed on the way in which the notions of “totality” and “absolute” have been thoroughly reconsidered within a metaphysics that has been oriented towards a plane of scientific consistency. This essay aims to verify whether the notion of subjectivity could be considered another of the “great renunciations” on which many scholars of conte…

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Overcoming Postmodernity? Reconsidering Animal Life from Heidegger to Derrida

In this paper, I would like to approach the question of language as crucial for the difference between human and non-human animals in the scenario cast by contemporary continental philosophy. I would also like to use this and other topics as a chance to take some general considerations on postmodernity into account, the latter intended as the historical condition in which we are supposed to live.

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Platonismo e antiplatonismo da Nietzsche a Derrida

Uno studio sulle principali letture del platonismo che si ispirano all'intepretazione nietzscheana

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Libertà e storia. Heidegger e la forza dell'evento

Il saggio indaga la presenza del lessico della forza nei Trattati Inediti di Heidegger in connessione con il tema della libertà e quello della storia

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Nota Introduttiva

Nota introduttiva alla nuova edizione italiana del De Motu Animalium di Aristotele

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Per un'etica dei processi informativi

This article aims to explore the connection between the conflicts in information policies being observed during the present pandemic situ- ation and the potential abuse of automation technologies in the pro- cessing of information. From a historical point of view, the connection between an effective elaboration of information and the development of automation technologies was devised by authors such as Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon and Alan Turing, at the very beginning of the modern theory of information. This link with today seems to be justified by historical circumstances that are still quoted in order to discipline and “militarise” the spreading of information during the pandemic. On …

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La natura dello spirito umano

This paper is the Italian translation of Markus Gabriel's opening lecture at Ischia International Festival of Philosophy 2018

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Dal logos all'ente. Heidegger e la III sezione del "Teeteto"

A historical survey of Heidegger's reading of Plato's Theatetus in the early 20's

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Dialogica, politica, pratica di vita. Platone nel giovane Gadamer

The chapter explores the different phases of Gadamer's approach to Plato, particularly focusing on the youth's years and on the project to reconcile classical philology and theoretical philosophy towards an unitary image of Plato grounded upon the practical role of the Idea and the centrality of the dialogical dimension

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Noia/Angoscia. A partire da Heidegger

This chapter examines the relationship between the moods of Anxiety and Boredom in Heidegger as World-openers and figures of Totality

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Die Sprache des Dinges. Heidegger und die Object-Oriented Ontology

Der Aufsatz analysiert die Präsenz von Heideggers Denken in Bezug auf das Thema des "Dings" in den Hauptversionen der objektorientierten Ontologie und versucht die Berührungspunkte und Unterschiede nachzuzeichen. Er konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die von Graham Harman ab 2002 durchgeführte Analyse von Werkzeug-Seins (Tool-Being), um festzustellen, dass Harmans Ansatz, obwohl er heuristisch interessant ist, nur einen sehr begrenzten Text- und Themenbereich innerhalb der Produktion von Heidegger berücksichtigt. Und damit führt sie dazu, die seit den frühen 1930er-Jahren erfolgten Setzungsveränderungen zu unterschätzen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Rolle der poetisch-künstlerischen Spr…

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Pandemic and Infodemic

This article aims to explore the connection between the conflicts in informa- tion policies being observed during the present pandemic situation and the poten- tial abuse of automation technologies in the processing of information. From a his- torical point of view, the connection between an effective elaboration of information and the development of automation technologies was devised by authors such as Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon and Alan Turing, at the very beginning of the modern theory of information. This link with today seems to be justified by histor- ical circumstances that are still quoted in order to discipline and “militarise” the spreading of information during the pandemic.…

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Image and Copy in French Deconstruction of Platonism

This paper aims at investigating the relationship between some contemporary Interpretations of Plato's Ontology and the Theory of Image-Copy connection developed in many Dialogues such as Sophist, Philebus, Timaeus and Republic. By examinating some of the most relevant criticisms to this Theory cast by french Philosophers such as Deleuze and Derrida and by retracing the roots of these criticisms to the common source of Nietzsche's and Heidegger's Thought, the paper argues a way to overcome the stiff opposition which is commonly held between these two fronts, thus trying to refine the hermeneutical approach to Plato which almost dominated the XX century.

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Israele tra mito e storia

This text is the translation of the speech held by Abraham B. Yehoshua during the ceremony of Laurea Honoris Causa in MD Philosophical and Historical Sciences of Palermo University

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L'evento e la storia. Il lessico della forza nei "Trattati inediti"

Il saggio indaga la connessione tra i termini che compongono il lessico della forza (Macht, Kraft, Machenschaft) nei Trattati inediti di Heidegger dal 1936 al 1944 come chiave per intendere la collocazione del pensiero heideggeriano rispetto agli eventi storici che prepararono e accompagnarono il secondo conflitto mondiale in Germania.

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Pandemia e vita animale

The article starts from the implications of man's mistreatment of animals and the explosion of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19 and traces back man's lack of care toward animality to the roots of history of culture and philosophy, also giving some hints to a different consideration of animal life in our environment.

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Cura dell'anima e diritto del corpo

This paper examines some philosophical traditions concerning the notion of "soul" and tries to show that every lexical and conceptual ambiguity regarding it can be traced back in the parallel notion of "body" as well.

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Bartleby lo scrivano. Metafisica del nulla e logica poetica.

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Soggetti animali

In this paper I will try to explore how far a subjectivistic approach can still be useful to understand the role of other-than-human beings in a non-discriminative social environment. Are we compelled to acknowledge always new forms of subjectivities in order to be able to assign rights to non-human beings (animal, plants, para-organic systems, machines)? Or, along the same line of thought, do border figures like non-binary sexual entities (transexuals, homosexuals, queer people, intersexuals etc.) need to define them into a fixed subjectivity or identity to see their claims acknowledged by the rest of society? And even if we talk about hybrid figures like cyborgs or organic hybrids (human-…

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Cultura, ideologia, filosofia. Riflessioni su Gentile e il Fascismo

This essays tries to analyze the relationship among the concepts of ideology, culture and philosophy when applied to the Italian fascist period. Particularly focusing on the role of Giovanni Gentile in the edification of a nationalist philosophical culture in Italy, the essay reveals the conceptual grounds of the notion of Homeland in the fascist culture.

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Soggettività e Autocoscienza. Prospettive storico-critiche

Panoramica storico-critica sulla relazione tra le nozioni di soggettività e autocoscienza dall'epica omerica alla filosofia greca e moderna fino all'ermeneutica contemporanea ed alle scienze cognitive

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Towards a multidisciplinary foundation of Ontology

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Costruire il consenso

The volume contains proceedings of the International Conference "Costruire il consenso", held in Palermo in 2015. Contributions span from the use of consensus in ancient rhetoric to the analysis of the technology of power in modern and contemporary age.

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Understanding Matter. Volume I. Perspectives in Modern Philosophy


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The Ontology of Matter. Epekeina vol. 6 n. 2/2015

How do we experience matter? Does it present itself to the senses? Or is it only an empty substratum that cannot be grasped if deprived of all sensible qualities? Is it perceived as a continuum, or rather intellectually reconstructed through mental and logical forms? Or is it that the very idea of a continuum is itself the outcome of mental abstraction? The nature of matter has been a central issue for philosophy since its inception. The constant oscillation of ancient thought between ma er as indeterminateness that does not have a concept and does not even properly exist - and matter as a principle that allows one to think plurality and otherness, that reaches even into the realm of the in…

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