Me Candela
Mesoangioblasti di topo producono e rilasciano nello spazio extracellulare vescicole di membrana contenenti MMP9 e FGF2 in forma attiva
Shedding of membrane vesicles containing HSP70 and FGF-2 from A6 stem cells.
Cellule staminali A6 di topo producono vescicole che contengono HSP70 e FGF-2
Intracellular and extracellular Hsp70 in mouse mesoangioblast stem cells
Mouse mesoangioblasts release Hsp70 in a controlled manner through membrane vesicle shedding
Mesoangioblaststs (Mabs) are mesodermal stem cells associated with vessels which can differentiate into different mesoderm cell types. They have the property to cross endothelial barrier and when injected into circulation they localize into damaged tissues. A6 cells, a clone of mouse Mabs, express Hsp70 protein in physiological conditions and this synthesis may be required to answer to several intra- and/or extra-cellular needs. It was found that Hsp70 may be released outside from several type of cells, but its role remains still undefined. In order to clarify the reason of Hsp70 constitutive expression, we prepared several A6 clones with different levels of Hsp70 expression by stable RNA i…