E Oliveri
On the improved current pulse method for the dynamic assessment of thermal diffusive properties
TAZZA test section. Status of the research activity at the DIN
The Mediterranean Sea acts as a miniature ocean with the development of its own conveyor belt. It constitutes an ideal location to study and forecast how the marine environment responds to rapid climatic change. Here we present a palaeoenvironmental study carried out on the sediments of ODP Site 963, recovered in the Sicily Channel, the sill which divides the western from the eastern Mediterranean basin. We focused on the transition between the penultimate glacial (MIS 6) and the last interglacial (MIS 5), between approximately 130 and 115 kyr BP. A novel approach is proposed, taking into account centennial-scale geochemical data on major elements, selected trace elements, and yttrium and R…
Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury (Hg) in polluted marine environments
Mercury (Hg) is emitted in the atmosphere by anthropogenic and natural sources, these last accounting for one third of the total emissions. Since the pre-industrial age, the atmospheric deposition of mercury have increased notably, while ocean emissions have doubled owing to the re-emission of anthropogenic mercury. Exchange between the atmosphere and ocean plays an important role in cycling and transport of mercury. We present the preliminary results from a study on the distribution and evasion flux of mercury at the atmosphere/sea interface in the Augusta basin (SE Sicily, southern Italy), a semi-enclosed marine area affected by a high degree of contamination (heavy metals and PHA) due to…
On the thermal conductivity of a single size beryllium pebble bed
Una ricostruzione dell' ordine sequenziale delle deformazioni nel margine settentrionale della Sicilia e implicazioni sismotettoniche.
The Iter Divertor Vertical Target Dummy Armor Prototype. Theoretical and Experimental Thermal-hydraulic and Thermo-mechanical Study
Evoluzione di sistemi deposizionali di piattaforma continentale durante il Pleistocene superiore - Olocene: analisi sedimentologica di due carote prelevate nel Mar Tirreno Meridionale
E’ stato condotto uno studio sedimentologico di due carote prelevate nell’offshore della Sicilia settentrionale allo scopo di analizzare i cambiamenti di regime deposizionale verificatisi nel Pleistocene superiore - Olocene. Sulle due carote, provenienti dal Golfo di Termini Imerese (2,74 m di lunghezza, profondità -126 m) e dalla Baia di Carini (1,35 m di lunghezza, profondità -194 m), sono state anche eseguite analisi geochimiche e micropaleontologiche. Da un punto di vista granulometrico in entrambe le carote si può notare che la parte inferiore è principalmente costituita da una granulometria grossolana (ghiaia, ghiaia sabbiosa) che passa ad una granulometria di tipo argillo-siltosa nel…
Fusion pebble bed thermo-mechanical modelling. Status of the research activity at the DIN
A Thermo-Mechanical Constitutive Model of the Lithium Orthosilicate and Beryllium Pebble Beds. An Application on the Thermo-Mechanical Study of the Smarts Mock-Up of the ITER Fusion Reactor Breeding Blanket
Thermomechanical analyses of the DEMO-HCPB TBM medium scale mock-up to be tested in the HE-FUS3 facility
Fusion pebble bed thermo-mechanical modelling. Final report A. Status of the research activity at the DIN
Experimental investigations on the thermal conductivity of packed pebble beds by the current pulse method
Fusion pebble bed thermo-mechanical modelling. Final report B. Coupled thermo-mechanical analyses in presence of volumetric heat sources
Behaviour of Zr/Hf and Y/Ho ratios during transition between seawater column and deep-sea brines
Fusion pebble bed thermo-mechanical modelling. Final report C. Uncoupled thermo-mechanical analyses with creep models
(Table 1) Geochemistry of ODP Site 160-963 sediments
The Mediterranean Sea acts as a miniature ocean with the development of its own conveyor belt. It constitutes an ideal location to study and forecast how the marine environment responds to rapid climatic change. Here we present a palaeoenvironmental study carried out on the sediments of ODP Site 963, recovered in the Sicily Channel, the sill which divides the western from the eastern Mediterranean basin. We focused on the transition between the penultimate glacial (MIS 6) and the last interglacial (MIS 5), between approximately 130 and 115 kyr BP. A novel approach is proposed, taking into account centennial-scale geochemical data on major elements, selected trace elements, and yttrium and R…