C. Genovese
La figura controversa del restauratore siciliano Francesco Valenti viene indagata attraverso due casi d'intervento (Cattedrale e Casa Professa di Palermo), l'uno progettato, l'altro attuato; rivelatori, entrambi, della continuità della sua posizione lungo il novecento, caratterizzata da intenti ripristinatori di immagini ideali dei monumenti oggetto del restauro. Nonostante il proseguire del dibattito nazionale ed europeo sul restauro e pur dicendo di aderire alle idee della scuola italiana di Giovannoni, nei fatti la prassi operativa degli interventi del Valenti rimane profondamente segnata dalla sua formazione originaria
Sistemazione in situ o musealizzazione dei frammenti architettonici: problemi di conservazione dopo il terremoto di Messina del 1908
After the big earthquake of Messina in 1908, a lot of important fragments of the ancient city, coming from destroyed palaces and churches, were transported in a open space near the ancient church of SS. Salvatore, where in an old silk factory was born the actual Regional Museum of Messina. The arrangement of those elements - as Marble sculptures, big fragments of architectural decorations, stone portals - was long debated and different architects, art historians and archaeologists produced ideas and projects about the costruction of a new museum and the arrangement in open space of many fragments, so important to maintaining the memory of the ancient city of Messina, destroyed by the earthq…
COVID-19: opinions and behavior of Italian general population during the first epidemic phase
Background and aim: On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that Chinese health authorities had identified a new coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans, the 2019-nCoV later redefined SARS-CoV-2, that still today represent a public health problem. The present survey started on 10 February 2020 with the aim of a) assessing the risk perception in healthcare workers and young students, following the evolution of attitudes, perception and knowledge over time, b) provide useful information to the general population during survey. Results: A study sample consisting of 4116 Italian in-dividuals of both sexes was enrolled. High levels of risk perception, low perc…
Trend of MDR-microorganisms isolated from the biological samples of patients with HAI and from the surfaces around that patient.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) continue to be a major public health concern. A number of epidemiologically relevant HAI microorganisms are multidrug-resistant (MDR) germs that can spread rapidly and/or carry multiple resistance to antibiotics. They are the cause of high mortality and possible nosocomial epidemics. For this reason, we implemented microbiological surveillance acquiring samples from patients with HAI and environmental samples from the surfaces surrounding those patients. A retrospective study was carried out from January 2014 to December 2016 in two departments of the University Hospital in Messina, Italy: the Microbiology and the Hygiene Laboratories. A comparison was…