G. Frazzetta
Evaluating the efficacy of current treatments for reducing postoperative ileus: a randomized clinical trial in a single center.
AIM: Postoperative ileus has been considered an inevitable consequence of abdominal surgery. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of same treatments in resolving postoperative ileus in various surgical approaches. METHODS: A total of 360 patients underwent abdominal surgery, and was divided into four groups: videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparotomic colo-rectal surgery, laparotomic Hartmann procedure, laparotomic gastric surgery. In each group, patients received different postoperative treatments: chewing gum, olive oil, both, and water. Each group was compared with a control group. RESULTS: In patients who underwent videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy, median postoperati…
A 3D totally absorbable synthetic mesh in antireflux surgery: Gore Bio-A tissue reinforcement for hiatal hernia repairing
Introduction Hiatal hernia, defined as “transitory or stable dislocation of a part of the stomach in mediastinum through the diaphragmatic crura delimiting esophageal hiatus”. Its appearance presupposes anatomic anomalies or weakening of structures and mechanisms able to maintain esophago-gastric junction and stomach in the abdominal cavity [1]. Classically hiatal hernia was classified in four types using Hill’s classification: Type 1 hiatal hernia is associated with GERD in 50-90% of cases, in facts its presence gradually compromises esophago-gastric junction’s continence favouriting the backwater of acid secretion and its reflux in contact with esophageal mucosa during transient relaxatio…
Laparoscopic, three-port and SILS cholecystectomy: a retrospective study.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to compare the results of classic laparoscopic, three-port and SILS cholecystectomy. Materials and methods. We conducted a retrospective study of da- ta collected between January 2010 and December 2012 pertaining to 159 selected patients with symptomatic gallstones. 57 underwent lapa- roscopic cholecystectomy, 51 three-port cholecystectomy and 48 SILS cholecystectomy. We then compared the groups with respect to mean ope- rating time, intraoperative complications, postoperative pain, duration of hospitalization and final aesthetic result. Introduction The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy was carried out in 1987 in France by Philippe Mouret (1). The p…
Changes in surgicaL behaviOrs dUring the CoviD-19 pandemic. The SICE CLOUD19 Study
Abstract Background The spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease, profoundly impacted the surgical community. Recommendations have been published to manage patients needing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey, under the aegis of the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery, aims to analyze how Italian surgeons have changed their practice during the pandemic. Methods The authors designed an online survey that was circulated for completion to the Italian departments of general surgery registered in the Italian Ministry of Health database in December 2020. Questions were divided into three sections: hospital organization, screening policies, and safety profile of…
Laparoscopic management of adrenal tumors: A four-year experience in a single center
AIM: Today laparoscopy is considered the first choice treatment of many adrenal tumors, although its use is still controversial for large adrenal masses and incidentally found adrenal cortical carcinoma. METHODS: From January 2009 to February 2014 we performed 42 lateral transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomies. The indications for surgery were non-functioning adenoma larger than 4 cm or rapid growth and hormone-secreting tumor. The diagnosis was confirmed in all cases with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and also metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy if pheochromocytoma was suspected. In all cases we realized a complete preoperative hormonal study. We describe and ana…