A. M. Florena

Value of bone marrow biopsy in the diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia.

Background and Objectives. Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is a Philadelphia chromosome-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorder (CMPD) whose diagnosis, according to the Polycythemia Vera Study Group (PVSG) criteria, does not include histopathological data. The new WHO classification of CMPD has supplied new diagnostic guidelines which highlight the value of histopathology and facilitate a more precise differentiation of ET from reactive conditions and other CMPD. Design and Methods. Bone marrow biopsies from 142 adult patients diagnosed with ET according to PVSG criteria were evaluated using the new WHO classification. Megakaryocyte morphology and arrangement, amount of fibrosis and a c…

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Expression of apoptosis and proliferation regulating markers in OSCC

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Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mesocolon transversum.

Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is a rare and biologically aggressive tumor. Differential diagnosis must include cystic neoplasms of the pancreas (mucinous and serous cystoadenoma or cystocarcinoma), cystic lymphangioma or mesothelioma and retroperitoneal haematoma. Making the right diagnosis preoperatively may be often difficult, but MFH may be suspected when a huge retroperitoneal mass is found at imaging in elderly patients. We report a case of a primary abdominal MFH originating from the mesocolon transversum.

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Chronic inflammation causing spinal cord compression in human immunodeficiency virus infection

BACKGROUND: The incidence of central nervous system involvement has increased in the setting of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Although rarely reported, spinal cord compression, in the setting of AIDS, has been associated with primary lymphoma or opportunistic infections. CASE REPORT: The authors describe the case of a young man who was admitted to our institution with rapid and progressive paraplegia. Imaging studies revealed an extramedullary lesion compressing the spinal cord spanning 3 thoracic levels. Surgical treatment was performed, and the compressing process completely excised. Histologic examination of the lesion showed a chronic inflammatory tissue with many necrotic…

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CD27 distinguishes two phases in bone marrow infiltration of splenic marginal zone lymphoma.

Aims:  To investigate CD27 expression in splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL), an indolent low-grade B-cell lymphoma with constant involvement of the bone marrow, especially with an intrasinusoidal pattern. It is not clear if the neoplastic clone is composed of virgin or somatically mutated B cells. CD27 is reported to be a hallmark of memory B cells. Methods and results:  We evaluated 64 bone marrow biopsy specimens (BMBs) from 36 patients with SMZL for the expression of CD27. For comparison, splenectomy specimens of patients with traumatic splenic rupture or with SMZL were used. All BMBs showed lymphomatous infiltration. When located in the marrow sinusoids, neoplastic cells were CD27– i…

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Bilateral hairy polyp of the oropharynx.

AbstractHairy polyp of the nasopharynx is an unusual but well-recognized entity, generally presenting as a single mass at birth or in the first year of life. We describe the clinico-pathological features of a previously unreported bilateral hairy polyp in an adult and briefly discuss the pathogenesis of this condition.

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