C. Deneuil
Groupe de travail COLUMA Bourgogne Franche-Comté : analyse et cartographie de la résistance aux herbicides sur céréales
This working group made a survey and drew maps of herbicide resistances in cereal crops according to modes of action and weed species. These resistances concern mainly grass weeds but also one dicot weeds.
La nuisibilité directe des adventices en grandes cultures : quelles réponses nous apportent les essais désherbages ?
The direct harmful effect of weeds in field crops : what do herbicide trials tell us ? Weeds are plants whose undesirable qualities (“harmfulness") outweigh their desirable qualities (trophic resources). Few studies conclude that weeds do not affect crop yield. However, it is difficult to generalize since weeds compete with crops for resources and these resources are spatially and temporally variable. This study analyzed 110 herbicide trials (untreated vs. treated plots) performed in France from 1993 to 2015 on three major grain crops: winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and sunflower. Significant yield losses were found in 92% of wheat trials (average over all trials: -2.6 t/ha), 51% of wint…